Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
There are so many words in the world. Have you ever come across THAT ONE weird, questionable word that was just so different it made you stop in your tracks? I know I have. Maybe it was the way the word looked, menacing. Or maybe you like the way it clinks against the roof of your tongue when you say it. Maybe it's the way it's spelled. So what's your favorite word? Or maybe you just want to share a peculiar word you came upon one day....
I myself like Rendezvous, because of the French-ness and the way it's spelled, which means meet at an agreed time and place.
I also like Vacuum, because not a lot of people know that it's spelled with two 'u's. Perhaps it's because the 'u's are sucking you in...
submitted by Madeline, age 13
(May 1, 2014 - 3:27 pm)
(May 1, 2014 - 3:27 pm)
I like words like gum or gym just because they sound so cool. I also like the words "yonder", "doth", "thy", "thee", ex.
And there was this funny movie (was it a movie? I forget) where a guy kept saying et cetera over and over in this really funny accent, like ex-et-ter-ah. It was funny!
And the words that Rhoald Dahl makes up are hilarious. Like "scrumdiddlydumcios".
One more thing: ever puzzled the word gauged? It's written so you'd think it would be like gaoh-ged, but instead it's Gay-ged. I don't get it....
In The King and I (or Anna and the King) the King speaks/sings a song in which he says, "et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."
(February 11, 2015 - 6:54 pm)
You know, I'm pretty sure I did watch that movie... hm.
Clode says ooch. Are you hurt?
(February 15, 2015 - 8:22 pm)
Splendiferous. Fantastical. Wondrous. Naughty (long story, it's a song from Matilda). Imagination.
And now Zobo, because that's what the robot-tester-thingy said.
(February 14, 2015 - 1:47 pm)