I've been thinking.
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
I've been thinking.
I've been thinking.
What a suprise.
I've been thinking about my alter ego. Yup, my alter ego. I'm getting an alter ego. You see, there are parts of me that I don't...like, really. My resentfulness. My self-diminishing thoughts. My temper and snarky coments. These parts of me are what I think should become my alter ego. The silly, fun loving part of me...that won't be my AE. That will stay OtR. OtR, silly and fun-loving and overdramatic. But those parts of me that I don't like are....
Princess Icicle!
Princess Icicle is actually a character I sometimes pretend to be. At my school the snow from the black top is pushed to 2 sides which create tall, icy 'mountains'. I scurry from hill to hill, sliding on ice and hopping over little nooks. And I slide down. I was the ruler of it all, a ninja -like girl with a strange personality who was unloved by her subjects, and who had one faithful sidekick. I often felt very isolated, but the game was fun all the same. And sometimes I would play it with other people.
I'm going to see how haveing an AE works out. If I like it, I'll keep her. If I don't I wont.
Princess Icicle: Of course you're going to keep me! You're going to absolutely love me!
We'll see about that.
(July 31, 2015 - 2:27 pm)
Hello, welcome.
Maybe you know who l am maybe you don't. l am Shadow Dragon's very sarcastic alter ego. l am neither crazy nor hyper. l leave that to my counterpart.
You mentioned something about sidekicks. Maybe Princess Icicel is in need of one......*Coughcoughpersonwhoiswritingthiscoughcough*Oh dear, it seems like l have a cold....... .
(July 31, 2015 - 3:57 pm)
Umm, I think that she is sort of like my sidekick now--
Princess Icicle: Or maybe she is mine!
I don't think she needs a sidekick, sorry. But of course you could be friends!
Princess Icicle: Yeah, I suppose I could settle for that. ** Big sarcastic smile**Hurls a snowball in my face**
So yeah, she is basically the mean, negative part of me. and did I mention that she is a Waterbender, my lifelong dream?
(August 1, 2015 - 6:16 am)
Yes! Friends!
l don't mind cold or snow 'cause l'm an Arctic shapeshifter.
(August 2, 2015 - 2:36 pm)
(July 31, 2015 - 4:00 pm)
(July 31, 2015 - 6:21 pm)
Welcome, Princess Icicle to drumrollllll please!...... *5 minutes later* .... Yeah, ok, whatever, forget the drumroll as I was saying, Welcome to the wonderful place called th-
Dragonrider: *facepalm* that's Turgon, he's my mythical Dragonturtle that is absolutely crazy annnnnd.... *whispers* maybe should never have been made....
Turgon: WHAT did you just say???!!!
Dragon: He also has a knack for hearing every single thing that I've ever said that wasn't meant for him to hear. But anyway, AS I WAS SAYING, Welcome to this wonderful place called The Chatterbox, Pricess Icicle. It is a wonderful place where CBers are murdered in ski lodges, run around laughing like maniacs and decapitating Barbie dolls (not mentioning any names coughcoughBHRcoughcough. Oh dear, I do believe I am coming down with something, maybe I should lie down for a bit), and get a little too much sugar rush. Just enough to become invincible and run through the city with an army of crazy followers, shouting THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA!!! At the top of their lungs. Pretty normal place if you ask me.
Wait a second, there were no interruptions, that can only mean one thing......
Turgon- Ummmmmmmmmmm.............. Dragon.... I hope you didn't like that antique China tea set that you inherited from your great-great-great grandmother.
Dragon: Oh, I liked it all right... *steam pours out of ears*
Turgon: and this is when I'm supposed to run out of the room screaming at the top of my lungs................... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
(August 1, 2015 - 9:36 pm)
Mmm, yes. And your turtle-dragon-thing? Does he have rabies?
(August 2, 2015 - 12:08 pm)
Shifting: *examines nails and completely ignores Princess Icicle*
Volcano: HIIIIIIIIII!!! *sets on fire*
Somebody: Volcano...
Volcano: *sighs* *puts out fire*
Somebody: Thank you. Princess Icicle, it will certainly be... interesting to have you around. And don't take them personally, they do that to everyone.
Shifting: *looking up from nails* *glares* I'm sorry, but the position of Annoying Cruel Alter Ego has already been taken... ice pop.
Somebody: Shifting! The CB has room for two! (Hopefully...)
(August 2, 2015 - 10:45 am)
Am I annoying? Really? **Mock dismay** I had no idea.
(August 2, 2015 - 4:33 pm)
Masked: HEYA! Do you wanna try some purple Mountain DEW?
Brookeira: As a Druid of the Ice Realm, I can warn you that that is poisonous hallucinatory liquid.
Masked: YEAH??? Well I'M the AE QUEEN! DRINK IT!
Bae: uh maybesheshouldn'tbutmyopiniondoesn'tmatter.
Brookeira: It does, Bae. MP, you aren't the Queen. We told you that.
MP: Yeah I am, peasant!
Brookeira: (sighs) Anyways, welcome to the chatterbox!
(Volcano screams in distance)
(August 3, 2015 - 8:52 am)
Shifting: You can stop screaming now.
Volcano: ....AAAAAAAAAAA...
Shifting: Really?
Volcano: ....AAAAAAAAAAA...
Shifting: Volcano? *waves hand in front of Volcano's face*
Volcano: *expression doesn't change and acts as if she doesn't register Shifting* ...AAAAAAAAA...
Shifting: Volcaaaaaaanooo? *stops waving hand in front of her face* I think you broke her...
Volcano: ...AAAAAAAAH!!!
Shifting: Thank the gods.
Mysterious voice: Yeah, everyone know's you're dating Devil Owl...
Shifting: *summons non-corporeal wall and bangs head on it*
(August 4, 2015 - 3:19 pm)
Welcome, Princess Nicepickle, to the wondrous land of the Chatterbox!
I'm Spyro, a sarcastic, cynical--
[HAB] Constantly hungry!
---purple dragon.
[HAB] Seriously, though. You ate everything in the house. What is wrong with you? Now I have to go buy more.
This is what I deal with every day, not to mention the nonstop Portal songs.
ANYWAY, we don't have any ice mountains here, but I think you'll like it here. So glad you could join us, because THAT'S just what we need, more people.
[HAB] Spyro! Be nice!
That word is not in my vocabulary.
Wow, okay Dolphin. I can't even repeat what you said. Having a bad day?
(August 3, 2015 - 8:34 am)
Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist.
(August 3, 2015 - 3:40 pm)
Look at me still talking when they're science to do. When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you.
[Spyro] NO NO NO NO NO. THAT IS ENOUGH, JUST STOP IT. And stop encouraging him, Somebody!
You can't tell me what to do! There is research to be do--
(August 3, 2015 - 8:34 pm)
--ne for the people who are STILL ALIVE!!!
Shifting: That's offensive!
Oh, shut up for once. And believe me I am STILL ALIVE!
(August 4, 2015 - 11:52 am)