Twilight *groan

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Twilight! (don't get mad at me)
Twilight *groan ...

Twilight *groan*

So's... we haven't really had any "heated discussions" in a while and the CB's dying again so I thought that this thread might sort of make things a little more, er, interesting, oui?

Anyways, I rented the book from my school library and I'm a bit past halfway through. I'm giving up on it. The beginning's okay I guess, and it's interesting, but *groan* when I got to the part where Edward sparkles I just gave up. Well, I didn't actually because I needed a book to read for English (the period after) and I didn't really have any other books- I finished Extras and we're not allowed to read French books in English- so... I read a tiny bit more. I think Edward just dropped Bella after he piggy-backed her through the forest. I pretty much just skimmed through that entire chapter.

But vampires SPARKLE? I thought it was weird when I first heard it, but then I read it: "It looked like diamonds" (<-or something like that. I know SMeyer used the word 'diamonds') I'm sorry but in my head!canon of anything that has to do with vampires, they don't sparkle. Unless it's Twi!Canon sadly.

More on head!canon: The Bella in my mind didn't look like the person who played Bella in the movies! I'm so proud of that, especially since the actress is on the front cover. My head!canon Bella switches between Becca from Vampires Suck and a faceless, really pale girl with brown hair.

I can't say the same for Edward though. He switches from the guy in the movies and the one from Vampires Suck. Or he's a mix. *shudder*

Charlie looks like the one from the movies. 

So a summary of my thoughts: The book's average- actually pretty interesting- in the beginning, but once Bella and Edward actually become friends, it just goes downhill. Or maybe I have an issue with romance? But nevermind me, what're you lot's thoughts on Twilight?

Oh, and if you're easily offended, you might want back away a bit. :P 

submitted by Olive
(October 14, 2011 - 8:29 pm)

Well, I haven't exactly read it. I really need to, (not because I'm interested, I'd rather play Halo with big brother, but anywhoozle...) because, well, I always rant on Twilight, though I only know the plot line and what the movies depict of it. So, I think that, to have an honest opinion, I need to read them. Though I don't think I'll get very far. I especially don't like the people who think that Twilight copied Harry Potter. I'm just not getting into that, 'cause you'll never hear the end of it. So, after I finish re-reading Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, I'll pick that up.

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 14, 2011 - 9:27 pm)

Stephanie Meyer is a good writer with not so good characters and not a very good plotline. I've heard that her "Host" is really good, but I haven't read it.

I have read all the books except for one, but I always forget which one it is. Didn't think it was very good, but if I'm going to complain, I have to know what I'm complaining about.

Why can't the vampires be mean? Why can't they actually drink blood? Why do they have to SPARKLE???

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 15, 2011 - 9:41 am)

I haven't actually read the books, but I watched the movie, and it was AWFUL!! I really don't think Stephenie Meyer copied HP though, because the plotline is really different. It's just a stupid romance story with nothing really going on. The only part I liked in the movie was the baseball game, but only because it had lots of action and they did a good job with the effects.

About Edward sparkling, I totally agree!! Why one Earth (or Magrathea, or Lamuella, or Irk, or Krikkit, or Betelguese, or any of the wimpy little planets in our own solar system) would anyone want to make a vampire SPARKLE!? IT MAKES NO SENSE!! I can't say I'm a vampire expert, but I know for a fact that it's just not right. I'm going to stop ranting now and go read The Light Fantastic. :)

submitted by Alexandra, age XII, Does it talk?
(October 15, 2011 - 10:14 am)

One of my friends said The Host is good. I'd read it, but it's way too fat for me to carry around from class to class and in my bag that's already full of stuff.

submitted by Olive
(October 15, 2011 - 1:06 pm)

"There are many kind of vampires. Indeed, it is said that there are as many kinds of vampires as there are types of disease [footnote: Which presumably means that some are virulent and deadly, and others just make you walk in a funny way and avoid fruit]." [see Carpe Jugulum]

Obviously, sparklepires belong into the latter category. Any vampire that can be described as "scintillating," in my not-so-humble opinion, deserves to be constrained to the teeth-rottingly saccharine world that dear Meyer invented. 

The pathetic excuses for plots don't even bear commenting on.

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(October 15, 2011 - 3:49 pm)

Yayyy, a TwiHaters thread!

I have not read this book, and there is no way I'm going to!

Here are some beautiful quotes from the 2 Twilight threads in Old Cricket's Library.....

"You probably shouldn't read [the books] until you're old enough to appreciate the sheer stupidity." -Mary W.

"Random piece of information: in the first book, Bella calls Edward
"hard" 109 times, "stone" 29 times, "marble" 9 times, and "statue"
seven times, but then she also calls him "soft" 48 times. Hard and soft
at the same time? Does that even make sense?"-Mary W.

"Oh, no, I love vampires! I hate sparklepires. There's a difference. 'And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.' Oh, yes." -TNO

"Impossible. It's "AWESOME"? no. Iit's so.. BORING. Stephenie Meyer goes
on and on about some story about "ROMANCE" and "VAMPIRES".  I mean,
like, she goes into detail about stupid things, and it's seriously a
weak book. No real ACTION, no real FEELINGS... I can't even VISUALIZE
anything. I've read it, too, except for Breaking Dawn, cuz I'm not
someone who wants to read EVERY. SINGLE. BOOK. about (AHAHAHA) BELLA
and EDWARD. It's so... meaningless." -Florie T.

