OK, we all

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Classics-which ones have you read?
OK, we all...

OK, we all have to admit that while books like Harry Potter are awesome, fun, awesome, well-written, awesome (and did I mention awesome?), there are still the classics. And by them I mean the ones that have survived through the years with people still loving them. Here are the ones I have read and my opinions on them:

1. The Swiss Family Robinson-great book. True, sometimes the language was difficult to understand, but it was still a great plot. A family gets shipwrecked on an island and needs to learn to survive on it.

2. Heidi-LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! It was amazing and very easy to follow. A girl gets sent to live with her grandfather, a mountain hermit, and loves it. Only then her aunt comes back and sends her to be a companion to an invalid girl in the city.

3. Black Beauty-is-THE-greatest-horse-book-of-all-time. Seriously, though, it was elegant, easy to read, and told from the point of view of a horse, in a way that humans could understand it. READ IT! It's about a horse's life story, going from good owners to bad owners...amazing.

4. Little Women-Techinically, I have not read it all the way through, but I still like it. Four girls, living in the Civil War era, learning how to be good and kind. I like it, it teaches good morals.

5. The Secret Garden-oh my gosh. If you like books with mysteries, and haven't read this one yet, what are you waiting for? It is AMAZING. It's about a girl who finds, well, a secret garden. I must have read this about ten times, and I still love it.

6. Anne of Green Gables-lovely, well-written, and I could identify with Anne, seeing as she's so imaginative and loves being out in the wilderness, free to roam and allow her imagination to roam. If you haven't read it, you don't know what you're missing. She's an orphan, goes to live with a bachelor and his sister, and turns their world upside down (for the better).

7. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm-as with Little Women, I have not read all of it, but it's still a great book. It reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, in the sense that the main character is an imaginative girl who goes to live with two people who have a quiet existense. Only the two people are spinster sisters. Still good.

8. A Little Princess-oooohhh, such a good book! I'd like to get this main character, Sara, Anne, and Rebecca all together and see what they did with each other, but I can't. :( Anyhoo, A Little Princess is about a girl named Sara who goes to live in a boarding school, only to have her father die and be left penniless. The only reason she stays is to work as a servant girl. But she's still imaginative. And still a little princess.

So, which ones of these have you read? Did you like them? Do you have any other classics? Tell me!

Andy Percy (his middle name) _ says dmdt. Diminutive is the first thing I thought of. Are you feeling small, Andy?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 4, 2010 - 12:37 pm)

Have you read Charlotte's Web, Wolfgirl67? That's another good classic. I'm sure most people have read it, but if you haven't, it's about a pig named Wilbur who lives on a farm where he is going to be eaten for Christmas dinner. However, he meets a spider named Charlotte and the two begin an everlasting friendship, and she begins to write in her webs to deliver messages to the farmer and other people. I won't tell anyone about the book anymore, but it's a great book! Haven't read it in 3 years, but I still remember it in my head. Hm, I better go to the library to check out some other classics.

*begins to brainstorm*

And a question for the Admins, which classics have you read? Any recommendations for the rest of us, along with Wolfgirl67's books?

Anyway, toodles!


P.S. My birthday is in exactly one week from today. Don't forget; my birthday is on March 11!Cool Just had to let that out. . .


Over the years, I've read lots of classics. Many have been mentioned in other comments. Just off the top of my head, I'd say my favorites have been: Uncle Wiggley, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Mary Poppins, Babe, The Secret Garden, Heidi, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, The Mozart Season. More recently Harry Potter. I also remember some very old books that were my mother's when she was little: a series about a family called The Five Little Peppers and another series of books about twins from different countries by Lucy Fitch Perkins. I could go on and on, but there are other comments waiting to be posted. Thanks for asking!


submitted by Nicole P
(March 4, 2010 - 6:52 pm)

And since my lastest post has sent this to the back, TO THE TOP!

submitted by Nicole P
(March 4, 2010 - 6:53 pm)

I read Charlotte's Web! I loved it. Have you read Stuart Little? It's by E.B. White also. I love it. :)

Andy Percy says kxfy.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 5, 2010 - 3:39 pm)

From Wolfgirl67:  

1. Little Women -- one of my favorites.

2. A Little Princess -- liked that one, never got around to reading The Secret Garden.

3. Black Beauty

4. Anne of Green Gables


From Nicole:

5. Charlotte's Web -- of course! Also The Trumpet of the Swan and Stuart Little



6.  And, um, O, I know I'll think of more once I press submit. I guess -- does LotR count? That's definitely one. And The Hobbit. 

All I can thik of right now.  



submitted by ZNZ
(March 5, 2010 - 4:54 pm)

@ZNZ: Yes, LotR does count. That and the Hobbit. And someday HP will be a classic, I expect.

