Greeting fellow Chatterbo

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Oficcial Topper of the Chatterbox
Greeting fellow Chatterbo...

Greeting fellow Chatterboxers!

My name is Topper.

I am now the official topper of the Chatterbox.

My sole perpouse (sorry for spelling errors) on the Chatterbox is to make threads that are in the back, that are relavantly new, come to the front.

I do not comment on threads, I soly make them move to the TOP!!

Please, do not talk to me about anything other than TOPPING. 


Thank you,


-- The official topper of the Chatterbox.



P.S. I did not get a ceremony. If you have enough love for the job I do, please through me a sworn in topper ceremony. Please make it on Down to Earth, or on here. Please make it a seperate thread.


Thanks again,


submitted by Topper
(March 9, 2011 - 2:54 pm)



Sounds good, but can others still TOP! threads too? Thanks!



submitted by Kat, age TOP!, TOP!
(March 9, 2011 - 5:41 pm)

Well, I suppose, but I am the official topper.

submitted by Official Topper
(March 12, 2011 - 1:25 pm)

Mr. Topper, I do most solemnly make you hereby this biggishly small, in fact kind of puny, ceremony, make you the Official Topper of this website.  I trust you will do your job well.

Do you solemnly swear to be indiscriminate in your topping?

Do you solemnly swear to enthusiastically top all threads on obsolete pages?

Do you solemnly swear to top them with whipped cream topping or chocolate fudge topping or both with a cherry on top?

In that case, you are indeed a worthy Official Topper for this website.  I wish you luck in your solemn topping.

submitted by Oregano, age less, Same sofa
(May 11, 2011 - 1:30 pm)