So, this is
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
So, this is an idea for a comic HPFF that I have had rolling about in my head for a long time...kept trying to write it and it never got finished. Anyway, I thought it deserved some attention, and I thought you guys would get a big kick out of it, so, here you go.
(Takes place somewhere around a week after Harry's gotten back to Hogwarts, in the third year.)
Everyone, no matter who, has had some experience at some time or another that makes a terrifically funny story looking back, twenty years later, but at the time was annoying, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are no exception.
The day started happily enough. It was Sunday, the last day of the weekend. Harry had just come back from an immensely satisfying Quidditch practice - Wood was determined to get the Cup this year - Ron was teaching Dean Thomas how to play wizard chess, and Hermione, after berating the boys for wasting their time, had holed herself up in the library with at least seventeen enormous books. On top of that, the weather outside was beautiful - not too windy, but with a definite breeze to stir the early autumn air, which seemed to be using as much sun and warmth as possible, if it couldn't have green leaves. Harry was walking down the corridor, in half a mind to watch Ron and Dean in the common room, when he spotted Fred and George Weasley hanging about one of the bulletins, with that air of being up to something.
"What're you two doing?" he asked, walking over. Fred and George jumped.
"Oh, hello, Harry," said Fred, smiling casually, but sneaking glances back and forth as if plotting an escape. "We're just trying to hang this bit of parchment up. Nothing serious, but Peeves keeps knocking it down, so we're going to do a Temporary Sticking Charm."
"A what?" said Harry.
"It's like a Permanent Sticking Charm, but it only lasts for a bit," explained George. "About three weeks, actually. That should be long enough for people to notice this, erm, sign and, erm, get back to us about the - well, at any rate, it's a tricky charm to operate, technically only sixth years are supposed to use it, but, well, I can't see any harm in it, just step back a bit, if it's all the same to you. Or you could go away," he added hopefully.
"Where do you want me to stand?" asked Harry, who had nothing better to do and wanted to watch. (Strictly speaking this was not true; he had lots of things that were better to do, and all of them involved homework, but he assuaged his guilty conscience by saying he would go and do it later.)
"Oh, just far enough so that you can't read the writing. That's a good distance," Fred replied. Harry tried to sneak a glance at the sign in his hand, but Fred snatched it behind his back.
"Alright," he said, with a sneaking suspicion that the sign the Weasleys were going to put up was not exactly encouraged at Hogwarts. But he stepped back anyway.
At this moment Draco Malfoy stepped out of a classroom, flanked by Goyle. This seemed strange to Harry, who wondered where on Earth Crabbe was, but Malfoy distracted his thoughts by saying, loudly, "Still hanging about with that Weasel riffraff, Potter?"
Harry was about to reply, but Fred yelled, "OI! Look out Harry!" Then there was a bang, a flash of silver light, and a lot of smoke, and when it cleared, Harry and Malfoy were stuck together at the hip,
"HEY!" they bellowed, attempting to pull apart, but as this got them nowhere and was painful besides, they stopped and stood there, panting and glaring at each other. Fred and Geroge had mysteriously disappeared, but there was a large crowd of spectators and most were laughing uproariously.
"Get off me, Potter!" Malfoy snarled.
"I'm trying!" Harry replied, pulling with all his might. Suddenly he felt a furry warmth around his ankles and looked down. Mrs. Norris was sitting there, staring at him with her huge eyes, and Harry had an uncomfortable feeling that Filch was not far behind.
Apparently Malfoy had the same feeling, for he took off up the corridor that led to Snape's dungeon. Harry, on the other hand, attempted to head for the Gryffindor common room, which led to a lot of confusion, flailing limbs, and both boys yelling, "Ow! Let go! Let GO, you brainless GIT!" In all this hubbub, Ron and Hermionie came down, frightened by the sounds of Harry yelling.
"Harry?" said Ron. "What're you-?"
"No time for that," Harry panted. "Filch is coming, help me up, don't kick me, you idiot!" This last remark was directed to Malfoy, who was struggling to get on his feet. Hermionie offered her hand to Harry and Ron, with a grimace, let Malfoy catch his arm, and between the two of them, the unfortunate enemies were on their feet and heading up the stairs to the only sensible place - Dumbledore's office.
It wasn't easy. Draco wanted to go down to Snape, and, no matter how Harry tugged and tried to persuade him into seeing the headmaster, in the end Ron and Hermionie had to drag the pair until Malfoy sulkily gave up and followed Harry up the stairs. Then, once they had finally agreed on their destination, there was the matter of falling into step. Harry thought privately it would have been easier had the length of their legs been fused together instead of just the hip, but they managed to find a rhythm in the end. Ron and Hermione demanded an explanation, and Harry and Malfoy gave it to them, contradicting each other and arguing about details in the process. When they had finished, finally, Ron and Hermione were silent for a moment, then burst into hysterical laughter.