"I give it a one, because Stephenie Meyer actually completed four books. Dear lord, I hate the names Edward and Bella now thanks to her...And I
actually wrote a good story with a character named Edward. Sigh, I
changed it to Edmond. Bella is stubborn, selfish, and is dominated easily. She should've just died in the first book. Edward is overcontrolling. I mean, he "lets" Bella visit Jacob. Too protective or what? I strongly DO NOT recommend this book for anyone in the fifth grade
and under. I strongly recommend this book to be used for toilet paper." -Claire K.

"......and so many illegal actions are encouraged [in the books] (Edward watching her sleep?
Stalking. Last I checked, it was illegal in all fifty states. Edward
removing her engine from her car and having his sister kidnap her? 1,
kidnapping, 2, abuse, both illegal and punishable by a very, very long
time in jail.  Jake imprinting on Renesemee?  Bella diving off a cliff?
Edward going far over the speed limit? Speeding (I think we all know
what this is). Need I go on?), it's not funny." -Lila Rose M.

"I have a new theory: Bella Swan has a brain tumor." -TNO

"First of all, Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon, so she shouldn't be writing
about hundred-year old guys and teen girls falling in love, that's just
messed up." -Caroline S.

"A summary of 'The Twilight Saga' (spoiler alert): Twilight (Book 1): Oh, Edward!!! I love Edward!!! *drool* New Moon (Book 2): Edward, don't leave me!!! *cry* No!!! Wait, let me
destroy Jacob's life then fly to Italy to stare at creepy vampires!!!
Edward, take me back!!! Yay!!! Eclispe (Book 3): Edward or Jacob? Jacob or Edward? Edward and Jacob? Jacob and Edward? I pick... Edward!!! Yay!!! (big shock) Breaking Dawn (Book 4): I'm going to marry Edward!!! Yay!!! Then I
become a creepy vampire and nearly kill Jacob! Yay!!! Then Jacob falls
in love with my creepy daughter! Yay!!! Then I stare at creepy
vampires! Yay!!! Then everybody lives happily ever after for all
eternity! Yay!!! OME like Twilight like totally like rocks!!! Like. No." -Musical Bookworm

"I DO NOT like Twilight." -Invisible

"'Harry gets put in the Tri-wiz-ard Tou-rna-ment, with dra-gons and
mer-maids, oh NO, Edward Cullen gets SLAYED (think fake dramatic
sarcastic voice).....'" -Writing Warrior, quoting Harry Potter in 99 Seconds

Stay tuned for more! :D



submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 16, 2011 - 8:08 am)

Annnnd now it's time for EVEN MORE quotes of TwiHaterDom!

WW, we don't see the point of reposting old things that have been said about Twilight. The old threads are still on the site, and the people who submitted them may have changed their minds by now.



submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 16, 2011 - 8:27 am)

Go ahead and repost mine.  The name on them might be Kyra, Mindy, or Annalesa Q., though.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(October 19, 2011 - 3:44 pm)

Wait... he sparkled?  SPARKLED.  Aren't vampires, like, undead... How can a CORPSE SPARKLE?!?!?!

While we're on the subject of Twilight, has anyone seen the episode of So Random where they do the Magical Students Wheel of Fortune?  When they were making part of Twilight, I almost died laughing... Ahhh, it feels good to see someone else poke fun at Twilight for once.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(October 16, 2011 - 10:25 am)

Twilight. is so stupid!! I got through the first chapter and I just stopped, it was just so boring! OMG talk about a drama queen.

submitted by ~Sam~
(October 16, 2011 - 10:46 am)

I read the first three books. *embarrassment* Yes, I thought they were okay but after you think about it the only cool thing about the plot is werewolves and vampires. Werewolves and vampires are cool if put into the right circumstances and the circumstances in Twilight are obviously not right. Ahem. 

People compare the book with Romeo and Juliet which is absolutely wrong because Sir Shakespeare was a genius (in writing, of course.) The people who compare it with Romeo and Juliet have not read or seen the play (I have only seen but that should count)! 

Love is not a hard, stubborn, about-to-bite-your-neck-off Vampire. Love is well... Not Twilight. I am not exactly sure what love is myself but that's another topic of conversation. :)

Sparkling vampires?! The only point of having a boyfriend who sparkles is that you can just watch him instead of a teeny tiny diamond on your finger. Oh joy. Of course, Edward gives her a ring anyway to show her his great amount of wealth.


submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 17, 2011 - 1:16 pm)

I've read all of them and actually used to like them. *facepalm* Plotless, pointless, predictable. Vampires and werewolves should inspire fear or make you go "Whoaaaa they just ripped that guy's head off! That is AWESOME!" not "Ooooh, spaaaarkley!"

submitted by Emma, age 15, CA
(October 19, 2011 - 12:14 am)

Ohh, and everybody read Luminosity. It is to Twilight what Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is to Harry Potter. I'm halfway-ish through the sequel now and it is amazing.

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(October 19, 2011 - 4:57 pm)

You can't compare Twilight to anything, especially not to Romeo and Juliet. I mean, HELLO! They die at the end!

submitted by SC , age 13
(October 19, 2011 - 7:23 pm)

Well, technically, Eddie was already dead and Bella did die in Breaking Dawn...

submitted by TNO, age 18, Deep Space
(October 20, 2011 - 10:35 pm)