Yes I know
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Yes I know there was another HP FF thread but I've tried topping it before and it refuses to budge. Also, this thread is about Harry Potter Ships.
If you have no idea what HP FF is, it stands for Harry Potter Fan Fiction. And "Ships" in the context I used in the above paragraph is short for RelationSHIPS. An example canon ship is Ginny/Harry or Harry/Ginny, whichever order you like to put the names. Two non-canonical ships that seem... common in the FF community are Harry/Hermione, or Harmony or Harmione (I do not ship this ship whatsoever) and another is Draco/Hermione or Dramione. Which I ship. (In my defense, [most of] the fics [that I've read] are excellent) Then there are those creepy ships like Snape/Hermione... keep your puke in your mouths please. And don't ask how I know about the creepy ships.
So, do you guys recommend any fanfics? *cough* Unseemly Proposal *cough* I know at least a few people here have read Methods of Rationality...
Oh! And what do you guys ship? If you do ship? I ship Dramione, Harry/Ginny, um, Snape/Lily when I feel sorry for Snape. Oh! And sometimes Bella/Voldy. I use the term, "sometimes" very loosely. :)
(June 28, 2011 - 5:11 pm)
Bella/Voldy FTW!
I'm a fan of Snape/Lily, and sometimes Remus/Lily. (I find James really annoying and maintain that he did not deserve Lily.) Harry/Luna can be interesting, and so can Harmony. *is shot* I haven't read any Draco/Hermione, so I don't really know how I feel about that one - I'd like to read some, though; have you any recommendations?
(June 28, 2011 - 7:01 pm)
(June 28, 2011 - 7:49 pm)
(June 29, 2011 - 12:50 am)
Yay shipping wars! *cough* ...Friendly shipping discussions, I mean. ((No, seriously, it's hilarious how hung up this fandom can get over who ought to end up with who.))
re: SnapexHermione: SnapexHarry is far, far worse, believe me. And even worse than that are the HarryxBellatrix shippers. D: ...There are a lot of bizarre and creepy ships in this fandom, actually. *hides*
Let's see, I ship:
NarcissaxLucius (<3)
RabastanxAnything That Moves (why? I don't know. It just makes sense to me.)
Madam PincexThe Librarian (as in the one from Unseen University)
And, most importantly, VoldemortxBellatrix. So much. ...But you all knew that.
As far as fanfic recommendation goes, the TV Tropes fanfic recommendations page(s) have never steered me wrong. But especially Methods of Rationality, DAYD, and Make a Wish (strictly comedy, but brilliant).
The other HPFFs that I have bookmarked and are not rated M are The Very Secret Diary, A Hero, and Harry McGonnagal and its sequel Harry Potter McGonnagal.
And then there's Curious Number Four (Doctor Who crossover in which Ten makes the plot of PoA explode into a ball of timey-wimey weirdness and almost gives Fudge an apoplexy), and the Harveste series (The Addams Family crossover, but not something I'd recommend to anyone uncomfortable with the Addamses' more, ah, macabre, bloody activities, and it is rated M so ordinarily I wouldn't list it at all except that I love it so much. It's about on par with me recommending Burton's Sweeney Todd, just so we're clear.). Also End of the Line, a Discworld crossover in which the HP afterlife is a train station run by Death, Albert, and the Death Of Rats. Not sure if crossover fiction was what you were after when you asked for recommendations, but there you have it.
But yeah. I'm pretty sure everything except Harveste and DAYD is T or lower. With Harveste and DAYD, caveat emptor.
(June 28, 2011 - 8:00 pm)
Oh, I forgot to mention Pince/Librarian! OTP.
(June 29, 2011 - 7:34 am)
THEY HAVE EPIC L-SPACE LURVE!!! *flails wildly*
(June 29, 2011 - 1:22 pm)
The Sugar Quill! The Sugar Quill The Sugar Quill The Sugar Quill. It is a great site for HP fanfics, where almost all of it is excellent or at least good! It's a little bit too fluffy/romantic for my tastes, but you can usually tell what it's going to be about.
