Gifted kids?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Gifted kids?

Gifted kids?


I'm gifted and it's rough. I don't always understand things, because they aren't worded in the most logical way. On this one standardized test, I got a B- because they used a "Best answer" system instead of having ONE correct answer. I see things differently. I used to doodle because class bored me, but I overcame that habit (mostly. Not perfect yet). I often slump, or find myself falling asleep. Fortunately I only fell asleep once.

So are there any other gifted kids? I might say who I am if there are. Sure, you can make guesses. Don't feel shy.

submitted by I don't want to , sound vain
(April 14, 2015 - 5:51 pm)

Wow, SC, I'm sorry. Really. I didn't realize that anything I wrote seemed boastful. It wasn't intended to be. That's one of the last things I meant for it to be. I think Brookeria wrote the thread so people with similar problems could rant about them. I'm pretty sure that nobody was trying to seem smarter than anbody else, but I can of course only speak for me.

I really get the whole "result instead of effort" thing. My least favorite class is art, just because it's graded for effort, and that means finishing it and not  completely failing to do it "correctly" But I'm such a stupid perfectionist that I'll start a project, hate it, and do it over ten times then never finish it. 

I think  have the opposite problem as you. I can't accept that I (sorry if it semslike bragging here) have any ounce of intelligece. I'm willing to accept that  other people are smarter than me, and I  tend to think it's true with everybody. I have lost most of my self-confidnce, have no methods of studying availale when needed, and I am hated by 95% of the people in my school.

Let's go eat some ice cream for stress because ice cream is good and stressed is desserts backwards! 

submitted by S.E.
(May 26, 2015 - 5:28 am)

SAVVY and I both experienced the same thing in gifted program yesterday, and it was hilarious. A 1st grader was really funny. It's hard to explain what happened, but I really wish I could tell you.

submitted by GlitterLover101
(June 3, 2015 - 10:33 am)

I love funny stories when I'm stressed, so pretty please explain!

submitted by S.E.
(June 3, 2015 - 8:53 pm)

I totally understand. I'm considered weird by my people because I like humans. And live on Earth. And for a living, I ride dragons. ➕, I hatched in moonlight after undergoing a ritual, an enchantment. So I look weird. Who cares! Anyway, I love this webpage 'cause u all just think I'm another kid messing around. Love ya!

submitted by Believe R., age 6,597, Never Never Land
(June 9, 2015 - 5:46 pm)

I don't know if I'm gifted or not, I've been homeschooled since first grade, have pretty much no friends, and no life. Sorry if I sound dramatic, but we never go, or do, anything. At least I have the chatterbox. - Half smile -

submitted by Wren, The tree outside
(June 12, 2015 - 6:37 pm)