Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Seriously, though, this is where you all get to beg the Admins for stuff that generally needs to be fixed. Be nice though! Some things are unfixable, even for the mods of a site, so some things will be answered with a "Sorry, can't" instead of "Yes, prince(ss), your wish is my command". 

I'm going for easier searching for threads, the Submit button before the Preview button, and a more foolproof way to stick in your cute little anime doodles.

REASONS (yes, you need reasons):

Searching through threads: Instead of searching through 18 million pages of dead threads to find what you want, just search and find them! Makes the DTRA's job easier.

Submit before Preview: I think we can all agree that when you've got your bee-you-tiful response all typed and ready-to-go, then to Tab over to the captcha box, then hit Enter and expect to go to the first page of the thread with a cute little message saying "your Comment has been created" and it DOESN'T! Well, that's freakin' annoying.

Pictures: Ah, now we get to the core. The Pictures In Threads thing. As a fairly good artist, I feel the need to show off *ahem* my work when a drawing thread pops up. It seems fairly arbitrary. Some people's art goes bing! and there it is! And your comment says something like "This is Mary Sue, she's a main character in my NaNovel" and then there's nothing there, and you feel very stupid. Or actually, once I had a pretty lengthy comment with a picture in it, and the whole comment was reduced to a blank box with L at the bottom.

So, even if these things are totally unfixable, nobody can say I didn't try.


submitted by L
(June 6, 2012 - 5:44 pm)



People have found that if you put your picture online somewhere before you post it (i.e. on Facebook or Flickr), it will show up.  

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(June 10, 2012 - 10:52 am)

I no haz Facebook. I no wantz Facebook. I no likez Facebook.

submitted by L
(September 23, 2012 - 4:41 pm)