Something that bothers
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Something that bothers
Something that bothers me
Admin, are there any official rules for what gets screened on Chatterbox? Because I've noticed that when I post something negatve, like, "I'm used to being misunderstood" (Too close to "No one understands me"?) it gets screened out, but when Ruby M. posted, "Like heck would I be doing a PSA", which is also negative, it got posted!
Also, I've seen people use multiple exclamation points, but one time I used multiple exclamation points and they were changed into a single period. Like when OTR said, "STOP FIGHTING!!!!!" I posted, "Fine!!! I give up!!!" It was changed to, "Fine. I give up."
I'm rather upset that some people are allowed to post things other people can't. Not that I think you're discriminating, Admin, but it's just...
Why can't you have official rules, so it's more fair?
We can't have a rule for every situation that may arrise and we don't have time to count punctuation, etc. What gets posted sometimes requires a judgment call by the Admin on duty. There are three of us and we don't always decide the exact same thing. I may reduce something that seems in excess, but I always try to maintain the intended meaning of the comment, within Chatterbox guidelines for suitability and respectability. If you're unhappy that something you think allowable was altered, try submitting at a different time of day when a different Admin may be on duty.
(March 9, 2016 - 7:52 pm)
Sorry about that- I haven't considered the word "heck" a curse word in many years. I try to censor myself or use funny "swears" (what the crumpet, etc.) but like everyone else, I do make mistakes. The admins have censored many things I have said over the years, but they always have good reasons for it.
Some topics are not allowed on the Chatterbox because they're simply inappropriate. In situations like that, it can be helpful to explain your motivation. Did you know that a couple years ago, it was a little bit of a controversy if ski lodge-style murder mysteries could be allowed? Some people feared it would be too violent, but after a first go at it, it proved to be more silly than violent, and now such things are commonplace. Crushes didn't used to be talked about much either, but now we have several threads on them and it's even okay to have a small bit of romance in RPs. I'm able to discuss some serious topics, like chronic illnesses, because I explain the purpose of the discussion. If you explain your reason for saying something, it'll allow the Admins to make a better judgment.
As a side note, you can talk about a bad day you had or ask for help, but constant negativity may get banned depending on how it's presented and the call of judgment the Admins make. Just some food for thought.
Moral of the story: The Admins are all pretty great and if we all act maturely, we can all get along.
(March 9, 2016 - 9:39 pm)
Oh! It's fine. You didn't have to apologize, I wasn't mad at you.
(March 9, 2016 - 10:25 pm)
Ah, but that's the heart of the problem. Maturity. I'd say most of us CBers are pretty mature, but the same cannot, alas, be said for everyone. And also, Ruby, I'd like to compliment you on your lack of misspellings and grammatical errors.
(March 12, 2016 - 6:19 pm)
Thanks, Scylla, although I can't tell if you're being serious about grammatical and spelling errors because I make hundreds of them constantly.
This is a place for 9-14 year olds, so it's not designed to be the pinnacle of maturity ("Ah yes, Scylla, have you submittd your taxes yet? My, my, one shouldn't procrastinate so!" "Ruby, there is hardly room to talk as I see you have yet to schedule a conference with the CEO about the recent decrease in the profit margin." "Fair enough. Let us make up with me sharing a nice recipe for yams and kale salad." "Thank you.") as that would be boring, but like all people, we all do experience some darker and more mature things in life. We're allowed to talk about them as long as it's within reason and if we all understand to adopt an appropriate mood.
It's great to be serious, and it's great to throw pie at one another, and there are different threads for both. That's one of the cool things about the Chatterbox.
(March 12, 2016 - 7:35 pm)
No, no, I was being serious. Scour as I might, I could find no flaw in your post! And in your fantasy example of a conversation, I would not appreciate your recipe for yams and kale salad as I have a long history with and am not partial to them, but would thank you nonetheless for the sake of politeness. And I'm far too young to have taxes. But still, that example was fun to read! And you spelled "submitted" wrong- ha! I think we'll be good* friends.
(March 12, 2016 - 10:34 pm)
I cracked up at that example. XD
(March 12, 2016 - 10:43 pm)
(March 9, 2016 - 10:12 pm)