"It's not funny!" Harry protested, at the same time that Malfoy said, "What're you laughing at, you filthy little Mudblood?"
This caused Harry to punch him, Ron to kick him, and Hermione to pull out her wand and brandish it threateningly in his face. Nothing else could be done, however, because they had reached the top of the winding staircase, and were standing outside the gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office.
"Well, we'll leave you to it," said Ron, heading back down, and with a, "Good luck, Harry!" Hermione followed him, leaving Harry alone with Malfoy.
"Erm...lemon drop?" said Harry. The gargoyle did not react. Malfoy stared at him.
"Is that supposed to be a password?"
"It was last year," Harry shot back.
"Yes, well, but the passwords change every year, in case you hadn't noticed, Potter," Draco said, nastily.
"I know that!" Harry retorted. Then they stared at the gargoyle for a while. When this got tiresome, Harry said, "OK, your turn."
"What?" Malfoy asked, taken aback.
"You guess the password."
"How in the world am I supposed to know what the mad old idiot would use as a password?"
"Go on, pick a candy or something," Harry urged him.
"Oh, alright..." said Malfoy grudgingly. "Licorice Wand."
Nothing happened.
"Er...Pumpkin Pasty?" Harry asked.
"Chocolate Frog," Malfoy suggested.
"Cherry tart," said Harry.
"Sugar Quill."
"Fizzing Whizbee."
"Sugar Mice!"
"Droobles' Best Blowing Gum!"
"Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans!" Malfoy exclaimed in exasperation.
Harry was about to explain that Dumbledore didn't like Every Flavor Beans, but to his astonishment, the gargoyle jumped aside, and they were free to knock at the door. Malfoy smirked.
"Thanks," Harry snarled, took the griffin's-head knocker in his hand, and banged it three times on the door. Dumbledore's voice said, "Enter," and they pushed the door open.
Well, you tell me what you think. Was it funny? If not, don't worry, it will get funnier. :)
Andy P. C. says xxme. I would kiss you twice, Andy, but you don't exactly have a face...
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(October 19, 2011 - 9:59 pm)
HA!!! XD :D XD :D XD :D I loved it!!!!
(October 20, 2011 - 7:51 am)
@XD: Thank you! Here's some more:
Dumbledore's office was the same as it had been last year; the same peculiar silver intruments whirring on the desk, the same phoenix nest in the corner, now with a beautifully plumed red-and-gold Fawkes resting in it, the same white-bearded headmaster sitting behind the desk. He looked up and his eyebrows jumped. "Good gracious, Harry!" he exclaimed. "And Mr. Malfoy," he added, with a nod to Draco attached to Harry's side. "This is an extremely unexpected pair. Whatever happened to you?" he said, looking at them as if he knew exactly what had happened.
"Well, it's like this, Professor--" Harry began, standing on Malfoy's foot to prevent him from saying anything other than, "Ouch!" Then he continued the story, deliberately leaving out Fred and George, trying to make it sound as if it had just been a random sixth year student who had cast the spell. Dumbledore watched him with a faint smile lingering about his lips, as if he knew exactly what had happened. And when Harry had finished, while Malfoy glowered at the pair of them, he said, "Well, this does put you in a fix. Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing I can do about it."
"WHAT?!" both boys exploded.
"But you're the world's most powerful wizard!" Harry exclaimed, at the same time that Draco said, loudly, "I knew we should have gone to Professor Snape."
"If Dumbledore can't fix it then there's no way Snape can," Harry bellowed, attempting to wheel on his enemy and nearly falling over in the process. "Dumbledore's the only one Voldemort was ever afraid of! He wasn't scared of Snape!"
"Professor Snape, Harry," Dumbledore corrected him mildly, while Draco winced at the mention of Voldemort's name. "And, Mr. Malfoy, Harry is correct, no one can reverse this spell. It is the same as a Permanent Sticking Charm. Slim consolation though it may be, the Sticking Charm does end after a short amount of time." (Harry, personally, thought that three weeks stuck to Malfoy was an unbearably long time, but he didn't say so.) "So, I'm afraid you two are going to have to, er, stick with one another." Both boys realized, to their horror, that the headmaster was struggling not to laugh.
"Professor--" Harry began, pleadingly, while Draco yelled, "It's NOT FUNNY!"
"Oh, but it is," Dumbledore said, covering his smile with a hand. "That's just the trouble."
