Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Thanks for clicking, because this is really important.
It's time we did something like this. We should gather the basic info about EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS POSTED AT LEAST THRICE! I think they should count as an oficial CBer.
This way, if you are blanking out on names and ages and such, you can look at this page and hopefully the person you want to know about has filled out the form! This seems like a really handy tool for CBer picturing as well. Just handy in general.
Just fill out this form!
Approximate date of first post:
Status (Newbie, older newbie, middie, oldie):
Other CBers who you have met in person:
As much info on your location as you are willing to give:
Alter Egos (If applicable):
CAPTCHA name (If applicable):
Here is my filled out form!
Name: Over the Rainbow
Nicknames(s): Over, Rainbow, OtR
Age: 11 1/2
Approximate date of first post: March...5? 2015
Status (Newbie, ETC.): Older Newbie
Other CBers who you have met in person: None
As much info on your location as you are willing to give: Greater Boston Area, MA
CAPTCHA name (If applicable): Toto
Please fill yours out!
(July 6, 2015 - 7:19 pm)
Name: TARDISrider
Nickname(s): Rider
Age; 982
Approximate date of first post: ...
Status: Probably Older newbie
Other CBers you have met in person: I have a suspision about Cloudy Dweller and Rose Bud, I think I know them, but what they say seems really different from what they would say in real life. But then again, some people take on a whole new personality when they're at a keyboard.
As much info as you are willing to give: Sorry, I vowed to my parents that I would remain shrouded in mystery.
Alter Egos: Don't have any.
CAPTCHA name: Taxicab
(July 27, 2015 - 4:17 pm)
Wait, wait... you think you know me? My name is Abigail and do say different things on here than I would say in real life.
(July 28, 2015 - 10:46 am)
Oh, sorry. No, I don't know anybody named Abigail. In that case, I don't think I know anybody on here.
(July 30, 2015 - 9:45 am)
What about Cloudy Dweller? She um... looks like a very tall elf.
(July 30, 2015 - 10:48 am)
No, I don't think I know anybody who looks like an elf. Sorry about that.
(July 31, 2015 - 2:20 pm)
@SHADOWDANCER, Cool! I live in Georgia to!
(July 29, 2015 - 3:08 pm)
I was born in Georgia, and lived there exactly twelve years.
(July 29, 2015 - 5:28 pm)
Wow. I am late. But since I have recently come back and none of the newbies know me, I'll do this anyways.
Name: Madeline
Nicknames(s): Maddie
Age: Fourteen
Approximate date of first post: Um... at least three years ago? I think? Maybe two and a half? Or maybe three...? I honestly cannot remember.
Status (Newbie, older newbie, middie, oldie): Oldie
Other CBers who you have met in person: Ha. I wish.
As much info on your location as you are willing to give: The Cheese State, which is fairly uneventful except for the fact that we get blue moon ice cream!
Alter Egos (If applicable): What is this talk about alter egos all of a sudden? I don't remember us oldies talking about these at all. Anyone care to catch me up?
CAPTCHA name (If applicable): CAPTCHA is simply CAPTCHA.
(August 5, 2015 - 3:54 pm)