Truth or dare.
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Truth or dare.
Truth or dare. We all know the game of truth or dare. So we can go on and ask someone on cricket truth or dare and then they will respond and then you can ask a question or dare them!
Red truth or dare?
submitted by Blue, Kanto
(April 16, 2013 - 10:19 pm)
(April 16, 2013 - 10:19 pm)
(April 17, 2013 - 5:41 pm)
What your favorit pokemon character 1 thats a boy anf one thats a girl and your favorite pokemon character.
(April 20, 2013 - 7:38 am)
Hmmm... This is hard. Well, let's see. Misty is awesome for many reasons. She also is really mean towards my poor fire types. Stupid Starmie and Water Pulse! And she's awesome in the show. I guess my favorite boy would be Paul. Haha. Paul is smart.
Oh, and I forgot about Pokemon Conquest! Nobunaga is the coolest unarguably (he's making up for Oichi's weakness) and Kunoichi is really strong. So is Ginchiyo, for that matter. I think I like Kunoichi better though.
(April 20, 2013 - 3:24 pm)
(April 17, 2013 - 9:28 pm)
Ruby M truth or dare?
(April 20, 2013 - 9:11 am)
Truth, truth, truth.
(April 20, 2013 - 3:25 pm)
Say an embarrassing secret. I won't and know one will say anything mean! Pokemon trainer promise.
(April 22, 2013 - 3:44 pm)
Techinically, you didn't say it had to be my secret. Therefore, I will pick one of Red's many embarassing moments. Don't worry, it's not that bad, Red!
So, about half a school year ago, Red was fooling around at lunch, as usual. I don't remember the conversation, but it ended up with Red kneeling on one knee with his arms out (as he was singing opera) and saying loudly, "Last night, as I reflected in my chambers, I came to the conclusion that I am a woman!" (This must be said with dramatic pauses.) Just then, five of our teachers walked by and stared at him oddly. Five. One wouldn't be so bad (we're always doing things that attract the attention of teachers. Once, my science teacher thought I said his name when I was saying "Sophie" in a fire demon voice.) but five. They all stared at Red oddly and said, "Really?"
(April 23, 2013 - 6:46 pm)
.....Sorry Red! I did not see that coming! Ok you all know you can truth or dare other people right. It does not have to be me either, but you can. What was I thinking saying that I don't want anyone to do that!.... Or do I? Oh ya so Red is a boy?
(April 24, 2013 - 5:52 pm)
You and your loopholes. I'm actually not that annoyed because it's hardly a secret and it's more funny than embarrasing.
But still. I will have my revenge. Truth or dare?
(April 24, 2013 - 6:43 pm)
DARE DARE DARE! No one else has done Dare so I will. Also thanks gollum for doing one.
(April 25, 2013 - 6:05 pm)
Oh, I meant getting revenge on Ruby. But by all means, if you really want to...
Draw a picture of yourself wearing a pair of underwear on your head. Post the picture here for all to see. (I'm not usre how to do that, but JDD is a master at posting pictures so ask him for help.) I suggest you wear a pair of underwear on your head while you draw the picture.
(April 28, 2013 - 1:23 pm)
WHAAAAT!! I don't know how. I'm sorry I would take the dare but I don't know how. I also want to keep my identity. So you will have to think pf another. Sorry again.
(April 29, 2013 - 10:01 am)
Oops. Never mind.
(April 29, 2013 - 10:03 am)
L, truth or dare?
(April 24, 2013 - 8:18 pm)