The two fumed while he attempted to collect himself. Finally, he gained control of his chuckles, wiped his eyes, and said, "Well, boys, some changes will have to be made. For one thing, since Slytherin and Gryffindor do not take many classes together, there will be no school for three weeks."
Neither Harry nor Draco thought that this was such a bad thing.
"For another thing, since you sleep in different dormitories and eat at different tables, you had better just sleep in the Great Hall. Meals will have to be eaten at your own private table."
"What?" said Malfoy loudly, while Harry decided that not even three weeks without classes could make up for this sort of misery. "But - but - but what about that maniac Black? How am I supposed to sleep in the Great Hall - unprotected - with him? Everyone knows Black's after you," he added, turning to Harry with disgust.
"Maybe he'll mistake you for me and finish you off instead," said Harry with a smirk.
Malfoy pulled out his wand and so did Harry, but Dumbledore swiftly disarmed them both and they turned to stare at him. He shook his head and stared at them. "Sorry, boys," he said, holding their wands, "but to prevent you from dueling each other constantly, I think it might be better if your wands are confiscated, at least for the first few days."
"WHAT?!" Harry and Malfoy exploded.
Their wands were confiscated, "just for three days," as Dumbledore said. Harry had asked if it was possible to separate themselves by just taking off their robes, but Dumbledore said no. Malfoy was fuming and Harry was feeling miserable as they descended the staircase. Ron and Hermionie had waited for them, Harry was glad to see, as had, apparently, Crabbe and Goyle, once they had gotten the news. Harry's friends were standing well apart from the other two.
"Harry!" Ron greeted him. "How'd it go? What happened? Dumbledore couldn't sort you out?" he added, his face falling as he looked at Malfoy.
"No," Harry said gloomily. "He said we had to stay together for the next three weeks. No school--"
"Excellent," Ron breathed enviously.
"--we have to sleep in the Great Hall, eat at our own table, we can't go in each other's common rooms, and we can't use magic for the next three days," Harry finished. Ron's eyes bugged larger with every statement.
"That's ridiculous," he said, flatly. "You can't just live with him for the next three weeks!"
"Exactly what I'm thinking," Malfoy piped up from Harry's side, but nobody paid any attention to him. They started down to the Great Hall for dinner, Crabbe and Goyle at Malfoy's left shoulder, Ron and Hermionie at Harry's right.
"I don't see what choice you've got," Hermionie sighed. Then she brightened. "Still, at least it's not a Permanent Sticking Charm, is it?"
"DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT!" Harry and Draco both yelled.
@Thread: You must go to the top, now, and all the other HP fans will be able to see it. :D
Andy P. C. says hatz. He's trying on hats!
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(October 23, 2011 - 7:37 pm)
(October 23, 2011 - 8:32 pm)
You have to keep posting more, it's SO funny!! XD
(October 24, 2011 - 3:45 pm)
It's great WW67! I love your wording, though one question: If Fred and George were posting the reminder in the Gryff Common Room, what was Malfoy doing in there? o.O
(October 24, 2011 - 5:38 pm)
I can barely type I'm laughing so hard.
(October 24, 2011 - 7:22 pm)
@Tiffany W.: Thank you! :)
@XD: And thank you! Here's a bit more!
@ZB: W...W...67? You meant WG, didn't you? XD And, erm, rats. I thought there were bulletins in the corridors...*blush* Well, let's just say he was sticking it to the wall.
@SC: And thank you! I have admirers! XD Well, here's more:
Somehow or other, word spread through the castle, and by the time the boys had sat down at their private table, just about everyone knew who it was who were stuck together and were either offering their condolences or laughing about it to their faces.
Everyone seemed to have a different story, though. Of course, the people who had been there when the actual Charm had taken place knew it was Fred and George Weasley, who were some of the first to come up and apologize.
"Sorry, Harry," George had said with a grin.
"Yeah, we never thought you'd get stuck to this git," Fred added, with a disgusted look at Malfoy.
It had taken all Harry's strength to stop Draco from leaping on the Weasley twins.
Those who had not been there, however, had a different version of events. Some said it was Sirius Black; this was, by far, one of the favorite stories. Most of the Slytherins sneered and said it must have been Hagrid, which Draco laughed at and Harry scowled at. A few had started the utterly ridiculous rumor that it was Voldemort, which Harry had to laugh at. And a handful of Gryffindors believed it was Snape.
Harry did his best to contradict these rumors, saying it had just been a sixth year in the corridor and he and Malfoy had happened to be in the way. Malfoy did his best to tell the actual truth, but Harry kept running as fast as he could in the opposite direction, which usually distracted him.
