Hi! I just
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Hi! I just...
Hi! I just watched the movie Eragon. My mom told me there was a book, and I want to know more about it. THE MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!! Anyone? Oh, and I'll say when I read the book. I'm requesting it from my library. :D :D :D
submitted by Olivia K., age UNKNOWN!!!, Somewhere in Mi
(March 28, 2010 - 5:50 pm)
(March 28, 2010 - 5:50 pm)
Well for me the movie was rather disappointing. But that is after reading the book. By itself i can see is as a good movie. But as a reader of Eragon, it was slightly...well you know how it can sometimes be with books and movies.
Don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed the movie. I've watched it more then once. I love the way they did Saphira, and they chose great actors for the parts. But after reading the book i had high expectations for the movie.
The book is great. There are 3 books out right now, i've read 2 1/2 of the books. I have to say i liked the first one the best. They aren't my favorite books, but they are well written. I hope you enjoy them!!! let us know how you think! :)
(March 29, 2010 - 2:19 am)
Okay! Thanks! The book is ready to pick up at my library and I'm going to go get it today maybe. Thanks again!
(March 29, 2010 - 5:28 pm)
Well, this book series has actually been the subject of some pretty heated debates in the past and is now on the List Of Thread Topics Tabooed Because Of Controversy, but maybe we can try to have a thread on it without arguing. As long as we focus on how much we liked (or disliked) it, instead of what or why, and we don't become offended just because someone disagrees with us (if that kind of thing offends you, steer clear of any Eragon threads), and don't use caps lock, anymore we should probably be fine.
I, personally, have never seen the movie, but I've read all 3 books and love them! They're on my list of favorite books, for sure. My brother used to love them, too, and then he went through a stage where he never read fantasy novels, and now he's starting to like them again. I don't know if he'll ever like this particular book again, though.
My dad read them, and he also loves the first 2 books, but hates the 3rd. I guess I can sort of understand that, although I won't say why.
(March 29, 2010 - 7:06 pm)
The first time I watched the movie I actually went "Hey! Is that Jeremy Irons? It is! OMG JEREMY IRONS SQUEE!!!" and missed pretty everything else. Because Jeremy Irons was by far the best part of that movie.
The second time I noticed that they left out a bunch of important characters/plot points and laughed at them because they can't make Eldest now because of it. Then I laughed at the fact that the only person who seemed to be taking it seriously was whoever played Eragon, and everyone else was just hamming it up like crazy.
As to the books, I like to poke fun at them. They are second probably only to Twilight in this regard. And I maintain that Galby is good if ineffectual, Eragon is a sociopath, and *cue Epileptic Trees* Elva or whatever Creepy Child's name is (I think it's Elva) is a criminal mastermind who uses Nasuanda as a puppet. Excuse me if I horribly mangled those last two names. I know what I mean.
(March 29, 2010 - 10:39 pm)
Ah, the LOTTTBOC. What else is on it? And I know why Eragon is. TNÖ commented on this thread, it says ... nine hours ago ... run away, Paolini fans, if you value your lives! TNÖ will rip your favorite author to shreds. *runs away* *comes back* *is mostly joking* *snort* I liked them a lot. I disagree, also, with the people who think it's copied from LotR. It's dragons. How are dragons like rings? Guy reads a lot of fantasy, you can tell that, but some of the things people say seem a bit extreme. Just because a particular author/series/book influenced his writing does not make him a plagarist. I do want to see the movie, but I've heard bad things.
(March 30, 2010 - 8:24 am)
And then, after I have ripped them to shreds, I will use small pieces of Smeyer and Paolini as confetti at your birthday party. *looms* FEAR MEH!!!!
Not really.
I don't like confetti.
(March 30, 2010 - 12:54 pm)
I agree.
