I was thinking

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

What I used to think Harry Potter was.
I was thinking...

I was thinking about this a few minutes ago and, since HP8 came out, I thought that I should share what I thought Harry Potter was like. I find it a bit funny. :)

1. I thought Draco (from the movies) was named Snape.

2. I thought that Harry's parents had been killed by Lucius when Harry and his parents were out picnicking on a flying carpet above a field (this is a picture in my mind) that I assume was a vacant Quidditch stadium. I also thought their death had involved a Snitch and falling.

And... that's mostly it. So what were your assumptions of the HP series before you read them? 

APC says iofx. iFox? Is that like a portable TV that shows only shows from the Fox channel? 

submitted by Olive
(July 20, 2011 - 8:22 pm)

I'm glad that I'm not the only person who makes assumptions!!!!!!!!!!Cool

submitted by Katelynn L., age 10, Alberta, Canada
(July 21, 2011 - 5:32 pm)


submitted by TOP
(July 21, 2011 - 6:52 pm)

What the cherries..... that is the most random thing about Harry Potter I have ever heard... no offence.

I didn't really have any assumptions about Harry Potter, due to parents who LOVED the book. But my brother is assured, thanks to my cousin, that Voldemort doesn't die, and Harry does but comes back to life. He really needs to read the books...

submitted by Tiffany W., age 10, Nashville, TN
(July 22, 2011 - 7:24 am)

When I got into Harry Potter, I had an extremely hard time convincing my friend to read it, because she firmly believed that it was about a bunch of creepy people running around in a scary haunted house with a cousin called Weasley.

I got her to read it, though, and she says she's glad I did. 

submitted by Jess
(July 22, 2011 - 9:31 am)

I didn't really have any assumptions about the series because I got into it when I was 6 and the first book had only been around in the US for about a year. ...And now I feel old. 

Though I do remember, for the longest time (about 6-10 years old) I was absolutely convinced that at least one of Harry's parents was still alive. I don't remember why. And also until I was eleven I was hoping for a Hogwarts letter, but then so is probably every kid in that age group who has ever read the book(s).

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(July 22, 2011 - 6:50 pm)

Basically, I thought they were bad, and I was beyond reading them. Mind you, that was before I got in to first grade. Yes, I was a stuck-up, nerdy, snobbish 5 year old. Yes, I am still stuck-up, nerdy, and snobbish today. What else is new? I did read them them when I was 6 or 7, though, and completely fell in love with them. This is random, but when I had to get glasses in second grade or so, I thought the world was ending, but then I remembered Harry had glasses. Now I have contacts. Yipee. -_-

submitted by Mathilda B.
(July 24, 2011 - 1:09 am)

Wow, that's hilarious, Olive :)


Well, for most of the time I was reading the HP series, I thought Hagrid's hut was in the back of the castle.  Actually, I still have trouble imagining it in the front.  Also, I knew the lake was in the front, but for the entire ending of Book 3, I thought it was in the back, because Hagrid's hut was also supposedly in the back.  Sometimes I accidently skip important description details when I'm reading and then I'll reread the book and then realize my visualization of the world was completely wrong.  Oh well. 


submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(July 26, 2011 - 8:56 pm)

When I was little, I turned up my nose at it because it was popular. (Cough, cough, exactly what I do now cough, cough). I think the books are slightly mediocre. The movies, meanwhile, are absolutely TERRIBLE. Oh well.

submitted by Sakura C., age 12, Hogwarts
(January 19, 2012 - 8:25 pm)