Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
I'm going to keep this short.
This is not an impersonator. I'm sorry. I don't want to make you feel bad, but I miss the CB I knew. This CB is just too fast for me. It feels crowded.
Brookeira, Masked Piester, and Baelfire.
submitted by Brookeira
(November 2, 2015 - 9:13 am)
(November 2, 2015 - 9:13 am)
I know how you feel, Brooke. I'll miss you. Just as I miss Danie. Just as I miss Noelle, Air, and all the dozens of others who have left me.
@the other remaining middlies
DONT LEAVE BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE THIS CB. I mean, yeah, it's fast and RPs survive approximately five days on the Inkwell (I'm not posting anymore RPs on it and only joining one RP at a time, max, because of that) but you remember the Oldies, who were leaving too, and how that was? Don't you wish some of them had stayed, really, truely, stayed. We have to persevere, and try to get to know this CB, and get used to it, and make it ours, too, instead of staying on the outer edges, whining about how fast and how there's nothing to relate too. SO MAKE THREADS YOU CAN RELATE TOO.
And, I know, homework, Nano, all that. But just... a few posts, a few comments, PLEASE. I miss you and I don't want anymore losses, anyone else leaving me.
I, for one, am detirmined to stay on the CB another half decade or so. I'm a stubborn one, I'm not letting the CB slip through the cracks.
(November 3, 2015 - 9:44 am)
Thank you, Indigo, for trying.
It seems all the oldies are leaving the new and middleis to forge for themselves.
If they want the old Cb back then they need to step up to the plate and teach those of us who know not what they speak of and yearn for.
(November 3, 2015 - 4:32 pm)
Thanks, you all. I may just take a hiatus for a month or so. I love you guys.
(November 3, 2015 - 10:38 pm)
We love you too! :D
Enjoy your hiatus, but don't forget about my story ;P
(November 3, 2015 - 11:12 pm)
(Sniffle) Ok, I know I am one of those new crazy CBers who only understands about two thirds of the social stuff around here, but please don't go! I haven't ever been in an RP with you or anything, but from all the other comments I can still tell you've been in some AWESOME stuff. So, if you're still checking this thread this is my message:
I wish you wouldn't go, but if you do anyway thank you sooo much for helping to make the CB what it is today.
balletandbow, The Dutiful Poet, BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil, and Meox
P.S. Yes if anybuggy is wondering, I am The Dutiful Poet.
(November 16, 2015 - 11:39 am)
I'll really miss you. I consider you a top CBer, one of the best ever. You (and your AEs) hold the Chatterbox together. Your beautiful writing and polite manner are SO admirable. I don't think the CB is too crowded. Often I feel the opposite, like there is too much space and not enough people to fill it up. I also find it a bit fast, but we have to make do with the way it is. I'm sorry if I'm one of the newcomers who's forced you to leave. I need you here.
(December 5, 2015 - 8:53 am)