Why hello there!I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Why hello there!I

Why hello there!

I seem to be a little lost. I am a seller of cream puffs and coconut pies (I also sell scissors, muffins, broomsticks, time machines, and purple polka-dotted trombones, but that's beside the point).
What was I saying? Oh yes. I was wandering around cyberspace in my car with my ware, but it broke down and now I'm seem to be stuck here. Oh look, a sign. It says... hmm... Chatterbox.
All righteo, I'm in the Chatterbox. Whatever that might be. While I'm here, would you mind helping me fix my car? For it to opperate properly, I need...
-One strand from a woman's beard
-A tissue used by a rhinocerous
-Two pink striped chicken tenders
-A photograph of the Loch Ness monster
And, hardest of all...
Oh... this will be impossible, I doubt you've ever heard of one, but...
-A pancake.
As you collect these items, would you mind telling me about your adventures to find them? I would love to hear them. Also, would you like to buy a cream puff or a coconut pie? (Or scissors, muffins, broomsticks, time machines, or a purple polka-dotted trombone.) 
Toodles! Please help me!
P.S. You can also try to guess who I am!!! BWAHAHAHAHA! 
submitted by The Cyber Merchant, age IDK, The Chatterbox!
(September 25, 2015 - 8:33 pm)


I'm still stuck here. *Wiggles in rope*

I can't stay here forever! They don't give me anything to eat except shreaded wheat! You only have to recite the four directons to know not to eat that! 

submitted by Cyber Merchant
(October 8, 2015 - 8:24 pm)