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Harry Potter Roleplay?
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Who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? I do! Should we do Marauders, Potter-era or Next-gen? Please reply.

submitted by ZNZ
(May 11, 2010 - 6:27 pm)

Kat: I understand that you want other people to post, but there are ALOT of other HP RPs out there. Maybe you should join a different one, sort of like the whole warriors thing.

Potter: I looked over to Moony's bed. The curtain was open and he was sleeping like a rock. The sun was coming up, and the owl's will start hooting, meaning that we need to be at breakfast in 45 minutes. I shook him awake, "Dude, we need to be up now." He threw a pillow at me. I threw it back. He finally got up, (talkin' bout Moony) but he was acting like a were-wolf, wanting to kill me, but still realizing that I was his friend. Padfoot and Wormtail were no where to be found, so the must have been down stairs. I changed into my robes, and gathered my wand, feather pen, and anything else I would need. I would get my books later. I walked down toward the Great Hall, just smelling the delicious breakfast, almost tasting everything. Almost racing to the table, I grabbed a piece of toast and some pumpkin juice. Like a vacuum cleaner, everything on my plate was gone. Padfoot came to join me, "Hungry, much?"

Areena: Okay, let me get this straight. I thought that the first day of muggle school was hard, try having a first day of wizard school, where everyone expects you to become something great in Gryffindor, something bad in Slytherin someone amazingly smart in Ravenclaw and a sort of a combo of all three in Hufflepuff. I just don't know if I could handle it all. I looked around at the other people in my year. There were about five others. Seeri was just a pain, Jessica was sort of cool, Amanda sort of stayed alone, Samantha was sort of a bully, and Sarah always had her head in a book. The sun was coming up, so I put my new robes on. I walked out of the common room and into the staircase. Do I go up, or down, or straight?  I saw an older kid coming from someone upstairs, and I asked her if she could take me to the Great Hall. "Um, excuse me, but, er, I was kinda wondering if you could tell me how to get to the great hall, uh, maybe?" I think the girl was Lily, but I don't know. "Sure, just follow me."

submitted by ZB/potter and areena
(July 14, 2010 - 1:19 pm)

He looks up at me. "What? It's good." 

"Yeah," I say, grinning at him and sitting down, "but you're eating like you've never eaten before in your life." 
He grins back. "You know there's nothing like Hogwarts food. 'Sides, I need extra fuel for the first day." 
"Got that right." I begin to pile my own plate. "Have you seen a schedule yet?" 
He shakes his head. "I was going to go get one after I finished eating. They're up front if you want one." He points to a table in front of the teacher's table. 
"Nah, I'll finish eating first." And I dig in.
Then Remus slides into the seat in front of mine. "Hey, guys."
I swallow and say, "Hi." James nods at him. 
"I got some schedules." He hands a parchment to each of us. We thank him and take a look. 
"We've got Sluggy first period," I note.
"He's not so bad," says Remus.
"Fine if you're one of his favourites," he snorts. "Like *Snivelly*. Or Evans." Then he seems to think of something. "Hey, Remus. What did she want to talk to you about last night?" 
He shrugs. "She *says* she wants my help with Defense class. I dunno what's up with that -- she's like the best in our year." 
James looks puzzled. Then he says, "You don't suppose she likes you, do you?"
"Give it a rest, James," I say. "No one's trying to steal Evans from you."
"Yeah, cool down," Remus says. "Even if she likes me, I don't like her."
He snorted. "*Snivelly* is." He gives a dark look to the Slytherin table. 
"Come on, James," I say. "Maybe you should, I dunno, just stop worrying about her. You're getting to be kind of obsessed with her." I give Remus a look like *Help me out here!* 
"Sirius is right," he says. "Maybe you should give up."
He looks at us. "I'm never giving up. Come on, let's go to class."  
submitted by ZNZ/Sirius
(July 14, 2010 - 2:29 pm)


I was woken up the next morning by James. When we got to the great hall, He rushed twards the food and I went up to the front and get scedules. I joined the rest at the griffindor table and handed out the scedules. I still couldn't figure out what Lilly really wanted. Maybe she really did need help. We finished our breakfast and headed down to potions. we had only just gotten there when James started rummaging around his bag. "Oh no!" moaned James,"I've left my potin's book upstairs!"

submitted by Kat/Remus, age 12, somewhere beyon
(July 14, 2010 - 4:08 pm)

