Well. I thought

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Book fun-poking thread! (not for movies)
Well. I thought...

Well. I thought it was a long time since we had one of these, so...tada! anyhoo,

TWILIGHT! (yes I no I've never read it.)


Bella: OH Edward i love you! *kisskisskiss*

Edward: Ugh.

Bella: *kisskisskiss*

Edward: Ugh...

Bella: *kisskisskiss*

Edward: *pukes on Bella*

Bella: OH he loves me! *kisskisskiss*

Edward: No I don't!

Bella: *kisskisskiss*




Bella: *notices Edward* OH he loves me!

Edward: YIPES! No, I'm stalking you!

Bella: I don't care! *kisskisskiss*

Edwerd: Ugh.

Bella: *kisskisskiss*


Well, that's it, guys! :p




Vick says yoyx.



submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(April 23, 2010 - 2:56 pm)


Bella: Edward.

Edward: Bella.

Bella: Edward.

Edward: Bella.

*repeat ad nauseam*


Edward: I love you, so I'm leaving forever and never seeing you again!

Bella: NOOOOO!

Edward: Bye.

Bella: ...

Bella: ...

Jacob: Bella...? I love you...?

Bella: ...

Edward: Never mind, I'm back!

Bella: Edward!


Bella: Edward.

Edward: Bella.

Victoria: RAWR!

Edward: *beheads*

Victoria: *dies* 

Bella: Edward!


Bella: Edward!

Edward: Bella!

Bella: Oh, a baby. That's weird. Edward!

Edward: Nooo! Evil baby. Bella!

Nessie: I am creepy child. FEAR MEH!

Jacob: I love you, Nessie

Fans: Because that's not creepy at all.

Bella: Edward!


Pacifist Aliens: DIE, HUMAN SCUM.

"Wanda": Die, human scum.

Melanie: No.

"Wanda": What?

Melanie: No. Instead, let's run away and join La Resistance!

"Wanda": Nooooo! You must di- okay.

La Resistance: DIE, ALIEN SCUM!

Melanie: NOOOO I'm human!!!!

La Resistance: No, you've got mirrors in your eyes.



Smeyer: Oh noes! You have two separate individuals who love different people trapped inside one body! What an excellent springboard for angst!

La Resistance: What do we do?

"Wanda": Kill me!

Melanie: Nooo!

La Resistance: Wait! We'll pretend to kill you and then body snatch and find you a new host, as if that doesn't have creepy and disturbing implications!

Melanie: Yay! Now I have my body back!

"Wanda": Hooray! Now I can frolic and be happy!

La Resistance: Yay!

TNÖ: *mourns the future of science fiction*

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(April 24, 2010 - 11:39 am)

ZNZ: *LOL* For the record, I haven't read anything by smeyer and don't plan to -- ever.

submitted by ZNZ
(April 25, 2010 - 8:25 am)

Thx!!!!! I dont like Twilight AT ALL.

submitted by Mattie G., age 11, North Carolina
(September 8, 2010 - 8:25 pm)

"Because that's not creepy at all"... Reading that made up for the fact that my science fair project died today. :)

The first half of New Moon, as I did for my book club report:

Bella: But... I don't wanna turn eighteen! *is rude*

Bella: Presents? Party?! JASPER?! BLOOD!! Carlisle? Huh? Wait... what? Elizabeth...? Spanish influenza...? Huh...? ...I'm confused. *is confused* WAIT! HOLD THE PHONE! YOU'RE ALL BEING RIDICULOUS!!!

Edward: I love you, but that was a lie. I hate you. G'bye, then. *leaves*

Bella: EDDYKINS!!!! Wait... what?







Charlie: Bella!

Bella: *blinks*

Charlie: Bella!

Bella: Hello Jessica. Let’s go to a movie. It will be fun. GNO!

Jessica: Did you say something?

Bella: *goes to movie with Jessica* Hey, look! A gang.

Jessica: You freak.

Jacob: Hiya! *fawns*

Bella: *glances up* Oh hi... who are you?... fix these motorcycles.

Jacob: *fawns*

Bella: Just friends.

Jacob: *forlorn sigh*

Bella: Is something wrong??

Jacob: My bf joined a cult. :(

Bella: *hugs* Motorcycles. FIX THEM.

Jacob: *is doubtful* 'K then.

Jacob: Bella! Hey, Bella! Lookit what I did!

Bella: WHOOHOOO! Glad that money from my COLLEGE ACCOUNT was useful.


Bella: *IS CLUMSY*

Smeyer: *nods in satisfied way*

Jacob: Bella Bella! BELLA! BELLA ARE YOU OKAY?!?!

