Well, I figured
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Team Twilight
Well, I figured...
Well, I figured it's well overdue to have this, but Team Twilight Warz! Or maybe just Team Twilight if the Admins prefer to keep it that way. (fangirls can get aggressive just by the way)
I'm on Team Emmet! It was a large bout over Team Jacob and Team Emmet, but Team Emmet won't get much support, so I'm on his team.
So, um, just say your team here I guess. If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to post them. (I'm crazy about Twilight b/c I just came home after going to a b-day party where we watched Eclipse, and this should probably be in PP, but most twi-fans come here to BaB, and Twilight is a book so yeah...) Go Team Emmet!!!!!
submitted by Olive
(July 11, 2010 - 8:46 pm)
(July 11, 2010 - 8:46 pm)
It's because Smeyer didn't want to deal with the trouble of having vampires catch on fire every time they went out into the sunlight.
"...and once again, you're registering as Mr. and Mrs. Pile of Ashes."
(July 16, 2010 - 9:03 am)
@Mary Liz: Very true. I mean, really, Smeyer? Do they have to sparkle?
(July 17, 2010 - 8:53 am)
@Ann: She did say somewhere that she "like[s] pretty things."
(July 18, 2010 - 7:15 am)
She wants to write about pretty things? Pretty things? Then why is she writing about vampires?! Go write about flower fairies or sissy unicorns if you want to write about pretty things! *shakes head in disgust*
(July 18, 2010 - 3:00 pm)
Not to mention that she's a Mormon, and vampires are pretty much taboo in that religion. *shrug* If I remember rightly, though, Twilight etc was inspired by a dream that Smeyer had.
(July 19, 2010 - 9:42 am)
Who is Emmet?! Wait, I don't care. Sorry, my sister, Rachel, told me to go on this thread (she was standing right behind me before I yelled at her to GET OUT because she exited ON PURPOSE! EVERYTHING I had just typed. [She didn't want me to say all the bad stuff she said about Jacob. Now Rachel is skipping around the house.] And I said no, but then she said "No! C'mon! Let's trash on Twilight!" So I clicked on it and, um, here I am. So, well, bye.
(That was pathetic)
(July 16, 2010 - 7:38 pm)
I definitely don't want to get involved in a Twilight War, so I'll just say this:
I'm not a very big fan of Twilight because I really dislike how people are so obsessed with it and I don't want to be obsessed with it and be just like everyone else. There are plenty other good series that people aren't obsessed with to like. I also don't really like the movies because 1) IMO Kristen Stewart (I think that's the right actress, right?) looks like she's going in to seizures frequently because she blinks really hard and fast and that's distracting and annoying. 2) IMO Robert Patterson (Is that one right??) looks like a girl because of the way they do his make-up.
Whew, I made it through that without saying "I hate this" etc! :D I feel so proud! ;)
(July 17, 2010 - 11:57 pm)
Hello, I'm on team I-haven't-read-twilight-and-will-only-read-it-if-I-seriously-need-to-realize-how-bad-it-is. Need I say more?
(July 18, 2010 - 11:57 am)
Not meaning it offensively, but the obsession is getting rather annoying. It seems like many things are wrong with it, and...Well, yeah. I need a better reason for why it is so good than 'Edward is so hot!!!!', please. Why do you like it, is pretty much my question...
(July 18, 2010 - 3:34 pm)
I'm on the same team as you.
Aetc says... bnpd. Beanpod? That's a bit random...
(July 18, 2010 - 4:47 pm)
It's my team too. ;D
(July 19, 2010 - 6:19 am)
Ok ok. *backs away* I get it. I get it. I'll pack this thread in a suitcase *puts laptop in suitcase* And we'll all forget about it. K? No one comment on this thread anymore if you don't want to see all this Twilight stuff. Hope you're happy. :-) (don't worry, I'm not mad at y'all, I just don't want a real twi-hard to find this and start harassing you guys)
(July 19, 2010 - 3:19 pm)