Brooke E, I
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Brooke E, I
Brooke E, I am convinced that you are my long lost sister. FINALLY THERE IS SOMEONE HERE TO FANGIRL ABOUT TOM HIDDLESTON WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus you are a Tolkeinite and have actually read The Chronicles of Prydain. Sorry about the caps, but my only quarrel with the Chatterbox is that no one else is a Hiddlestoner.
He has long been my favorite actor, and I WISH he were in more films that I could see. He ROCKED Loki and his death scene in War Horse was just *faints dead away*. Plus he seems like such a nice fellow in real life and dances wonderfully. And he's enormously clever and has such a beautiful voice. I so wish I was in London to see him do Coriolanus.
Sorry about all that--but when I saw you liked him on the Crushes page I just shrieked. However, I'm not all that keen on Cumberbatch--though that might only be because I have not yet seen Sherlock.
(July 22, 2014 - 4:49 pm)
I LOVE Sherlock! Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor too, he did the voice of Smaug.
(July 22, 2014 - 7:11 pm)
He did Smaug pretty terrifyingly well.
(July 23, 2014 - 3:38 pm)
HELLO NEW SISTER!!!!!! Yay! I love ALL those things! any how..... EHEHEHEHEHE!
So who do you want, Loki or Legolas? BTW I use Loki as one of my CB names!
(July 23, 2014 - 3:44 pm)
Why do I need to choose? I'll probably go with Loki, though. Legolas is pretty cool but he doesn't really have an Elvish equivilent of that air of delicious villainly that Loki just exudes like nobody's business.
Have you seen Thor the Dark World yet? It is SO GOOD.
(July 24, 2014 - 3:56 pm)
YES! I am a huge Marvel fan! I waited AGES in line to see it! You saw the after credits scene right?!
LOKI LIVES!!!!!!!!!
(July 24, 2014 - 5:35 pm)
I thought that was you!
(July 24, 2014 - 4:04 pm)
Whoa, that looks really weird. I didn't mean to say that YOU live, I meant to say that I thought it was you that went under Loki.
(July 25, 2014 - 7:40 am)
I DID see the after-credits scene and thought it was completely bizarre.
I am so upset that there will be no Loki in Avengers 2. However, I cannot wait for Thor 3! WHAT HAPPENED TO ODIN?????!!!!!
(July 25, 2014 - 1:39 pm)
(July 26, 2014 - 10:23 am)