In other words,

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

CB Author Interviews AKA Author of (every other) Day!
In other words,...

In other words, a way for us to flatter each other immensely.

A lot of big shot writers- and debut authors and Other Authors- get interviewed and those interviews sometimes make it to a publisher's website, fansite, YouTube, TV sometimes, etc. etc.

Well, now it's time for the authors of the ChatterBox to get star treatment!

Every other day, someone will get picked to be Interviewed. Fellow CBers will post 3 questions i.e. Why did you start to write? and then the Author of (every other) Day will answer them (for their alloted 2 days of CB Stardom!). And then after their 2 days are over, they'll choose someone else to interview (or they could let me choose since I have too much time on my hands... *hinthint*)! And repeat repeat repeat. This is a good way to get everyone prepped and ready for their future real-life author interviews. And it's also fun. And flattering.

Try to pick someone who posts frequently, since they only have two days to answer des questions. (an easy way to do this is to click "Last Reply" on the thread twice so you can see who posted recently_

Now lettuce begin!


Let's start with... (*searches Inkwell and BaB for frequent post'er*) 



From the information that I can gather in a few seconds, the intelligent SC is a frequent post'er on RPS. She is currently a part of the Deaderlands RP (which she also started) in which she plays/writes as Peter Pan. She is also part of the RP started by the phenomenal ARPS which currently has no title. She writes as Juliet Butler in said RP. There is a countless number of other RPs and RRs which she is a part of and/or started.

She was a participant- and winner- of the 2011 NaNoWriMo. Her hobbies include the delicate and renowned art of Running Like a Maniac, playing the piano and chorus. The music she novels to includes: New Divide and Famous Last Words, and the music she listens to when she is not novel'ing includes Muse, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance and- occasionally- Greenday. She currently lives Somewhere In the Universe but also vacations to Narnia on occasion.

Her works include but are not limited to:

The Guardian Angiks of Demok High (a novel written for NaNoWriMo) 

Endeyrory Pracea also known as Endey the Slayer in An Untitled Dragon RP (started by the amazing Tiffany W.) 

Cartmer Tylara Animesti Tasbreeyard vika'Drom in New Character Lounge (which she also started)

Hephaestus in Mythology RP (started by the ever-so-smart Choco)

Nyx in Mythology RP

Shade Chase in Put-Your-Character-In-A-Room (started by the amazing Quintus) Shade Chase was also featured in another Character Lounge

Dante Rossi in Steampunk Fantasy Circus That Definitely Didn't Copy The Night Circus By Erin Morgenstern (started by yours truly)  


Q&A Time!

(try a minimum of 3 for Maximum Flattering but more is always appreciated I'm sure)


Q: When did you start writing?

Q: Who is your favourite character that you have written? Including both original fiction and RP characters.

Q: Which character that you wrote would you say is most like you?

(sneaking in an extra few questions)

Q: Which character that you didn't write would you say is most like you?

Q: If you could write a story of your life, what would be the title?


And I probably stole half those questions from some interview or English worksheet. ;)


Now let the games begin! 


(and if you were wondering, when I do my research, I do my research well) ;)

submitted by Olive
(April 6, 2012 - 11:37 am)

1.  Use one word to describe your style of writing.

2.  If you could have dinner with anyone, fictitious or real, dead or alive, who would it be?

3. If your second favorite villain you created were to meet Katniss, what would happen? 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(April 27, 2012 - 9:10 pm)

Q: Who is the biggest inspiration in your life!

This is a very, very hard question... I've tried to think of an inspiration, but I'm really not sure. Sometimes I get really attached to book characters and they sort of "inspire" me. Perhaps Katniss Everdeen but I'm not so sure. I'll get back to you on this.  

Q: Do you have a favourite quote? If so, what is it?

I've got two. :)

"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the way we expect." (Luna Lovegood) 



 "The world isn't split into good people and death eaters."        (Sirius Black) 



Q: Do you listen to music while you write. If so, what music?

I've tried to listen to music while writing, but I find it's really hard to concentrate if I do. :-)  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, G
(April 28, 2012 - 2:55 am)

Do you enjoy the writing you do for school?

