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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Book Quote Game!
I would like...

I would like to do a book quote game! You guys know the rules (better than I do actually!). 

Here's the first quote!


Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the way we expect.  

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 8, 2011 - 12:37 pm)

I don't know how to play this game. Would you mind explaining?

submitted by Elizabeth D. , age 14 , Texas
(April 8, 2011 - 9:57 pm)

I'll do the best I can. So, someone writes a quote from a book and you try to guess it. The first person to get it right gets to write another quote and the people try to guess it and so on. Get it?

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 10, 2011 - 2:28 am)

@ Elizabeth D.:

In a book quote game, one person posts a quote from a book and other people try to guess what book it's from.  The person who guesses correctly gets to post a new quote, and so on.


One of the Ink- books (Inkheart, Inkspell)?

A Bartimaeus Trilogy Book?



submitted by Analesia, age 12, *wishes she cou
(April 10, 2011 - 8:26 am)

Understand now, Elizabeth D.?

Is it from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

submitted by Katie, age 13, outside looking
(April 10, 2011 - 7:57 pm)

HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHEONIX by J. K. Rowling.  Luna Lovegood said that to Harry.  ~nods~

submitted by Charlotte
(April 10, 2011 - 6:04 pm)

I think it's a Harry Potter quote. Dumbledore maybe? Or maybe Lupin? Probably not Sirius. Or is it a Percy Jackson quote? No, I think it's Harry Potter.

submitted by ~Sam~
(April 10, 2011 - 9:22 pm)

Deathly Hallows?

submitted by ALD, age 12, the earth
(April 11, 2011 - 4:01 am)

Voila! Charlotte, you got it right!! Now it's your turn! ;)

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 11, 2011 - 9:45 am)

My turn.....hmmmm

"Stay back, human, you don't know what you're dealing with."

This one might be a little hard, considering I don't know how many people on the Chatterbox have actually read this series.  Oh...that last word was a miniscule hint.

submitted by Charlotte, age 13, Lost iny my min
(April 11, 2011 - 12:38 pm)

I don't know... I feel like I've heard it... It's not Percy though right?

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 12, 2011 - 10:48 am)

Artemis Fowl, book one. 

Doesn't the OotP quote only appear in the movie? I can't remember.  

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Thulcandra
(April 12, 2011 - 4:19 pm)

That would make sense. When I heard the quote, I immediately thought of that scene, but I couldn't think of any time it was actually said.

submitted by Ima
(April 12, 2011 - 6:59 pm)

It does only appear in the movie, I'm almost positive, and then Luna looks up to see her shoes dangling from the ceiling.

submitted by Brynne
(April 12, 2011 - 9:31 pm)

Wait, only from the movie??? I'm so sorry! I thought it was from the book!!

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 13, 2011 - 7:57 am)

It's okay. :)

submitted by Brynne
(April 13, 2011 - 3:23 pm)