They eventually sat down to dinner, with rumors still flying about around their heads, every story more sensational and more absurd than the last. Professors McGonagall and Snape had even come up to inform the boys that there was to be no fighting. Or rather, McGonagall had. Snape, on the other hand:
"Listen to me, Potter," he said, customary sneer on his face. "If I hear you are using have found yourself in to cause Draco any trouble-" Malfoy smirked and Harry opened his mouth to utter a furious retort "-there will be a price to pay, do you understand?"
Harry felt like saying that Snape couldn't do anything, if he was to put him in detention then Malfoy would have to come along, but the Potions master had that look in his eyes, and he thought it was better to look down at his mashed potatoes and say, yes, sir, he understood.
The instant Snape had turned and gone back to the staff table Harry kicked Malfoy under the tablecloth, annoyed at his smirk. It was just going to turn into a nice little brawl when Hagrid showed up.
"Ah, Harry," he said, leaning on Malfoy, whose face splatted straight into his plate, "sorry to hear abou' wha' happened to yeh. If it had been Ron or Hermionie...but THIS one..." He took his dinner-plate-sized hand off Malfoy's back and patted Harry on the shoulder (Harry narrowly evaded the same fate as Draco). "Well, don' worry, it'll be over soon enough."
"You call three weeks stuck to him soon?" Harry had to say, with a slightly weak smile.
"I agree with Potter," Malfoy said, scowling and wiping mashed potatoes off his face.
"I wasn' talkin' to you!" Hagrid growled furiously, and Malfoy jumped and his face hit his plate again. Then he chuckled. "No, I don' suppose it is that soon, least it wasn' a Permanen' Stickin' Charm, right?"
Harry realized that even Hagrid though this was very funny. He, personally, thought that he wasn't likely to be laughing again until at least three weeks had gone by.
And then Draco resurfaced from his plate, scowling, with his face covered in food, and Harry chortled and turned back to his food with a grin. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...
Andy P. C. says xuru. X because U R U? Aw, Andy, you're sweet.
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(October 25, 2011 - 4:30 pm)
Oh, yes it could.
Harry had never known that Malfoy took about a minute, tops, brushing his teeth, but took about five minutes, minimum, slicking his hair back against his head. Harry had said that it would just get mussed up anyway while they were sleeping, and Malfoy had snappishly retorted that this way stopped it from getting too messy by morning, and Harry could keep his nose out of his business, it was bad enough they were stuck together. He had also never known that it was difficult to brush one's teeth when one was stuck to somebody else, and he had never known that Draco Malfoy became extremely irritable just before going to bed.
And to round off the things he had never known and had never wanted to know, he had never known that Draco Malfoy was a very restless sleeper.
He snored, he talked in his sleep, once or twice he giggled. At some point, around three A.M., when Harry was just dozing off for the umpteenth time, he sat bolt upright and yelled, "HIPPOPOTAMUSES!" Then he noticed Harry staring at him with a grin sliding over his face, cleared his throat, and lay back down, muttering, "Nightmare..."
But besides that one moment of glee, which he fully intended upon telling Ron and Hermione about the next chance he got, Malfoy or no Malfoy, it was a fairly dismal night. Harry entertained a vague notion at some point of going down to where Snape slept and asking him for a sleeping potion, but he abandoned the idea. In the first place he had no clue where Snape slept at night, in the second place he didn't know how he was going to get Draco to go down there, and in the third place, he knew but didn't want to think about Snape's reaction if he was to wake him up in the middle of the night and ask for a sleeping potion.
Middle of the night was almost dawn...
The next thing Harry knew, he was being shaken awake and Draco was yelling, "Come on, COME ON, they're going to set up for breakfast any second, Potter, you idiot, get up!"
Harry sat up and looked around, blearily wondering why the room was so fuzzy. Then Malfoy sighed, handed him his glasses, and said, "Come on, or they'll have breakfast before us, and we won't be able to eat."
Harry, personally, didn't see what the big rush was about - they had nothing else to do, they might as well walk all the way up to Dumbledore again and ask for a late breakfast, but since Malfoy was tugging so hard, he had no other choice but to put on his glasses, get up, and stumble along to the bathroom.
Malfoy, once there, began slicking back his hair feverishly, while Harry sighed, stared in the mirror, made a feeble attempt to flatten his hair, and finally dozed off with his head in his hand. He only woke up again when his enemy failed to notice that he had gone to sleep and dashed off, causing a lot of confusion and both boys ended up on their backs flailing about. With a lot of difficulty and some help from the sinks and Seamus Finnigan, who had very good timing, they were on their feet again, had gotten down the stairs without falling down somehow, and had sat down at their private table in the corner just as the food appeared.
