Pics of stuff

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Pics of stuff

Pics of stuff

Hey-oooooo everybody! Before we left on the train, I took some pics of my room and belongings. So, now I'm posting them to the CB for everyone to look at!

First, my room, from one angle.

Now, my room from another angle!

These are my really cool leather shoes.

These are my really cool cloth shoes!

And this is my bookshelf, plus a little Darth Vader figurine. Vader is missing the stand that he comes with.

So, how does everyone like the pics?

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Chicago, not Chicago
(March 29, 2013 - 6:46 pm)

I have my own website domain and have no need of such accounts. Good for me!

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age Almost 14, Bowl of Goldfish
(April 3, 2013 - 7:27 pm)

Your rooms look awesome.:)  My room is not worthy of being posted online except for maybe my pride and joy of a bookshelf and the shelf hanging up next to my bed.

submitted by Melody, age 14, Hightower Hotel
(April 1, 2013 - 7:47 pm)

Behold! Random things!

My (very) messy desk. It's a wonder I get anything done. Note the plaque: "All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust." That book on top of the stack is Fuse! It's probably overdue by now.

Solo and Ensemble medals, because I am kinda awesome like that. The two on the right are Districts (both ones for my solo and quintet!) and the two on the left are from State (my quintet got a two, but my solo got a one, which I am quite proud of).

Bamboo. Because bamboo. And my neighbors' house in the background. Note the lack of any kind of leafy vegetation, even though it is April.

Because why wouldn't you challenge an Elmo balloon with a fake sword given the chance? And that cow balloon is creeping me out a little.



submitted by L
(April 2, 2013 - 3:11 pm)

Behold! Various things that can be found in my room!


art (1 of 7)art (2 of 7)art (3 of 7)art (5 of 7)art (4 of 7)

As you see, I have Cul-de-sac, Scott McCloud, AND Ungifted, which, by the way, is awesome.










Here is a thing of vanity I like to call my branded pen collection. I even laid them out on my floor so you could have a better view (as seen below). There's 48 of them. Almost to 50!












Book I just finished reading. Actually, I just grabbed it off the shelf. It was quite good, except Coyrn needs a few more flaws. He's practicly a flawless character, appart fom the fact that his parents are evil tritents.











Front of my door: More Cul-de-sac! Yay! I love Cul-de-sac!

submitted by Theo W., age 12, Corner
(April 2, 2013 - 5:41 pm)

Apparently some of your pictures are not coming through. You might want to try posting them again.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age Almost 14, Flunkin' FlunkSchool
(April 2, 2013 - 7:23 pm)

Nah, they're just all mooshed together at the top of the post.

submitted by L
(April 2, 2013 - 8:47 pm)

Yeah. Sorry 'bout that.

submitted by Theo W.
(April 3, 2013 - 8:15 am)

Can't post any photos, although I wish I could.

Cry X11,257

submitted by Sauron, Mordor, Middle Earth
(April 3, 2013 - 5:53 pm)

I see now how the pictures are all squished up. I have that Understanding Comics book too. Scott McCloud knows a lot of interesting things.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age Almost 14, Flunkin' FlunkSchool
(April 3, 2013 - 1:18 pm)

I love that book.

submitted by Gollum
(April 4, 2013 - 3:52 pm)