Which place do you want to visit the most?

Do you ever write poetry? If so, what kind? 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(April 28, 2012 - 3:03 pm)

1.Of all your works,which did you take the most pleasure in writing?

2.What piece of advice or encouragement would you give to other writers?

3.Who is your favorite author?

submitted by True S.
(April 28, 2012 - 4:45 pm)

1.Of all your works, which did you take the most pleasure in writing?

Well, I haven't finished it yet, but the book I'm writing right now is fun. It's sort of like a secret-agent saving-the-world story.  

2.What piece of advice or encouragement would you give to other writers?

Do not give up on what you're writing. I do that a lot, but then I go back. Even if you don't know what to write next, just write a sentence to keep you going! 

3.Who is your favorite author?

This is hard. I guess either Suzanne Collins or J.K.Rowling.  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(April 29, 2012 - 1:04 am)

Melody's Questions: 

1.  Use one word to describe your style of writing.

Flouroushy :)  

2.  If you could have dinner with anyone, fictitious or real, dead or alive, who would it be?

Queen Elizabeth I :D or Katniss Everdeen.  

3. If your second favorite villain you created were to meet Katniss, what would happen?  

I gave up on this story, but the villain was pretty good so I'll use him.

Katniss would be distrustful because he's so mean-looking. He'd take out his sword and ask her where the stone is. (The story is about a stone. I'm not going into any details.) She would say she didn't know and shoot him with an arrow. He would call the guards. But Katniss would run off before she could be captured. :)  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(April 29, 2012 - 12:57 am)

Tiffany W.'s questions: 

Do you enjoy the writing you do for school?

No. We don't do creative writing. We do stuff like writing letters about something or writing about some accident. -.-  

Which place do you want to visit the most?

England (and New York City). I would love to see London and watch Broadway plays in NYC.  

Do you ever write poetry? If so, what kind? 

I have tried poetry... My poems don't rhyme, and I have to be in a certain mood to write them. My poems are often sad or about love.  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(April 29, 2012 - 1:01 am)

1) What is your favorite book of all time?

2) What is the one thing you want to do most in the world?

3) What is your favorite subject? 

submitted by Gwynne
(April 29, 2012 - 9:24 am)

Not to brag or anything, but I'm actually going to NYC with school.  It can be anywhere from two hours to six on the bus, because of traffic.  I get to see a Broadway musical!  It's the Spider-Man one, though.  It's awesome to be able to go to Broadway, but I'd rather see one of the more classic or Disney musicals.  I mean, everyone would love The Little Mermaid, right?

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(April 29, 2012 - 9:41 am)

NYC is super fun and ahhh... You're seeing the Spider Man Musical. I wish you luck! :p

Elizabeth M. was nominated on the 26th, responded on the 27th, and today is the 29th. So once she answers Gwynne's questions, she'll choose the next AoEOD (or let me choose! :p) 

submitted by Olive
(April 29, 2012 - 5:16 pm)



With my luck, a cast member is going to fall on me.   

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(April 30, 2012 - 4:16 pm)

@Melody: haha. xD You can always sue. It's New York after all. ;)

submitted by Olive
(April 30, 2012 - 5:27 pm)

top top top top top!

If I top this thread, can I be the next Author?

Just kidding!

submitted by Tiffany W.
(April 30, 2012 - 7:53 am)

@Melody- That sounds so amazing!! 

Gwynne's Questions:

1) What is your favorite book of all time?

I have a billion, but my top three are Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and The Book Thief.   

2) What is the one thing you want to do most in the world?

 Do you mean like (1) traveling around the world or (2) how I would like to help the world?

If you mean 1.: I would love to go to every continent (except Antarctica)! It would be so awesome! 

If you mean 2.: I want to help animals in some way, whether abandoned animals or wounded. I would also like to make people more aware of the things we have to do to save the world...  

3) What is your favorite subject?  

French or History. I'm not sure. :)



submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(April 30, 2012 - 10:32 am)

I'm gonna take French next year! I want to live in Paris! Right now I'm actually listening to a song that's set in Paris!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 11, Flowers
(April 30, 2012 - 4:56 pm)