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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Red Pyramid Roleplayish Thing
This is for...

This is for fans of the new Red Pyramid series by Rick Riordan (author of Percy Jackson)!!! I know I have been away, but I bring tales of the land of Egypt, and all of you who have any knowledge whatsoever of Egyption mythology is welcome to join. The Red Pyramid is about two magicians, Carter and Sadie, who are also hosts for the gods Horus and Isis, but you can be something else as long as it relates to the topic. You can even be a god yourself for all I care! Now who wants to join?

submitted by Mango, Egypt (not real
(May 26, 2010 - 3:10 pm)

Top, thread!!! Okay, I'll make my character, but please don't die!

Name: Zekko

Age: 13

Type o/ person: god host, experienced magician

God hosting: Anubis

Personality: calm, serious, but powerful enough to take on a minor god and win. This is without Anubis' help. He has achieved balance with Anubis, and this boosts his power even more. He doesn't brag about it, however. He also is interested in technology and is kind of a "nerd". ((This is a good thing- I was just yesterday voted nerdiest in my class! I'm so cool...Cool))

So, if anyone will post, I'd be happy.

submitted by Mango
(June 2, 2010 - 3:12 pm)

TOP, THREAD!!! Please don't die! I need people!!!

submitted by Mango
(June 4, 2010 - 4:12 pm)

Hello, I'm kinda bad at starting at threads, so don't blame me if I mess up terribly. I'm just gonna go for it!

Name: Toby

Type of Person: Born to a family of magicians, one of the most skilled in Nome 21 (Was That the One From the Book?)

Personality: Kind, caring, smart, specializes in combat magic, host to Horus, very powerful, in control 

submitted by ZB
(June 4, 2010 - 10:59 pm)

THANK YOU!!!!!! Please post often, for I am in great need of posting people that post a lot and respond to my posting. I am very repetitive, I know. Thanks. Anyway, my first post is such. The story can go where it likes.


I strained to lift the boulder. Just a little more... I thought frantically, looking behind me. Got it! I lifted the rock, tossing it back and running for my life. Anubis, help a little, won't you?!

      No, came the cross reply. You are fighting because you got into trouble. This is your fight. "But it's almost here... you can't just... We'll die!!!" I screamed out loud. Finally, perhaps some peace and quiet for once. Completely frustrated, I saw the beast coming closer. "I'll have to do this alone, then."

submitted by Mango
(June 7, 2010 - 3:48 pm)

((YES!!!! Summer's here! So maybe we will have more time to post? Maybe? So this thread is not hopeless?))

submitted by Mango
(June 10, 2010 - 7:30 am)

Forget it... nobody will post... at all... *goes off to cry in a corner*

submitted by Mango
(June 17, 2010 - 4:08 pm)

*calls Dead Thread Revival* Hello? I need you!

submitted by Mango
(June 24, 2010 - 12:47 pm)