Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
This will be a randomness threa.
Am I the only CBer who knows what Chameleon Circuit is? If none of you know what Chameleon Circuit is then look them up.
Is SC still out there? Are any other Whovians out there?
The guy I like said he liked me in the note, then he said he didn't like me, then he said there had been a misunderstanding and he just liked me as a friend. Now I can't stop thinking about him. I've been friends with him since fourth grade. My friends said he isn't worth it if he can't admit that he likes me to the general public. But in the note he circled YES and wrote "Honestly" next to it. I think he meant that he does like me regardless of what he tells the general public, but I'm not sure. Help me!!!!!!!!!
(March 30, 2013 - 4:53 pm)
I'm truemi on the sight,and recognized your username when you asked to buddy me.I was wondering if you were the same person.
(April 13, 2013 - 5:18 pm)
I am Bang. My profile picture is the Dark Knight thing.
(April 19, 2013 - 2:47 pm)
I requested a Chameleon Circuit song on the radio but they didn't play it :(
Silence will fall and the Pandorica will open.
(April 18, 2013 - 8:03 pm)
Whovians are people who love Doctor Who.
Completely unrelated: On Instagram I've been totally beating up this girl over whether or not gay marriage should be legal and religious stuff too this girl is too religious I cussed her out hehe. If you have instagram look up imaginetoinfinity and look at the pic that says LOVE IS LOVE. Oh and do you guys think gay marriage should be legal.
(April 21, 2013 - 10:35 am)
We read this article in math class about cicadas and it said:
And they have a distinct “whee-oh, whee-oh” mating call. When encountered en masse, the sound could almost be mistaken for “a spaceship landing in your back yard,” Sorenson said.
I was like DOCTOR WHO REFERENCE and I had this really wierd grin. My birthday is tomorrow(Friday) and it will be awesome
(April 25, 2013 - 6:44 pm)
I'm going to get some Chameleon Circuit on my iPod because I have a $25 giftcard for iTunes yay! OMG I'm so scared. EOGs start Monday.
(May 18, 2013 - 8:35 pm)