Random test #4!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Random test #4!!!!!!!

Random test #4!!!!!!! :D:D:D

After much request, I have made another. :):) And to those of you who've never done it before, it's sort of self-explanitory. :)

Remember, use your first initial! (Kimmie and Willa can use their middle names, and anybuggy else can ask me if they want to use theirs!)  There might be some from earlier quizzes, so sorry!!! :)

1. Candy

2. Dessert (can you tell I need sugar??)

3. Animal

4. Dog breed

5. Cat name

6. Holiday (I know I've used that before, but try to think of new ones!)

7. School subject

8. Four letter word (AHEM...  Make it nice...)

9. Item found at a football game

10. Item found at a beach


MY answers:

1. Pez

2. PIE!!! :D:D:D [} [}

3. Parakeet

4. Pomeranian

5. Ummmm....  Poofie!! :D

6. Patrick's Day, St.

7. P.E.

8. Pear! :) I'm hungry!! :D

9. Players (like football players)

10. People.  Smart, no? :)

Like it?? :D:D:D

submitted by Paige
(March 31, 2009 - 5:26 pm)

1. Ring Pops

2. Royal Jelly

3. Rat

4. Rhodeisan Ridgeback

5. Rico

6. Ramadan

7. Reading

8. Roll

9. Raiders

10. Reuben K!

submitted by Reuben K
(April 1, 2009 - 4:34 pm)

Ah, Paige, you are so sweet!  I LOVE these tests!!!  :) 

1. Uh, that starts with an L?????  I don't know.  Does anybuggy know how to change "smarties" in to something with an "L"??  No, I don't REALLY have a fav candy, buuuuut... I'll just put something that starts with L, for all of these, unless it just happens to be my fav!!  :)  Licorice (YUCK) 

3. Locust.  (do bugs count?)  (Lion, if they don't)

4. Lab???  I don't know!!  I don't really like dogs!!  :)

5. Artichoke.  (hee hee, just kidding)  Lizzy

6. Well, I did this last time, but hey, it's my birthday, I have to put it!!!!  SAINT LUCIA!!!!!!!!  :)

7. Boy, I didn't read this very thoroughly.  If were supposed to put our favorites, you must be nuts.  School??  hee hee.  Does Latin count?

8. You're funny.  Love

9. FOOTBALL?  YUCK!!!!!!  (sorry, I REALLY don't like football)  (plus, I have NO idea)

10. Limpet?????  LOTS of sand?  Logs?  LARGE jellyfish?



Thanks!!!  :) 

submitted by Laura M, age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(April 1, 2009 - 7:12 pm)

I'll use the first letter of my real name.

Candy: Almond Joy

Dessert: Apple Pie

Animal: *blushes* *vowes to think of something later*

Dog Breed: ????

Cat name: Abby

Holiday: April Fool's Day!!

School subject: Algebra :P

Word: Alps (You know, like the Swiss Alps?)

Item found at foorball game: A football (Sorry, cheated on that one a bit)

Item found at beach: Aveno lotion :D

Sorry, I'm not good at thinking of answers for stuff like this...

submitted by Koffee
(April 1, 2009 - 9:21 pm)


Animal: Aardvark

Dog breed: Alaskan Husky!!


submitted by Koffee
(April 3, 2009 - 4:09 pm)

Oh, I hope I'm not using the same answers as Maggie!!! Sorry if I am!! :)

1. Milky Way bars

2. Milkshake!!

3. Mexican wolf

4. Maltese

5. Max

6. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

7. Math

8. Mine!!! :)

9. Meat (hotdogs/hamburgers)

10. Metal detectors :):)

submitted by MacKenzie
(April 2, 2009 - 11:05 am)

Yay! Another one! My middle name starts with a B, so...

1. Ben and Jerry's! I know its not candy, but it counts in my book! 

2. Baked apples

3. Bird

4. basenji

5. Buddy! Is that a cat name?

6. Birthdays?

7. Band

8. Bald

9. Bleachers? at some football games...

10. Beach ball 

submitted by Willa
(April 2, 2009 - 9:53 pm)

1. Hershey chocolate bar

2. Huckleberry pie
3. Hippopotamus
4. Havanese
5. Hesta
6. ???
7. History
8. Help
9. Helmets
10. Heat
Hey, this is cool!  Have any of you heard of Scattergories?  It's a really cool game that's a lot like this! :) 
I love Scattergories!
submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(April 3, 2009 - 6:32 pm)

SCATTERGORIES IS MY FAVORITE GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):) Actually, I got some of the things from there!!!  Speaking of which, I think I'll make another!! :):) 

submitted by Paige
(April 4, 2009 - 9:03 am)

6. Hanukkah

submitted by Paige
(April 4, 2009 - 9:03 am)

Yeah, Scattergories rocks!!!

Oh!  Right!  Hanukkah!  (Does that count?!)
submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(April 4, 2009 - 9:33 am)

My real name is Katie, so...

1. Kit-kats (even though I'm allergic)

2. Cake with picture of koala on it (even though I'm allergic too that, too)

3. Kookabara

4. ?

5. Kelly

6. Katie's birthday?

7. Kangaroo class! (learn how to be a kangaroo)

8. Kale (an herb)

9. Koala mascots

10. Kaleidoscopes

submitted by Ima
(June 21, 2009 - 7:30 pm)