Has anyone read
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Has anyone read Defiance by Valerie Hobbs? It's touching and moving, but not so much that it makes you cry, nonetheless, it's very good. I read it in one (or two, a break for a minute or two because my mom wanted to tell me something) bite(s).
Defiance is about a boy named Toby who has cancer. He and his mom (his dad can only come up on the weekends because of his job) are staying in a cabin for the summer.
One day, Toby goes for a ride and meets a cow who's "ribs are sticking out" (that's as near a quote as I can get). Eventually, he meets the cow's (named Blossom) owner, Pearl, and elderly poet (in the story she is retired, but she eventually *spoiler alert* writes a few more books before her death in the afterword *SP ends*). The two bond once Pearl learns that Toby isn't the hand (AKA helper) that the grocer sent over.
Then, Toby finds a bump on his side, and keeps it a secret so he wouldn't have to be admitted to the Children's Hospital for treatment. *spoiler alert* His parents eventually find out though. *SP ends*
Okay, that was pretty long for a BaB post (for me anyway). Laterz!
(August 22, 2010 - 3:27 pm)