Tidbits of Probably
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Tidbits of Probably
Tidbits of Probably Not True Info on CBers ( But you never know! They could be)
Blonde Heros Rule has dark brown hair...
Joe the Stickfiddeler plays piano...
Melody can't sing...
Red and Ruby are twin gingers...
BookBug is afraid of insects...
Writing Warrior is afraid of sharp objects and doesn't like to argue...
Human simply isn't...
Moss is an indoor person...
Madeline is French...
Alice has rabbit phobia...
Katniss can't climb...
Idea has none...
More to come. Look for your name. None of these were meant to be offensive to the parties mentioned above. Enjoy!
submitted by Fire Eyes Phoenix
(July 14, 2014 - 10:55 am)
(July 14, 2014 - 10:55 am)
Actually, I get up at 7:45. Close though.
(August 2, 2014 - 9:17 am)
But Savvy said 6:00.... SAVVY!!!
(August 2, 2014 - 12:50 pm)
Someone do me!
(August 2, 2014 - 12:54 pm)
MapleSyrup is hates getting sticky.
MagicDragon is afraid of heights.
(August 3, 2014 - 11:17 am)
Lol so true I hate being sticky and dirty but ironically I don't mind mud!
Mitch says fxrm fx room?
(August 4, 2014 - 2:52 pm)
FEP loves Greek mythology
Magic Dragon hates dragons
Ellie has a long name
SAVVY44x's birthday is coming up
and T.O.N supposedly means something
Mitch says pkme ????
(August 4, 2014 - 2:56 pm)
It stands for "The Omnipotent Narrator", but the name bar won't accept as many characters.
(August 5, 2014 - 12:11 pm)
My name is 6 letters. Savvy's birthday is soon (it's only hours away!). I am telling everyone else, Maple.
(August 5, 2014 - 6:38 pm)
I love Greek mythology!!!! Especially Athena.... I wonder if I could be a halfblood?
(August 8, 2014 - 10:28 am)
I love dragons. I am a bit afraid of hights, though...
(August 4, 2014 - 11:18 pm)
do me do me do me do me do me
(August 7, 2014 - 5:47 pm)
@ Bookbug : You constantly have nightmares that you favorite book is being eaten by thousands of bugs .
Patchi says mecw . Don't you mean Meow ?
(August 18, 2014 - 7:48 pm)
Yes I do!
(August 21, 2014 - 9:22 am)
I did not expect that ! ( Although I can see myself dreaming that ) ...
Someone please do me !
(August 22, 2014 - 9:20 am)
Whoa, whoa. I did not write this. I wasn't even on the CB this day. Who did this? I mean, I think it's kind of rude.
(August 25, 2014 - 11:22 am)