I think the

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Libraries, book fairs, book stores, stores that happen to sell books, etc.
I think the...

I think the title is self-explanatory. Talk about them here. Just don't expect what I have to say to be at all interesting. It isn't, mostly. It's extremely trivial. I just feel like saying it anyway, so I am... You can post here whether or not you read it all.

I really like my public library. It has plenty in it, and the waiting lists aren't usually very long. (Except for Catching Fire and The Necromancer). However, I sometimes end up going to another public library near me, because it just has so many events. There was a Hunger Games-themed party once, to list one example. It was fun... Not that you needed to know any of that.

School libraries, on the other hand, are just slight inconveniences to me. In elementary school, we went weekly and were only allowed to get 2 books at a time, even though I was reading more than that in kindergarten (not that the books from then were long, but...). I mainly depended on the public library. Then, in middle school, we were finally allowed to get as many as we wanted. Well, we were only allowed to get 2, until we showed the librarian we could really read more than that. However, that wasn't really relevant to me because I did so in the first week by reading my 2 6-page books in 4 days.... But it was annoying to have to carry 5-6 books (most not of that size, of course) home with you from school every Thursday. It wears out your backpack. Some of the incredulous looks I received from the people who read 30 pages per day were funny, though...

And I hate bookstores. Yes, you read that correctly. I hate bookstores. Which means that, reading as much as I do, there must be something horribly wrong with me--or the bookstores. I know I'm biased, but I really think it's the bookstores.

Honestly, they depress me. Not being able to walk into the young adult fiction section (with plenty of books in it, as well) and find more than 15 that are not vampire-related (and when I say vampire, I mean similar-to-Twilight vampires, and the books are nearly always romance-related) is just... sad. Especially when only 12 of those 15 books look even remotely interesting, and only 2 look worth buying, and even one of those has a vampire as a major character. A vegetarian vampire, even. Although she is a very interesting character who, as far as I know, is not involved in any sort of romance, and, as a bonus, happens to be from Celtic mythology... But really? That's only 1 interesting, non-vampire-related book worth buying. Pathetic? I think so. Aetc agrees. He says uagh. Ugh! Argh!

I wish I could just stay away from bookstores, but unfortunately, I can't. Whenever I see one, I suddenly forget the existence of Twilight in the excitement of Oooh! Books! Yay! So I walk in... and visit the YA section... and get upset... and end up looking for books in the section for 2nd-6th grade, even though you're in 7th grade, just because there's nothing good anywhere else... Sorry. I just needed to say all of that. That was the real reason I made the thread in the first place...

submitted by Ima
(August 14, 2010 - 11:13 pm)

I really like my public library too. Mostly because it has an entire floor of kids' and young teens' books. Plus a section of teens' books on another floor! And it has a summer reading program where you get prizes for reading & visiting the library during the summer. The reading requirements aren't even hard: read for ten hours total, or read ten books, or read 1000 pages!! OMG, just when the library seemed as good as they get.

submitted by Sasha B., age 12, Berkeley, CA
(August 15, 2010 - 4:08 pm)