My 2 favorite fanfics of all time are definitely MoR and Mind's Eye, Soul's Reflection. The latter is on The Sugar Quill (where else?), and it's amazing. It's about what things were like for Luna during OotP, and it's long, and I didn't think I'd like it much because I already knew the plot, but then I actually started reading, and it was brilliant. I would love it even if I didn't have an amazing amount in common with that particular version of Luna. Unfortunately, it was written before HBP, so it has some inaccuracies on subjects like her father, but it's still excellent.
I also love anything by the author of Six Years, Six Applicants. I've also read her Fairy Tale fanfic, and it's great as well.
The Very Secret Diary was okay. It could have been much better, though.
There was another Sugar Quill fic I absolutely loved, but I can't remember what it was called. It was about a Hufflepuf named Sally-Ann, and it was really a sort of Cinderella crossover... It was much better than it sounds, too.
I don't ship, generally. I'm not a romance person. I'd like to say right off, though, that Pince/Librarian sounds AWESOME, and I am definitely going to search as much as I can for it. Unrequitted Ron/Hermione sounds good, too. I like Narcissa/Lucius, but I didn't know ships even counted if they were so obviously canon.
Am I the only person who was completely baffled by the ships in the books, though? Sometimes I think so. It wasn't until I was 12 that I realized how I was supposed to tell that Ron and Hermione didn't hate each other, and I still don't really get it. /annoyed, not at the books but at confusing people/ Is that normal? Because I really can't tell. It might be, but I really have no idea.
(June 29, 2011 - 3:37 pm)
The Sugar Quill is indeed lovely for those... fluff moods. And Six Years, Six Applicants was brilliant, I need to reread it thanks for reminding me.
re: Narcissa/Lucius: You'd think, but a huge portion of the fandom seems to think that Lucius is LIKE SO ABUSIVE!!!1!11!!! towards both Narcissa and Draco and/or having an affair with someone else, most usually Bella for some reason. I don't know. It doesn't make any sense to me, but that's the reason I can't stomach 90% of Death Eater fanfiction because in my head (and... heavily implied in the books as well) the Malfoys luff each other. So there. (Another 9% is largely ruined by Bellatrix being extremely out of character from how I imagine her and/or how she's described in the books, which is irritating [[no, Bellatrix is not a drug addict, involved in any way with Snape or Lucius or anyone else besides the Dark Lord, nor is she completely irrational to the point of stupidity or secretly on the side of Light (...probably. And if she is it's emotional/psychological, not... the stuff fanfic writers like to come up with). She does not have a Freudian Excuse, she is just Evil. Nor is she inclined towards Damsel In Distress Syndrome, she is one of, if not the most powerful witch in the series; read the books please. WHY anyone would even think any of that, let alone all of it at once, is beyond me. *deep breath*]] Why is there no good Death Eater fanfiction ugh). So, basically, TL;DR: The rest of the fandom is dumb and I ship them with only slightly less vehemence than I ship Bella and Voldy.
(June 29, 2011 - 6:49 pm)
@ZNZ: The Unseemly Proposal is one of the best DrM/HrG fics that I have ever come across. That is appropriate. There's also an entire site devoted to Dramione fics, poetry, art, etc. etc. called Hawthorn & Vine. Yup.
Who's TL and DR? And Lucius doesn't seem very abusive, just someone with high expectations. And fear of Voldy.
(June 29, 2011 - 7:41 pm)
Too Long; Don't/Didn't Read: ie, the laconic version.
(June 29, 2011 - 10:29 pm)
I think it means Too Long; Didn't Read.
(June 29, 2011 - 10:57 pm)
"The hills are alive, and they're eating people." -Harry Potter in Make a Wish
Yes, I've started MaW. And it's awesome. Thanks for the recommendation, TNO(umlaut). :)
(July 1, 2011 - 4:05 pm)
Best. Vacation. Ever.
(July 1, 2011 - 11:13 pm)