Bella: I heard Edward’s voice in my head.

Jacob: Bella! C'mon! Hospital!!!

Bella: Oh blah.

Mike: *shows up* Let's go on a date.

Bella: I don't date.

Mike: Who said anything about a date?

Bella: GROUP!!!!!


submitted by Mary W., age 12.28, NJ
(April 26, 2010 - 7:15 pm)

Does this just have to be Twilight? 

CAPTCHA: onro, on or off 

submitted by Sarah
(April 25, 2010 - 3:39 pm)

No, but whatever! Twilight is so fun to funpoke. anyway.


Eddie (Edward): OH y is my name like that? Ugh.

Bella: *kisskisskiss*

Eddie: >:( y iz ur name rite!?!?!?

Bella: *kisskisskiss*

Eddie: Ugh...

Have you noticed: smeyr spells EVERYTHING on the cover with NO capitals. Go figure.


Vick says outt. Out? huh. Out, T? Out, TWILIGHT?!?!?




P.S.I know I havn't been on here awhile-just on the 3 clans I'm in. :/

submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(April 26, 2010 - 3:58 pm)

OKAY this threads for movies too. hehehe... books you like are fun 2 funpoke...


Tigerstar: FEAR MEE!

Darkstripe: *pukes on Tigerstar*

Tigerstar: MOMMY! weaah! Dawkstwipes a meanie! :"(

Darkstripe: what a wimp.

Tigerstarmommyghost: I agree.

Darkstripe: x(

Tigerstarmommyghost: pff.

Tigerstar: FEAR MEE AGAIN!

Tigerstarmommyghost: *slaps*

Tigerstar: *cries* MOMMY A MEANIE!

Darkstripe&Tigerstarmommyghost: what a wimp.


Vick says zdcy. whatever...




submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(May 4, 2010 - 10:34 pm)

The HP series:

Book 1: Harry discovers powers.

Book 2: Harry uses powers to own giant snake.

Book 3: Harry uses powers to own Dementors, discovers godfather.

Book 4: Harry uses powers to win tournament, escapes arch nemesis.

Book 5: Harry uses powers to teach classmates, is riddled by hormones.

Book 6: Harry learns important stuff.

Book 7: Harry goes camping, kills evil wizard.

submitted by TNO, age 16, Local Brainwash
(May 5, 2010 - 10:51 am)

Why did I spend all that time reading all of them, then, if it's that simple? ;)

submitted by ZNZ
(May 6, 2010 - 4:30 pm)

Because JKR has good characters.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(May 7, 2010 - 8:26 am)

Yeah, you're right. Of course, she went and killed the best ones. [spoilers, although most of us have alread read all of them] Fred! Dumbledore! Mad-Eye! Lupin! Dobby! Sirius! TONKS! WAAAHHH! *sobs* [end spoilers]


I totally cried when Dobby died.  Nobody else throughout the whooooooole series.  Just the house-elf.   


submitted by ZNZ
(May 7, 2010 - 4:32 pm)

Bellatrix! Snape! Fred! Colin! Bellatrix!


Catcher in the Rye:

Holden: My life sucks. Everyone is stupid. I hate my life. Those guys are idiots. I like my sister, though. Kinda. Did I mention that the world is full of stupid, pitiful people and that my life stinks?


Worst book ever.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(May 7, 2010 - 4:49 pm)

Throw in "GD!!!11!!!1!" every five words and you hit the nail on the head.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.29, NJ
(May 8, 2010 - 7:50 pm)

I don't remember crying for anybody else, but I cried for Dumbledore. See, my mom read it first and she said something about something sad happening and something else about Dumbledore. I can put two and two together. So when I was getting to the end and I was pretty sure he was going to die and I didn't want him to, I didn't want it to be true, and so I was sobbing as I got closer and closer to it.

The very first time I cried for any book was when I was in kindergarten (?) and my parents were reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to me. And when Aslan ... you know ... and I was so sad that I didn't want to read it any more because I was sure it couldn't end happily after that. But my parents kept going. Those are some of my very favorite books now. I <3 C.S.Lewis. ... that was trolling. Sorry. *runs away*


Charlie Bone

Charlie is an orphan who lives with his cruel aunts! Charlie discovers he has a magical gift! Charlie goes to magical school! (Is this reminding us of anything?) People are mean to Charlie! Charlie & friends use special powers to save day, find Charlie's father! Yay!

submitted by ZNZ
(May 8, 2010 - 12:37 pm)

What exactly is a book fun poking? 

submitted by Sarah
(May 8, 2010 - 11:19 am)