Andy Percy says egpx. Egg pics? Pictures of eggs?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 5, 2010 - 7:49 pm)

@Admin: Yeah, the Five Little Peppers! Those were dear to my heart. ;)

Also... Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, Fahrenheit 451, Edgar Allan Pie, Pride and Prejudice (currently reading it), Catcher in the Rye (frown!), The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Tom Sawyer.

As well as many of the "modern" classics already mentioned, such as Francis Hogson Burnet and E.B. White.


Oh, I'm so happy! I didn't know any young people today know The Five Little Peppers!


submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 5, 2010 - 8:11 pm)

I've read the frances Hodgson Burnett books, Little Women, the Anne of Green Gables series, Peter Pan, The Hobbit and the first two LotR books, and I began Jane Eyre but had to return it before I got very far. I've also read the E.B. White books, The Jungle Book (not for a long time though), and the Little House on the Prairie series.

submitted by Brynne
(March 6, 2010 - 11:51 am)

Edgar Allen Pie? Haha, Poe. ;) I recently read Pride and Prejudice. Admin- Mrs. Pigglewiggle = awesome. :)

submitted by Lovely Lunegood
(March 13, 2010 - 11:59 pm)

Ahhh.... I have read Tome Sawyer, Huck Finn, Most of Holmes, Charlotte's Web, The Trumpet of the Swan, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Little Women, all of the Anne books, the Misty books, The Treasure Seekers, The Enchanted Castle, A Christmas Story, all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and all those books by EdwardEager, such as the Time Garden. 

Boy, do I sound pretentious? :/ 

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(March 6, 2010 - 12:58 pm)

@ JFB: Nah, s'okay. :)

I also have read Holmes, how did I forget those. And Frankenstein, or some of it anyway.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.25, NJ
(March 7, 2010 - 1:41 pm)

Oh, yes, and a lot of books by E. Nesbit (such as The Enchanted Castle). I have read Swiss Family Robinson too, but I think it was abridged.


And the Wizard of Oz!

submitted by Brynne, age 14
(March 7, 2010 - 6:00 pm)

@Brynne: I HATE abridged versions of the classics! They're like, for five-year-olds or something! I got what I thought was Heidi one time, and it was abridged. *hangs head* And then there was White Fang the abridged version...*groans*

Andy P. says rypu. Raichu? Is that your favorite Pokemon, Andy?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 8, 2010 - 3:12 pm)

Abridged books = yuk, yuk, YUK! I don't read them, just as a matter of principle.

submitted by ZNZ
(March 9, 2010 - 7:35 am)

@ Brynne have you read the whole series of The Wizard of Oz??? I think there are like 13. i have read all the ones by L.F. Baum.... but others have written some as well.

OK, anyway here are the classics iIhave read (or the ones I can remember):

Charlotte's web

The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings


Pipi Longstocking

Dr. Doolittle (whole series)

Betsy-Tacy series (are these considerd classics?)

Alice in Wonderland

Through the Looking Glass

Little Women

The Secret garden

A Little Princess

Anne of Green Gables (whole series)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Mrs. Pigglewiggle

Mary Poppins

The Five Little Peppers ( and The Five Little Peppers All Grown Up)

Emma (well I started to read it......)

Pride and Prejudice( ditto)

Little House on the Prairie series

The Wizard of Oz series

Treasure Island

Tom Sawer and Huckleberry Finn ( my dad started to read it to me, but them we kinda just stopped......)

Jane Eyre (I started it ....)

A Christmas Carol (abridged)

David Copperfeild (well I started it.....)

Great Expectations (ditto)

The Chronicles of Narnia (is this a classic?) Yes!

The Young Wizard series ( ditto)

Hmmmmmmmmm I can't think of any more at the moment.....

OK, Question for all of you ( you too admins!): Do you think Harry Potter will be considerd a classic in 10-20 years from now???? And even if you think it will not, how will kids find out about it: do you think they would have to be someone who basicly reads everything  in the library, of would it get recommended by teachers, or do you think that Harry Potter will be banned from libraries???

I know that was totally off topic... but I have been dying to know.

Elizabeth ( or Lizard Breth, as Charlie has taken to call me of late) :)


Elizabeth, I think the Harry Potter books are classics already! I think they'll never go out of style, and kids will hear about them from their parents and teachers and cousins and older friends and librarians. Yeah, you'e another Chatterboxer who knows The Five Little Peppers!



submitted by Elizabeth H
(March 8, 2010 - 11:39 pm)

Yes! Narnia!

submitted by ZNZ
(March 10, 2010 - 5:07 pm)