Ron and Hermione came over in the middle of the meal to see how Harry was doing, and they were closely followed by Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle. Ron looked longingly back towards his food, but said, "Hey, Harry, how's it going?" in a friendly tone anyway.
"I hardly got any sleep last night," Harry replied, "and all because of him."
"Did he keep kicking you awake?" Ron smirked.
"I wish. He snores a lot."
"Does not!" Pansy Parkinson interrupted shrilly, and all three Gryffindors glared at her.
"And..." Harry chortled, while Malfoy abandoned his porridge to make frantic shushing gestures with his hands, "he woke up in the middle of the night screaming something about 'Hippo-'"
At this Draco clapped a hand over Harry's mouth and hissed, "Not now!"
"Hippos?" Hermione asked innocently.
All four Slytherins glared at her and she glared right back, but just at that moment Ron seemed to notice that almost everyone was done with their breakfast and persuaded her to leave. Draco's friends followed.
When breakfast was over, everyone left the Great Hall for lessons, and Draco and Harry were alone in a great, echoing space. Harry had never been in the Great Hall when it was completely empty before. It was fascinating but also slightly unnerving. To break the silence, he said, "So, what do you want to do?" He wished he hadn't spoken. The words echoed on and on and seemed to grow louder, and it occurred to him with every echo that there was absolutely nothing he wanted to do with Malfoy but detach him from his side.
"Oh, I dunno. Wizard chess?" was Malfoy's suggestion.
"Nah. You have to be sitting across from each other in wizard chess."
"Oh, right. Gobstones?"
"You have to be sitting across."
"Well, then, you come up with something," Malfoy said, staring at him.
"With what?" Harry protested.
"A Muggle game."
This was the last sentence he had ever expected to come out of Draco Malfoy's mouth, and all Harry could do was stammer, "A - a what, sorry?"
"A Muggle game. They play games, don't they?"
"Yeah. But you would play a Muggle game?" Harry said, incredulously.
"If it means I don't have to be bored," Draco replied.
"Well, alright...slap the jack."
"What on Earth's that?" Malfoy demanded.
"You'll see," Harry said, with the merest hint of a smile. "It's really simple."
Andy P. C. says vyke.
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(October 27, 2011 - 9:11 pm)
Definitely keep going, this is funnier than most things I've ever read. :D
(October 28, 2011 - 1:23 pm)
@XD: Thank you! :D That means a lot to me. Which are your favorite parts?
When Ron and Hermione came back to the Great Hall to check on Harry, they found a very unexpected sight. Harry and Malfoy, playing cards.
True, they were yelling at one another, and apparently had been yelling so much that they sounded a little hoarse. But still. They were playing. The only thing Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter played together was Quidditch, and they were on opposing teams.
"Erm...what're you-?" Ron began, and both boys turned around (Malfoy took the opportunity to filch the pile he and Harry had been arguing over).
"We're playing slap the jack," Harry explained.
"What's slap the jack?" asked a bemused Ron. "And why are you playing it with him?"
Malfoy shrugged. "Nothing else to do." Harry turned at the sound of his voice and saw the pile of cards missing. Hermione dragged Ron away to explain slap the jack while the two enemies fought it out with each other. When they came back, the pair was sitting and staring into the distance, not speaking to each other and as far apart as was possible. Malfoy's sleek hair looked ruffled, there were cards everywhere and Harry's glasses were broken again. Hermione fixed them, sorted the cards, put them away, and said, "So, I brought you a list of homework that you're supposed to do, you've got to keep up, you know."
"Hermione!" Harry cried in disbelief. "That's just not fair."
"I didn't do it of my own volition, you know," she replied sniffily. "Professor McGonagall said you ought to keep up. And that goes for you, too!" she told Malfoy, who snorted and attempted to flatten his hair with a hand without looking at her. "Snape gave me a list of what you're supposed to be doing, so unless you two have something else planned..."
Harry and Draco looked at each other for the first time in fifteen minutes. They really didn't have anything else to do besides yell at each other and mope around the castle.
"Hand over the homework," Harry said with a sigh, and Draco held out a hand for his pile.
Andy P. C. says ryoo.
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(October 30, 2011 - 8:29 pm)
I love this story so much. :)
"I love this show..."
(November 10, 2011 - 8:43 pm)
this is SO FUNNY! Keep making more :)
(November 12, 2011 - 8:55 am)
This is soooo funny!!! Please keep posting!
(November 15, 2011 - 9:53 pm)