Would anyone like

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Book Club
Would anyone like...

Would anyone like to start a book club with me? First we need people to join, next we need to pick a book (that everyone has or can get) to read, then we read it before a deadline that we set, and finally we comment on it! Please join!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 3:33 pm)

I will join! I need some new reading material!

submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(April 30, 2011 - 8:18 am)

Good! Choco, you can join. I think we'll wait a few days to start so that we can get more members to join. Anyone else?

submitted by Princess P.
(April 30, 2011 - 10:23 am)

I'll join! Someone else started a thread for it at the same time, though, and it has more comments, so maybe we should just go there. There's no point in 2 at once.

submitted by Ima
(April 30, 2011 - 1:37 pm)

Okay, sounds good. Choco, would you like to join the other one instead? Bottom please! :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(April 30, 2011 - 5:50 pm)