WOW ah.. mann..
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
WOW ah.. mann.. oh mann.. ga lee... I started out on here and moved to DtE and never came back to here!!!!!! It's been a while!!
So if you don't remember me, well then ~~~> My name is Vida and I am gonna try to transtition back to BaB.
Well anywhoo, some of you BaB CBers may know, I know Bill Wallace and I loveeeeeeeeeeee his books!!!!!!!!!!
I really can't pick a favorite book by him. Trapped in Death Cave is the closest to favorite.
Has anyone heard of him, read any of his books, or even better yet, read Trapped in Death Cave??????
In my opinion, HE ROCKS AS AN AUTHOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recommend his books for either really advanced readers or ages 11 and up.
Vida typing off for now..........
(November 16, 2010 - 10:19 pm)
I've read several things by Bill Wallace! It's been a very long time since I have, but I remember that I really loved them. I read Trapped In Death Cave a few years ago, I think; it was one of the first of his books that I read. I don't really remember it much, but it was very good.
(November 16, 2010 - 11:10 pm)
Well Ima, I have read Death Cave more thanonce so it is fresh in mind.
I am actully currenly reading it right now!!
(November 17, 2010 - 11:24 am)
Is Ima your real name? If its not what is it???
(November 22, 2010 - 4:51 pm)