Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




submitted by MysteriousHood
(January 27, 2014 - 6:56 pm)

You all keep forgetting about this, leaving me unsupervised on three day winning sprees! Such fun...

But enough with the pleasantries! I’m winning! >:} 

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 24, 2024 - 2:35 pm)

Nope nope nope! No longer shall you sit on the winners throne! I'll have it now!

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 26, 2024 - 4:56 pm)

You think... heh. I’m winning!

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 26, 2024 - 7:02 pm)

But are you????

WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tongue out 

submitted by KatanaLuna
(July 27, 2024 - 9:47 am)

Yes, I do believe I am. Winning!

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 27, 2024 - 2:40 pm)


submitted by CelineBurning Bright, winning
(July 27, 2024 - 5:48 pm)

*cough cough*

submitted by Sempreverde, winning
(July 28, 2024 - 11:17 am)

*cough cough cough CHOKE AND GAG*

submitted by Hawkstar
(July 29, 2024 - 9:57 am)

@Verde and Hawkstar, my loyal subjects, thank you for your support of coughs---especially thank you to Hawkstar, who put so much time and effort into following my lead, you really didn't have to do that :) the rule of the cough queen will be forever!! The cough queen being me, of course. ;)

submitted by CelineWinningForever, my loyal cough subjects!
(July 29, 2024 - 12:50 pm)

Celine, thank you for holding the throne long enough for me to get back to this thread. I will now take over, if you don't mind. Or if you do mind, sorry, bc now I'm winning!!

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(July 29, 2024 - 4:34 pm)

Sorry, I believe you’re mistaken. Did you people wander in here because you were lost? You’re certainly not from here. All who live here know that Last to Post is dominated by its rightful leader, Sempreverde! Taking my throne back now, if you mind.

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 29, 2024 - 4:54 pm)

Uh, some weirdo just wandered in here thinking she's the leader or something... Security!

...Oh right I don't have security. Oh well, I'm winning now!
Addie says /gnrep/ Good night reputation? What's that supposed to mean? XD 
submitted by WildWolf
(July 29, 2024 - 10:14 pm)

Who are you? Security! *aardvarks run in and throw you into a black hole* 

Thank you. Now, if you don’t mind, taking my throne back now! Winning! 

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 30, 2024 - 6:05 am)

Excuse me! How dare you say you are the queen of this thread? I was the queen before you were? Ha! queen! Ha! Throne. Speaking of thrones, I'll take that back. Don't worry I'll take good care of it...FOREVER!  *Insert maniacal laugh*  >:3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Winning >:3
(July 30, 2024 - 10:03 am)

15 minutes ago by tea n tacos? NOT HAPPENING

submitted by WildWolf
(July 30, 2024 - 10:18 am)