Hi everyone!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
I am TheClumbsyUnicorn! I'm new to the Cricket Chatterbox, but I have been reading Cricket for some time now. I love Cricket, it's a very nice magazine.
A few things about myself are that I've got two left feet, I'm addicted to doodling, and I come from Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Way Up High (You've probably heard of it once in a lullaby).
Oh yeah, I also LOVE Broadway Musicals such as Les Miserables, Matilda, and Joseph.
I'm excited to meet all of you, and have a Happy New Year!
submitted by TheClumbsyUnicorn, age 12
(December 31, 2015 - 7:56 pm)
(December 31, 2015 - 7:56 pm)
Welcome to the CB, TheClumbsyUnicorn!!! Can I call you ClumbsyUnicorn?! ...Lots of people have joined in two days! I love your name, too. I'm Micearenice, the mouse-lover of the Chatterbox. I also like Wings of Fire, Warriors, writing books, talking, dreaming, planning, researching, doing homeschool, Christmas break, an---
[Mortif]: I'm Mortifero, which means deadly in Latin. You can call me Mortif. I'm Micearenice's alter ego (AE for short), and I represent her dark side... And we are very crazy. Well, most of us. I'm obsessed with Latin, also. If you have any Latin questions, ask me. Or ask them in Latin. Whichever.
[Me]: You can call me Mice if you want.
[Chip]: "Imkh!"
That means he's excited to meet you. He's my Captcha. CAPTCHAs are the thing you type in to make sure you're human, and some Chatterboxers adopt theirs. Mine is named after my mouse Nutmeg's son, Chip. He sadly died a month ago.
Anyway, I hope you have a great time here! Welcome to the CB!!!
(December 31, 2015 - 8:38 pm)
Hi Micearenice (and Chip)! Thanks for telling me about the CAPTCHAs. I think I'll name mine Tock (After Tock from the Phantom Tollbooth). He says hpfg. Aww, his first words! And yes, you can call me ClumbsyUnicorn. :)
(January 1, 2016 - 2:34 pm)
Hi, TheClumbsyUnicorn! Welcome to the CB! I'm going to try and put in some links to some helpful threads, but notice how I said try. I did this just about a day ago with a copy + paste maneuver and it didn't work! But anyway, I'm going to see if it works this time.
And here's another one:
I find that it is helpful to scroll down and read the replies, rather than only the original post, because sometimes the CBer (Chatterboxer) that created the post forgot something.
Good luck!
~Poetic Panda
(January 1, 2016 - 3:34 pm)
Hi Poetic Panda! Thanks for the helpful links, they did work. See you around! :)
(January 2, 2016 - 12:04 am)
Hey! I'm Over the Rainbow! I love Broadway too, and I'm currently the residing triple threat here, although there are tons and tons of theater lovers around!
Top! When you top a thread, it means you are bringing it up to the front page! Posts with only one comment strangely go to the back pages.
I hope to see you around!
(January 1, 2016 - 2:14 pm)
Hi! Pleased to meet you! Your location seems near to where I live, do dreams that you dare to dream really do come true? If they do come true, tell me if you see a short puffy guy wandering around. He's my pet Marshmallow, and tends to wander... and get lost.
(January 2, 2016 - 12:00 am)
Hi, Unicorn! Welcome to CB! Here are a few beginner's threads to get you going on Chatterbox lingo, which confused me for a while when I started out.
Anyway, *gestures around awkwardly* this is a haven for writers, readers, inventors, and all sorts of other people, but if you don't care for grammar, you probably won't do to well. We're all a little quirky here, and everyone is truly awesomesauce.
As for me, I'm Abigail S. I joined CB in the beginning of September, I love reading/writing, I've had stories published in a magazine, I dance, play soccer, am a devout Potterhead (In real life my personality and looks are weirdly similar to Hermione. My friend likes to say: "You have the looks, you have the brain, all you need is the British accent."), and... that's me in a (wal)nutshell! You can call me Abigail S, Abigail, Abi, but don't call me "A" because...