(April 3, 2010 - 4:14 pm)
Yeah... for those of us who read the book before seeing the movie... I think I speak for the majority when I say it was pretty horrible. The only thing they got right (in my opinion now) was picking Rachel Weisz for the voice of Saphira. I detested the kid they picked for Eragon and as much as I adore Jeremy Irons.... Well. Suffice it to say the movie was a colossal disappointment. But then, so are the books. They're predictable... essentially a Star Wars-esque plot in a Lord of the Rings world.
(@ZNZ: I think what people are saying when they compare this series to LotR is that Paolini goes a bit overboard in developing the world. Invents a new language, an "elitist" and "sophisticated" culture of elves, and one evil ultimate bad guy who the reader pretty much NEVER sees. At least, that's why I compare it to LotR. And I don't think he's a plagiarist, just predictable and unoriginal in terms of plot structure and character formation. Good lord, I've put some thought into this, haven't I?)
(March 30, 2010 - 8:57 am)
I read the first 3 books (there are going to be 4 total, but only 3 are out yet), thought they were awesome, watched the movie, and thought it was pretty good but not brilliant.
A year later, I reread the books, realized that I had really only enjoyed reading Brisingr (the third one) and hadn't really liked the other two the second time through, watched the movie again, and decided it wasn't that great.
So I guess it's mostly a matter of opinion, and how many other good fantasy books you've read.
@TNÖ: Jeremy Irons? He was Scar in the Lion King! I had no idea he was in Eragon! *Googles* Oh...He was Brom! I like him too. *Is on a bit of a sugar high, which is rare* And yes, you mean Elva and Nasuada (no second "n").
(March 30, 2010 - 3:19 pm)
I really didn't like them... They were really draggy and too descriptive. Paolini thinks he's Tolkien and he's not. Also Eragon was a Stu, and Brom was annoying. Like... *thinks of comparison* all the other characters.
I might come back and elaborate (read: rant) later but right now you don't have my full attention. *apologizes* I'm multitasking, I'm on the phone. G'bye.
(March 30, 2010 - 3:47 pm)
The movie was a flop and the books were meh. I didn't like who they chose for Saphira's voice, but that might be because mom and I listened to the first and second one on cd when I stayed home from school one time for like, two weeks, and in the audio books Saphira has a really deep gravelly voice (Grrr.). The movie just seemed bad.
The books were a lot like LOTR, what with scrying (I think? It's when he talks to people using a pool of water?) and dark cloaked figures and such. Scrying was also in Narnia, too. But, most books today draw on LOTR, so... The characters were flat, and Eragon's infatuation with Arya (that's her name, right?) was highly predictable and pretty gross, and Arya herself is so annoying. I don't really have a favorite character, because they were all kind of... not good characters. I don't mind the description, though. But I hate how he makes the characters talk. So formal. No one talks like that, today, or in whatever unknown time period Eragon is supposed to take place. I like them more when I first read them, but, after evaluation, they are kind of ungood.
"Ungood." Not really a word, but I actually rather like it.
(March 30, 2010 - 4:41 pm)
Thank you all! I just got the book, so I'm going to read it and I'll tell you how I liked it! Thanks again! :D :D :D
(March 30, 2010 - 8:28 pm)
So how do you like it so far?
(April 1, 2010 - 8:01 pm)
Pretty good!
(April 7, 2010 - 8:07 pm)
Has anyone besides me noticed that the first book of the Inheritance series is practically IDENTICAL to episode 4 of Star Wars? I mean, besides the names, the whole plot is pretty much the same. For example:
1-Captured princess (Arya?/Leia) sends thing to old legend, accidentally sends it to poor farm boy (Eragon/Luke).
2-Boy meets up with legend, (Ben/Brom) trains with him.
3-Team meets up with mysterious stranger(s) (Murtagh/Hans Solo & Chewie), and rescues the princess.
4-Old legend dies, trio goes to rebel headquarters (Dantooine/the Varden).
5-Boy falls in love with princess and becomes friends with thing (Saphira/C3P0 & R2D2).
Weird, huh?
(April 9, 2010 - 6:13 pm)