I preordered The
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
The new Rick Riordan book
I preordered The...
I preordered The Son of Neptune last night for my Kindle (to take advantage od the half-off preorder price). I turned on my Kindle today, and it was there!!!!!! I'm so excited *puncuates last sentence w/ amusing hand gestures*
Of course, I have to finish my Sarah Dessan book and my Tera Lynn Childs book before I can read it. Sometimes I hate the reading rules I made up for myself.
submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(October 4, 2011 - 7:48 am)
(October 4, 2011 - 7:48 am)
I can't wait until I can read that! I pre-requested it at the library but there were several people on the waiting list so I might not get it until 2012.
!!!!!!!!!! =^..^= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(October 4, 2011 - 8:14 pm)
Already finished it! One of the best books ever! Very supenseful/exciting. Cannot wait until the next one!
(October 16, 2011 - 4:06 pm)
I'm reading it now! it's awesome.
P.S. *ToP*
(October 5, 2011 - 4:08 pm)
eeeee!!!I just got the Son of Neptune today! I have to finish another book I am reading first, but I am super excited to start it.
(October 5, 2011 - 9:46 pm)
GAH I finished it!!!!!!!!!!
(October 7, 2011 - 6:47 pm)
EEEEEEPPPPP. Sorry, I had to do that. I didn't really see this thread before I posted on the book count thread so I will be repeating things.
I am in the midst of reading it, but will not be able to finish it (unless of coure I read through the night like I did with some of the Percy Jackson books. I started feeling kind of weird at about three in the afternoon) before I give it to my friend for a birthday present tomorrow.
What I have read so far is a lot like the other books in how it happens, but I love predictability so much that I love the book all the more because it's like the other books I have read.
I will sometime get to finish it since I did get another copy to read but sent it first to my sister in D.C. She also enjoys the books. Don't you love Amazon's shipping. You don't have to pay anything more to get a book two days after it comes out.
So what are people's thoughts on the book. People who have finished it of course.
(October 7, 2011 - 11:10 pm)
I stayed up until 10:30 last night to finish it! I love how he writes it so you're laughing, then crying, then excited, and all in a battle scene.
//Spolier Alert//
I loved Hazel's backstory, how she gave up Elysium for her mom. Just for offering that, they should have both got into Elysium.
Oh, and when they were melting Thanato's chains, I seriously thought Frank was going to die. I cheered when he didn't.
//Spoiler Over//
The next one has Athena in the title, so I think it's about Annabeth. It's going to be AWWWWW-SSSSSOME!!!!
(October 8, 2011 - 12:25 pm)
My friend and I had an awkward fangirl squee fest when we found out that the two things that he remembered were //SPOILER// Annabeth and his name. I was all like: "OMIGAWSH THAT'S SO SWEET I LOVE YOU PERCY!!! <333" I was so happy I think I cried.
Yeah, I can't wait for the next one! I really hope that some of the chapters are from Annabeth's point of view. She's my favorite charrie, and I really don't think that she could purposely do anything wrong on the quest, unless she's influenced by the Voice.
(October 8, 2011 - 2:37 pm)
...which will probably happen. But you know how strong-minded she is. That could either mean she's not influenced by the voice, or it could mean she stubbornly refuses advice, or something like that.
(October 27, 2011 - 6:03 pm)
I finished It !!! It was nice to have Percy back in the book. I think that the title The Mark of Athena means Annabeth too! I don't know how I am going to wait another year!
(October 8, 2011 - 2:44 pm)
It is, like, the best book ever! Ditto on not being able to wait another year. It probably will have something to do with Annabeth, since she's the daughter of Athena. Ooh, I can't wait!
(October 16, 2011 - 4:03 pm)
I finally got it (not too long of a wait, huh?) and finished it!!!!!!
I can not wait another year. Where does the author live? San Antonio, TX? *pushes up sleeves* I'll walk down there on foot if I have to--and then we'll see about a sneak peek! *smiles cruelly, laughs evilly*
(October 27, 2011 - 5:59 pm)
I loved that book!!!
But I hated the ending. Did he have to stop it there?
(February 7, 2012 - 8:23 pm)
WOW!!! I just started reading the series after hearing about them from a friend and I'm on the second book. I LOVE THEM ALREADY!
(November 9, 2011 - 9:38 pm)
I really like those books! I can't wait to get to that book! I'm on the second one, but close to finishing it. I read books pretty fast, so I will probably finish the series in no time.
(November 18, 2011 - 10:43 am)