ID guesses.M
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
ID guesses.M
ID guesses.
My guesses!
The other thread was becoming a bit long, so why don't we all come unmasked here? My guesses are that:
1. Virginia Rose is Grace
2. Katie is Kimberly
3. Anastasia Emilia is Laura
4. Rowena is BellaTrix
5. 123...I have no idea!
6. Paige is...h'm...I'm pretty sure she posted a secret identidy on here, but WHAT?
7 and beyond. The rest of them escape me. I have no idea as of now.
I am, of course, Lena G, the listaholic. That was fun! We should have another one! Now, of course, you all have to tell me who YOU are.
submitted by Nightingale, age 12, Italy
(February 14, 2009 - 8:13 am)
(February 14, 2009 - 8:13 am)
Oh, and it was REALLY HARD being 1,2,3......because I didn't use any smileys!:D:D:D That's why most of you had NO IDEA who I was!:):):):D:D:D
(February 14, 2009 - 9:40 pm)
I didn't ruin it this time! I didn't give away my identity! :D:D:D:D:):):):D:D:D:D
(February 15, 2009 - 5:29 pm)
I said my identity in the other thread, but I guess I'll say it here too, just in case.
I was, though no one guessed it, the mysterious Eilionwyn. It was really fun, this past week. I did give a clue in my posts, but nobuggy noticed it: On my second post I wrote a "poem", pretty horribly written, but the beginning letters of each line spell out my name. Here, I'll post it-
When will identities arise?
In between the words, say.
Lo, a clue: a sign!
Learn what you must say
And not give yourself away.
What intrigues me most is the fact that nearly all the regulars on the identities post have spoken up for their names... And Paige, whom I would expect to post a lot, hasn't. She posted as herself several times though. Hmmmmmm...
(February 15, 2009 - 10:52 pm)
He he... I was trying to figure out who Virginia Rose was so I set up an Anne of Green Gables thread on BaB to see if any potential fanatics showed up... But you, Grace, were smarter than I thought...!
(February 15, 2009 - 11:38 pm)
Hey, that was pretty clever!
(February 16, 2009 - 8:06 am)
Hmm... *wonders about a lot of things* did anyone know who I was? I'm not such a good actor... even in words! :D:D:D:D;):D:D:D
(February 16, 2009 - 11:16 am)
I knew that Dark Shadow was you Maggie. I got it from the MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D:D:D
(February 16, 2009 - 1:04 pm)
Yay for you!:):):):D:D:D
(February 16, 2009 - 3:18 pm)
For some reason, my computer won't let me view the comments on this page, so sorry I can't tell anybuggy if they guessed correctly!! :( But, anyway, I'm Jamala the Giraffe... That was really random of me... Sigh... :):)
(February 16, 2009 - 12:41 pm)
Poor Paige! :'(:'( You;re Jamala? I remember Jamala:D:D:D:D:):):):):D:D:D:D:):):):D:D:D
(February 16, 2009 - 1:59 pm)
Hee hee! :) i actually didn't see it though.... :). I think I did get some of you when I did my list of guesses! Kimberly, how were you so positive it was me?? Was it just from the hints I gave? (Green Gables, knowing Becka, guessesing you) - Well, not really hints, just saying stuff that I knew could give me away.
I've got a good idea! Next time we do this, Admin, could you guess who we are? I think that would be fun. (Only we'd have to be careful about posting with our fake identities at the same time as our real ones! :) )
(February 16, 2009 - 1:58 pm)
I got it from your hints, and because you were one of the first to post on the thread!:):):) It was so awesome!:):):)
(February 16, 2009 - 3:20 pm)
I think that the Admin would know who we are, because some computer stuff, like, they probably always knew I was Natasha N., etc, and because they post our comments. :)
(February 16, 2009 - 5:22 pm)
Me is Tookie. You guys figured that out, though. *sulks*
(February 17, 2009 - 11:34 am)
Hahaha!!! I was Anastasia Emilia. How come everyone thought I was Laura when Laura, in fact, was the one who guessed who I really was?????? That was so much fun.
(February 17, 2009 - 12:39 pm)