Hello, everynyaa. How

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello, everynyaa. How

Hello, everynyaa. How are you? Fine, thank you. Osaka: Oh maw gosh! 

Hiiiiiiii. You can call me Red. I am a rather bookish guy who has been badgered into joining the Chatterbox by Sakura. Sakura badgers me into a lot of things.....  Anyway, I'm new to this whole Chatterbox business,so if you could introduce yourself that would be appreciated. Oh, and Sakura told me that there are only a few guys on the Chatterbox. Follow me, guys, and become my loyal minions! Follow me like lemmings and I will lead you to a great and glorious future, where boys are no longer the minority! For those who serve me faithfully, I will reward you greatly!

Okay, I'm just ranting now. I think my point has been made and I can now slink away....


-Cluny the Scourge 

submitted by Red, age 13, Somewhere Random
(August 10, 2012 - 11:57 pm)

A quote by me today:

"Twitter is training people to be lemmings! It encourages mindlessly following others!" 

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(May 6, 2013 - 9:35 pm)

EXACTLY! That's why I never Twitter.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(May 8, 2013 - 7:29 pm)


That is what I call talent, my friends.

submitted by Mattie
(May 12, 2013 - 6:05 pm)

Not exactly a year ago, because tomorrow is the anniversary of the day I posted my first thread/comment thingy on the CB.  It was a Daniel Pinkwater thing on BaB.  I never made an introduction thread.

submitted by Gollum
(May 13, 2013 - 3:55 pm)

Nor did I. I just sort of jumped in.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(May 13, 2013 - 7:25 pm)

Why thank you. *takes a bow*

As you are the first person to actually write on this particularly large thread, I commend you and give you cookies.


I wonder, can you type Japanese or Chinese characters on here? Will it show up? I'm going to try.

旅寝 For anyone who cares, that says lemming in Japanese. It's pronounced "tabinezumi" which literally means traveling mouse. Heh.

submitted by Red, age 13, Elsewhere
(May 14, 2013 - 6:55 pm)


Okay sorry I just went a little crazy there but YAY, I'm back! And now I will try to stay.

*will post more tomorrow*

Captcha says btai. Better today at Iceland?

submitted by Miki G., age 11
(May 28, 2013 - 8:52 pm)

HI HI HI HI HI HI! Welcome back!

submitted by Red, age 13, Elsewhere
(June 5, 2013 - 4:09 pm)

Some random lemming refrences I found yesterday:

"'We've eaten squid, and giant squid, and humongous squid,' said Augustus TwoFeathers McCoy. 'We've eaten lemmings and Tasmanian tigers.'" - "Sunbird" M is for Magic, Neil Gaiman

In one of my sister's video game magazines, someone was explaining why Luigi was better tthan Yoshi. "Luigi can take as much machismo as Mario, but if Yoshi takes one for the team he instantly throws his rider to the ground and gallops a cliff in panic. Luigi may be a 'green moocher', but Yoshi is a prehistoric Lemming!"- Jeff E.  No, I think Yoshi is much better. Who wouldn't want a prehistoric lemming?

submitted by Ruby M.
(June 18, 2013 - 11:40 am)

This is entirely random, but I wrote a pretty bad parody of "The Knights of the Round Table" featuring Theban policeman (why? I'm writing a parody of Oedipus, and everyone in Thebes enjoys line dancing. Corinth is much weirder.). Nothing rhymes with Thebes, except for some strange random surnames. Does anyone want to see it?


Ruby, how about plebes? It rhymes with Thebes.I believe a plebe is a first-year student at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.


submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Thebes
(June 30, 2013 - 11:08 am)

So, I meant to do this two days ago, but I just remembered. It's been a whole year since I've been on the Chatterbox, and honestly, this has been one of the best years of my life. I've gotten mad at a lot of people, I've made a lot of friends, I've gotten in and out of trouble, and I've had such a grand time in general. I'm really lucky to be able to have all kinds of emotions and experiences and good friends. I'm really happy that I got a chance to meet you all. 

Some awesome things that happened in the past year:

-The Lemmings War 

-The Superhero RP (especially the random part in the middle when we couldn't decide what to do)

-The current World Domination

-The Ski Lodges. It was great to go, especially because I didn't get a chance on the very first one.

-The Currency Project

-The Music Games

-The SIs

-The Hunger Games RP, pity it died 

-The HypQuests. Never again will I be able to eat a chicken dinner without thinking of those.

So, my first year here was an awesome one, and let's hope that the next one will be just as good! Here's to good times!

-Red the Lemming Master 

submitted by Red, age 14, Somewhere Random
(August 13, 2013 - 2:39 pm)

My History teacher talks about lemmings a lot and today when someone in my class brought in cupcakes he asked her if she was trying to poison us. I think he's the most awesome man in the world.

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(August 27, 2013 - 6:20 pm)

@ Red:

Ah, well, I only just read it and this is late, but happy 1 year anniversary! I rather liked that random part in the middle of the Superhero thread too. I actually today went back and reread that. I still laugh my head off over that. And it's been quite fun being your adversary in World Domination! ;) 

Btw, I've always been curious. Did Little Women actually fall on your head once?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Who Knows?
(September 26, 2013 - 8:30 pm)


Little Women did not fall on my head. It was dropped. With murderous intent. 

Ruby here. I did not drop it with "murderous intent". I was reading a rather fat hard-covered version during lunch in sixth grade. Red was doing math homework (ha) and dropped his pencil on the floor (we were sitting in a teacher's classroom next to each other and he dropped it in the aisle) so he went down on the floor to get it. Just then, a couple of idiots, who were messing around, knocked into me and I accidentally knocked my book off the desk. Onto Red, who just happened to be there. It was an accident. An accident, I tell you.

Red again. Huh. Accident, my foot. If that was an accident, I'm a dire chinchilla. 

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(October 5, 2013 - 12:18 pm)

Hey. I'm NOT a boy, sorry, but I've always wished I was. You're not new anymore, but here goes:

I'm a tall, skinny, non-pretty, dark-haired brunette with sarcasm problems, laughtoomuchitis, freakish reading habits, books cluttering up my room, mas on the walls, and brownish green eyes boring a hole into the computer. I'm a little creepy, 100% crazy, totally chatty.  

submitted by Kalyna, age 12, In Your Closet
(October 4, 2013 - 12:53 pm)