"Oh no! I've left my book upstairs, and we have double transfiguration on a Wednesday!" I gloomily walked into the dungeon and sat down in the back. Lily came in the classroom, for some reason, she was late. Her hair was messed up and her robes looked like they were thrown on at the last minute. She was a mess, like she was up all night. I still liked her that way. I smiled and tried to fix my hair, but the little curse was still wearing off. We were supposed to make an Boil Cure Potion. Moony and I were partners, lucky me, Moony did most of the work and I just passed him the ingredients. "Dried Nettles." "Dried Nettles." I passed him the Dried Nettles. "Crushed Snake Fangs" I tried to avoid the venom, there was still some dripping. 'Crushed Snake Fangs." Once the potion was over, everyone had to try a bit, then make a antidote. I put a bit more in my cup than supposed to, and I turned out to be like, 50. "Ugh, I'm so old!" The teacher stared me down, 'cause he was like 80. Once we finished the antidote, we met up with Padfoot, he had Charms first on Monday.

I walked out of the History building, half asleep. Who has a ghost for a teacher? He was so boring! I bumped into a first year boy, he had cute black hair, sea blue eyes, and a couple freckles splashed over his nose. When I bumped into him, I dropped the books I was carrying. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He bent down to pick them up, and when he gave them back, he looked into my eyes for what seemed like hours, then he dashed away. Suddenly, I loved this school. I skipped towards potions, enjoyed all my classes, and glanced at him like a hundred times during dinner.

submitted by ZB/potter and areena
(July 15, 2010 - 2:44 pm)

Seeri thought that they should have fired the history teacher centuries ago.  Another mission.  To get the guy fired.  Seeri saw Areena skipping towards potions, a glazed look of happiness on her face.  Suspicious.  Seeri hurried towards potions, searching for the trigger.  Now, what could that have been about?

Seeri knew Areena didn't like her, but she didn't care.  Why care?  It's not like she wanted friends.  But, of course, she still had to shove her nose in to other people's business.  At dinner, she sat across from Areena and asked,

"What's this all about?"

submitted by Dawnpaw
(July 18, 2010 - 11:51 am)

Ok I just realized I forgot about this thread. Although it doesn't look like I've missed very much so I guess I'll type something about Alanna now... if I can think of something...




Alanna marched straight upstairs to the Ravenclaw dormitories after the feast was over (it was kind of hard with a squirming cat in her robes. She had to keep her arms crossed (luckily it wasn't that unusual for her to be seen like that).). After answering the riddle the door asked her, Alanna hurried upstairs, dumped Mushroom onto the floor, changed into her pajamas, climbed into bed, and fell asleep, only waking once in the night with a cat on her stomach.



Alanna woke with a start to find Mushroom on her again and the dormitory empty. Knowing that breakfast had most likely been finished, she hurried to get dressed and ran as fast as ever to class.  (Not once had Alanna been early for anything) She stopped halfway there, realizing something. Oh, great, she thought, I've forgotten my books. So she dashed back.

submitted by MCB, age 11, Somewhere
(July 18, 2010 - 10:38 am)

We need to think of somthing to make this more exciting.

bored yawn Pictures, Images and Photos

submitted by Kat/Remus, age 12/14, here/Potions
(July 30, 2010 - 8:12 pm)

Oh my gosh, so sorry I was at camp, early mornings, late nights, way too tired to do anything but sleep, now I'll post a lot. I can only think of stuff for Areena.

"What do you mean?" I picked at the chicken on the plate, suddenly not hungry. "Oh you know what I mean. You were sulking more than anyone on their first day, you bump into Josh, and all of a sudden your'e running around as if you just won a thousand galleons. I know something's going on." "Oh, so his name is Josh? What house is he in?" "Ravenclaw, but that doesn't matter, you like him." "So what if I do. I bet that you have a crush on someone." With that she picked up her plate and moved to the end of the table.

submitted by ZB/Potter and Areena
(July 31, 2010 - 11:12 am)


submitted by Kat
(August 5, 2010 - 10:15 pm)

NO!!! WE'RE dying... dying... dying... dead. *SOB* No No, *sniffff* I'm fine. *Breaks into uncontrolable sobs, turns around, and runs away.*


Are MCB, Dawnpaw, or Znz here? If so, click below.


submitted by Kat
(August 12, 2010 - 8:21 pm)