AKA the cause
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
AKA the cause of my lagging behind on my NaNo word count.
Yes. It's that good. (But it's a bit fat so not exactly great to be carrying around classes)
Basically, it's about a girl named Beatrice Prior (awesomeest name ever imo) who lives in a dystopic version of Chicago where there are "factions", which are pretty much just districts. Dauntless is for the brave, Amnity for the peaceful, Candor for the honest, Erudite for the intelligent, and Abnegation for the selfless. Beatrice is a Stiff (which is slang for Abnegation).
When everyone turns sixteen, they get a simulation that tells them which faction they best belong in, then the next day, they get to choose which faction they go to. But there's a test and if you don't pass it, you end up factionless, which is the equivalent of being homeless. In each faction, the tests are different.
So... yeah. It's so amazing. I'm almost at the end. It's SO GOOD. (But there's some, er, Twilight'y stuff near the end...)
(November 6, 2011 - 8:22 pm)
That sounds really awesome. Can you post some of it soon?
Twilight'y stuff? Uh-oh. You didn't really add sparkling vampires, did you? :)
(November 7, 2011 - 11:04 am)
@E.M.: Oh! No! I didn't write it! It was written by Veronica Roth, and it's a sci-fi, not fantasy, so no worries, vampires aren't even mentioned in Divergent. ;)
I finished it going to school today (missed the bus for the first time in ever). So amazing. There better be a sequel but if there isn't, I'm going to go threaten the author until there is one.
(November 7, 2011 - 7:59 pm)
...and I just found out the Divergent is going to be a trilogy. (Yes! The author left off at a cliffhanger btw.) And it's being turned into a movie. Double-yes!
...and I think I just died. I was reading Veronica Roth's (the author's) blog and THERE WAS AN ADVICE POST FOR NANOWRIMO! I. Am. Going. To. Die. Of. Joy.
If you can't tell, I'm in lurf avec Divergent. It's so amazing. *cracks a slightly insane smile*
(November 7, 2011 - 8:10 pm)
Beatrice Prior sounds a lot like Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit author).
P.S. I'mmmm Baaa-aack!
(November 7, 2011 - 9:29 pm)
That book was really good, and by the way, I'd be Dauntless. I like to jump from high places. It's an unfortunate habit of mine.
AWESOME BOOK!!! Except when they are like, you know, near the end of the book. Ugh. I don't like kissing.
(November 7, 2011 - 11:07 pm)
As a lifelong Ravenclaw, I would be Erudite.
(Ravenclaw = Erudite. Gryffindor = Dauntless. Abnegation & Amity = Hufflepuff. There is no good analogue for Slytherin, alas, unless we want to say that Ravenclaw & Slytherin = Erudite, which is probably more accurate.)
(November 8, 2011 - 7:50 pm)
I agree, but I'd say Candor is probably Hufflepuff, too. Admittedly, I've not yet read this book, but Hufflepuffs are true and trustworthy, so it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to call them honest as well--can you think of a single time a Hufflepuff lied, other than a generic 'The entire school lied about this to their teachers," kind of thing?
I'm sure I'd be in Erudite, but if I weren't, I'd be in Candor.
(November 8, 2011 - 11:27 pm)
I forgot about Candor! Yes, they're very 'Puff as well.
Which only goes further in showing that the 'Puffs got ALL THE ADMIRABLE VIRTUES! (Not that I don't admire courage, but still.)
(November 9, 2011 - 5:37 pm)
It's good, yeah. Mainly liked it because of Four, which always makes me feel shallow, but whatever. (Also. My brain has been warped such by Doctor Who that that sentence seems to have a very different meaning. Let me clarify that I do not and never have fancied Tom Baker.)
(November 8, 2011 - 6:26 am)
@Olive- Oh, sorry! I thought you'd written it... :) It sounds really cool, though. I know this is quite an awful question, but what's selfless?
(November 9, 2011 - 11:19 am)
I'd so totally be an Erudite. I need to read this book.
(November 9, 2011 - 5:12 pm)
Is it depressing? Because so far pretty much every book about the future I`ve read is depressing.
(November 11, 2011 - 6:49 am)
ZNZ: I think all the virtues are admirable--well, except ruthlessness (using ANY means to achieve your ends isn't always a good idea, even if the ends are admirable), but Hufflepuff's are, in my opinion, the most admirable and also the least useful for evil purposes (hard work helps, as can loyalty if it's to the wrong cause, but fairness really gets in the way), so I see your point.
Elizabeth: Selfless means unselfish.
(November 9, 2011 - 9:37 pm)
I took the faction test on Divergent's fb page. I got Amity. Not very surprising since I don't fit well into any other faction: not Candor (I can lie very much), definitely not Dauntless, I'm no Erudite (I hate studying), and I'd probably die if I lived in Abnegation.
(November 11, 2011 - 6:13 pm)
Oh, yes, and the book is set in CHICAGO!!! Awesomest city ever. And they slide down on the rope from the, was it the Hancock building? I forget.
(November 12, 2011 - 7:12 pm)