*Busts down door and throws confetti everywhere* That's ME! I'm Critic A, known as the Critic or A to save time, and I'm Abigail's MOSTLY sane (but not quite) AE! AE, by the way, is Chatterbox shorthand for Alter Ego, an alternate name and personality a CBer posts as. Of course, we all really know that we so-called AEs are much better than those boring old CBers, and
*Slams door in A's face*
You can't do that! I busted it down, remember?
Oh, yeah. I need to go fix that door. Bye, Unicorn! See you around!
Ookz: Bitz
(That's Ookz, our CAPTCHA. Bitz? Oh, drill bits! Abi will need some to fix the door. Bye!)
(January 1, 2016 - 2:54 pm)
Hi ClumbsyUnicorn! (cool name btw)
I'm Luna. Everyone here welcomed you to the CB!
Except Voldemort.
(January 1, 2016 - 3:41 pm)
Welcome to Chatterbox TCU! The land of writing and insanity!
Happy new year to you as well!
(January 1, 2016 - 6:47 pm)
To quote the Whether Man: "Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, to the Land of Expectations, to the Land of Expectations, to the Land of Expectations!" Except, you know, for the Chatterbox. Welcome! I'm Sydney.
Also, you are right, Broadway is amazing. Matilda, in particular, as well. We are revolting children!
Well, someone else has already posted the welcome thread links, so I advise that you read those. And, once again, welcome!
(January 1, 2016 - 6:55 pm)
Hi The ClumbsyUnicorn!!! Welcome to the Chatterbox! If you have any questions please ask! We don't bite! Mostly because this is online and you can't really bite someone through the computer, but even if it werent we don't bite! (I don't think that made any sense!)
Anyway, I also like Broadway musicals and I'm performing in Mary Poppins with a local studio in two weeks! Which is really close! I'm super nervous and excited!
Again welcome and I hope you enjoy yourself!
(January 1, 2016 - 10:16 pm)
Hi, ClumbsyUnicorn! I love your name! Welcome to the chatterbox. Like Regina said if you have any questions just ask.
I'm Horse Spirit Girl, as you can tell from my name I love horses ( I also ride them). Broadway shows are the best thing in the galaxy. I'm in love with the new B-way show Finding Neverland. Cheek out the music on youtube, so inspiring and emotional. I act, sing, dance, read and write music. I LOVE Han Solo.
Once agian, welcome to CCB glad you're here!
(January 1, 2016 - 10:42 pm)
Hi TheClumbsyUnicorn! Welcome to the land of readers, writers, artists, athletes, singers, musicians, actors/actresses, and more! I'm Dragonrider. I love skiing and dragons and turtles and reading and a whole lot more! I have an AE named Turgon, but I don't use him all that much. I hope you like it here and figure everything out quickly. I've got to go, so hi and bye!
(January 2, 2016 - 9:06 am)
Hi ClumbsyUnicorn! I'm balletandbow, the crazy Star Wars Nerd Supreme! Oo, I like that! Anyway... I have two AEs, though one of them will probably be retiring soon-
What?!?!?! Who is retiring? IT BETTER NOT BE ME!!! Mark my words, if it's me I'll [This section has been edited by balletandbow due to it's violent and rude nature]!!!!!
No, it's not you. That was BABTMP.
No, my name is not BABTMP! It is BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil, and you know it!
Yeah, but I abbriviate it.
So, I'm the one retiring am I? PPPPPPIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*Spits pie out of mouth* Yes PSXtreme it's you. Chill out. You'll still be here, just not that much posting. Last introduction: this is Meox, my Capatcha
Nice. Bye!
(January 2, 2016 - 11:08 am)
Greetings ClumbsyUnicorn. I am the TRUE Star Wars Geek Supreme. (Oh, by the way balletandbow, did you know Boba Fett survived the Sarlaac pit? It's true)
I am also The True Ringbearer, Comic Knowitall, Elvish friend (I can actually speak a little! Aiya mellon Clumbsyunicorn!) Legomaster, The Greatest Gamemaster of all time, and currently an Apprentice in District 13.
Anyhow, welcome to the league of awesomeness! And may the odds ever be in your favor.
(January 2, 2016 - 4:18 pm)