My Complaints
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
My Complaints
My Complaints
So, I am Magda.
I like dancing ballet, making collages, and playing my guitar.
I would like to say that ballet is NOT super girlish and other stuff that people think about it; it actually requires a lot of strength and is hard. But it is beautiful at the same time. That is why it is a kind of art. Art requires skill and is often pleasing to the eye.
I am homeschooled. One of the questions I hate is "what is homeschooling like?" What is regular school like? Do you want to answer that question honestly and describe school in detail, or do you want to answer with some vague adjective like "it's good, or fun, or okay." I would prefer to do neither.
Another thing I dislike is when my friends don't write back after I send them letters. Is everyone illiterate? Even worse is when they respond with an email or phone call (though that hasn't happened in a while)!
I hope that my complaints are heard (or rather, read).
P.S. You can comment w/your own complaints, if you'd like.
submitted by Magda S, age 12, The Universe
(February 17, 2013 - 4:33 pm)
(February 17, 2013 - 4:33 pm)
Totally agree 'bout the movie! I generally hated it, it was a TERRIBLE adaption. I don't know about everyone else, but they lost me as an audience member for the sequel, which is coming in September. Did you know Rick Riordan didn't bother to watch it? He said he didn't want it to change the way he saw his characters.
Bit off-topic: I posted a bunch of threads and I hope the one I wrote where you write a story starting with that sentence about ice cream comes up cause I liked that one best! So far I'm only seeing the one I made about backstories.
(March 6, 2013 - 2:04 pm)
I refuse to watch that movie.
(March 6, 2013 - 4:10 pm)
@Melody: Don't even get me started on that movie. The entire time I was watching it, my friend and I were having a competition on who could go the longest without saying "This is the dumbest movie I have ever seen."
(March 6, 2013 - 11:07 pm)
Oh don't I know it about the movie! I actually saw the movie before I read the books (didn't even know the books existed) and liked it well enough. Then I read the books, and saw the movie again, and completely annoyed my family by practically screaming the screen; "THIS IS SO WRONG!"
@ Ivy; That is the thing that annoyed me most about the movie is Annabeth having long straight brown hair! I mean, SERIOUSLY! My mom said they were going for the Amazon women/Zena look. I don't care WHAT they thought she was going to look like, she DIDN'T look like Annabeth!
@ Magda; Thank you! I knew it was misspelled, but was frankly too lazy to bother to try and correct it. Thanks!
So, overall, I was thoroughly dissapointed with the movie. I have better hopes for the second, which, I will see, in hopes that they try and redeem theirselves. I want to see what they'll do with Tyson. (who was one of my fave characters!)
(March 7, 2013 - 11:49 am)
They'll probably make Tyson an ugly mess of badly done CGI with one eye and it will stink.
(March 7, 2013 - 4:16 pm)
OH MY GOSH! EVERYBODY, ALL BLONDES! I just googled PJ Sea of Monsters! I THINK they're making Annabeth BLONDE!!! Maybe the next will be better! There is hope!
(March 8, 2013 - 8:24 pm)
I looked at pictures just now and I do NOT like Douglas Smith/Tyson's hair. It makes him look like a creep.
(March 9, 2013 - 11:50 am)
Yes, it does, agreed. I saw him too. But still. Annabeth will be BLONDE as she is supposed to be! WEEHEE!
(March 10, 2013 - 1:14 pm)
@BHR: I am in 6th grade and a lot of people are "dating". And there is this girl named Annabelle and OH MY GOSH SHE IS SO IRRITATING. She is "dating" this guy Luke, who is actually really funny and weird. Annabelle is actually smart but such a stereotypical blonde personality wise. And at recess she walked up to my friend Grant and said, in this very obviously flirting voice,"Grant I need help over here" and he's completely oblivious. Luke also seems oblivious to the fact that Annabelle likes Grant. Victory for Daleks! sorry randomness
Sorry. I was watching Doctor Who all day today, and if you've seen Blink and you are like me, then the Weeping Angels probably didn't scare you much the first time. But in The Time of Angels, it is so SCARY, oh my GOD. *minor spoiler alert*
Bob: The Angels killed Joe and Mark (not real names sorry).
Doctor: So why are you talking to me Bob if the Angels can hear you?
Bob: But sir the Angels got me too.
(March 31, 2013 - 10:41 pm)
yeah that's what happens to me sometimes cuz i have more guy friends than girlfriends, which, btw, is AWESOME!~!!!! but yeah, this really annoying and mean girl in my class did that a lot and i would always say to them, "she's flirting with you" cuz they had no idea. but they weren't intrested in her anyway.
(August 23, 2013 - 11:03 am)
a complaint i have is that i love horses and go horse back riding once a week and that most people say that it's not a sport and even if it is, not a good one because there is no competion which is intirely UNTRUE!!!!! another complaint i have is that all the books about middle school make middle school sound like a terrible place where the middle school i'm going to go to sounds really fun and stories i've heard from real people like middle school. also, is those books they always make it sound like being a geek/nerd/smart kid is bad which is TOTALLY UNTRUE!!!! anyone agree with me here???
(August 23, 2013 - 10:00 am)
Hello Magda I am also home schooled and many people ask me what home schooling is like. Well I tell them what it is like because all home schooling is different and maybe if I tell them they might become home schooled too. I used to be in public school before. But me and my parents did not like any of the schools I went to so we home schooled. Now me and my younger sister are home schooled. My other little sister and little brother will be home schooled when they are older too. And on people never replying to letters, that happens sometimes to me too. I have always wanted to send a letter to my grandparents by hand but I never did that because chances are they would not reply. Most people use internet for everything. I think things like letters should be sent in mail for many reasons but I just got to deal with it. The world changes so much in bad and good ways but you just got to do things your way. Who knows maybe people will go back to writing letters one day!
(August 23, 2013 - 2:22 pm)
@ Maggie:
*groans while banging head against table* OH MY GOSH! People like that totally drive me nuts! I mean, seriously. You talk to some blondes, and you wonder where that stereotype came from. Then you meet people like that girl, and you're like; "Oh, now I get it." She gives blondes a bad name.
Also, why do kids feel they need to "date" in sixth grade? Or any grade for that matter.
(August 23, 2013 - 8:13 pm)
Hey, M! I've never thought of ballet as girly, I just don't like it. I'm homeschooled, and answer everything. Even rhetorical questions.
(October 4, 2013 - 12:55 pm)