Hello I am
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Hello I am
Hello I am new on CB. I am extremely little; that is why my name is Mr. Dwarf. I like to write science fiction. I also play the drums. Lastly, I make really corny jokes.
submitted by Mr. Dwarf, age 10, The Hole
(March 23, 2015 - 4:59 pm)
(March 23, 2015 - 4:59 pm)
Welcome! I'm Horse Spirit Girl. I LOVE the Harry Potter books! Draco Malfoy is the best charrie EVER!
Cappie says CHBX? Do you mean Cb?
(March 23, 2015 - 8:04 pm)
Corny joke contest!
Didja hear about the karate champion who joined the army?
Agent: what about him?
Somebody: Oh, I hear it was really bad. First time he saluted, he nearly killed himself.
DNA: *rimshot (budum tsss)*
Agent: *groans*
Something actually important: do zombies eat donuts with their fingers?
Somebody: No. They usually eat their fingers separately.
DNA: *rimshot*
Agent: *groans*
Somebody: So the other day we had this subsitute. Big, tough, deep voice. Kinda like Mrs. Darth Vader. She was calling roll, and when she got to me she asked me, "are you chewing gum?" "And I said, "no, I'm ____ _____. "
DNA: *rimshot*
Agent: Have you been reading I Funny?
Somebody: One more, one more. So the other day I asked my English teacher, "why do I have to learn English? I'm never going to England!
Agent: *dies*
(March 23, 2015 - 8:27 pm)