Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



These are problems that can't really happen. (kinda like fictional problems). But there's a catch! Every problem has something you CAN'T do, and like fictional problem threads, you only have a few items.

For example, I could say: Help, giant Gherkins are banging on my door and I only have shampoo, cheese, and pie, but I can't smush the pie in their face. What do I do? (answer that!)

submitted by Luna, age 11, Hogwarts
(May 1, 2015 - 5:10 pm)


Put on the clown suit and drizzle the honey over the popcorn. Then wave the popcorn around in the air so that the kittens will smell it and put it on the grouund outside of the bouncy house. When the kittens go to eat the food, write a message to the WORLD (not the kittens, the WORLD) that says: WARNING KEEP BACK AT LEAST 100 FEET!!!! You can then walk away and do whatever you want with the paper airplane.

HELP! I'm being chased by a group of satyrs that accidently drank a love potion and I was the first person they saw afterwards. Now they love me even more than tin cans, and they're riding the fastest bikes I've ever seen. All I have is a mug of hot cocoa, a roll of scotch tape, 2 lemons, and a credit card. I'm hiding in a dark alleyway but I only have so long until they find me........ AHHHH HERE THEY COME!!! HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPP!!!!!!!

submitted by dragonrider
(June 1, 2015 - 5:07 pm)