Hello everybody!! This

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New Clan!!! Blueclan
Hello everybody!! This...

Hello everybody!! This is a new clan and we really need a leader, a deputy, warriors, elders, apprentices and queens!! I am only the medicine cat but I will need an apprentice because I am growing old and will hopefully join the elders soon. So... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the clan!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Rainmist
(February 27, 2010 - 11:45 am)

MY name is Yellowflame. I am a queen ready to have kits. My husband died in a battle. I am a yellow cat with white paws and the tip of my tail is white. After my kits grow I would like to restart my warrior responsiblities, or become the deputy.

submitted by Kelsey J., age 10, Albany New York
(April 2, 2010 - 4:39 pm)

Orangeflame: Even if Colorstar hasn't answered yet doesn't mean you can just sit around there like lazy badgers all day! Hawktalon, Nightflower, can all of you can go hunting with me? Sockkit, go and change Scarletpetal's bedding. Spiritflight can go with you to get some fresh moss. Sorry for acting like a deputy, it's that this Clan needs someone who can take charge. Our leader hasn't posted and our deputy hasn't posted since we let her join. And we don't even have a full medicine cat! Winterpaw said that she was going to the moonpool and hasn't come back! We need help!

Sockkit: Awww man! Oh well Come on Spiritflight! At least we get to see the new kits!! They're SO cute!!

CAPTCHA says hity. Maybe it wants to hit me. How rude!! 

submitted by Orangeflame,, Sockkit
(April 2, 2010 - 8:18 pm)

Greetings, Yellowflame! (haha my name is Orangeflame and your name is Yellowflame haha) Our leader hasn't been posting lately, but you can still stay here until it is approved.  We don't exactly have a medicine cat, either. But another cat is filling in until he is properly accepted. No one really posts except for me and my kit. You can stay in the nursery, though. One of our queens has just kitted, and my kit is old enough to be an apprentice, so she is staying there. I'm NOT the leader, though!! Or the deputy!! 

submitted by Orangeflame
(April 2, 2010 - 8:51 pm)

Sorry for not posting! If its ok, can I rename my cat Silkfeather?

"Colorstar, should I organize patrols for today?" she mewed.

submitted by Silkmoth
(April 3, 2010 - 12:42 am)

Yay, Silkfeather, You're back!! Everybody, you can all join! I'm so sorry for not posting at all!! *leaps onto high-tree* LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY, GATHER HERE FOR A CLAN MEETING!! Sockkit, come forward. From now until she earns her warriors name, you will be known as Sockpaw.  Greenflame, you are ready for an apprentice. Sockpaw will be your new apprentice.


submitted by Colorstar
(April 3, 2010 - 12:07 pm)

Spiritflight, I will give you until the 6th to talk to Nightflower. A medicine cat can no have a mate, but I will let you try and work it out. Until the 6th. Silkfeather, organize the patrols. We need fresh-kill badly. I'll go in a hunting patrol with you in fact. I just won't post it because I don't have the time. Scarletpetal, I see that you have kitted while I was gone. How old are they? The one thing we need badly right now is apprentices, and we will have plenty of them with you and Yellowflame's kits! BlueClan is becoming strong once again!! 

submitted by Colorstar
(April 3, 2010 - 12:13 pm)

When will sockkit be apprenticed, Orangeflame? 

submitted by Greenflame
(April 3, 2010 - 12:30 pm)

Silkfeather, organize the patrols. Everybody who has asked to join, your in. *leaps onto hightree* ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY GATHER HERE UNDER THE HIGH TREE TO HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO TELL YOU!! *cats gather* By naming apprentices we show that BlueClan will survive and remain strong. Sockkit, come forward. From this moment on, until she has earned her warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Sockpaw. Greenflame, you are now ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Sockpaw. Greenflame, you have shown yourself to be a warrior of honesty and bravery. I'm sure you will pass on all you know to this apprentice. Thank you!

Scarletpetal, how old are your kits? And Spiritflight, I would love it if you could be the medicine cat, but as Sockpaw bravely spoke out, you and Nightflower are mates. If you are medicine cat you can not have a mate. 

submitted by Colorstar
(April 3, 2010 - 8:32 pm)

Sockpaw: Greenflame, can we go hunting? Or explore the territory? Or do some battle training? PLEASE!

Orangeflame: Silkfeather, I'm going hunting should I bring some more warriors? 

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 4, 2010 - 9:20 am)

Spiritflight stepped towards Colorstar, his eyes flashing with anger but his voice cool and calm.

"Yes, not having mates is a part of the warrior code, but not too many RP's follow that rule. If you want to enforce that, Colorstar, my mate and I will leave. I won't desert my mate to serve your clan. When I realized that I wanted Nightflower to be my mate I was worried that, if we went to join a clan, we wouldn't be accepted because of this, but Starclan sent me a dream. It was completely dark except for a small beam of light shining on a flower. There was a wispy shape with wings twined around the flower. From that dream I could tell that we were meant to be mates. Having a mate would in no way impede my ability to serve this clan as I can't have kits, so I see no reason why you have to do this. If you do, I will leave-" Nightflower interrupted.

"Me too, of course."

"--and you know you need a medicine cat. It's your choice, Colorstar."

Hawkwing then stepped forward. "Scarletpetal and I both agree that we will leave, taking our precious kits with us, if you deny Spiritflight the position of medicine cat because of Nightflower."  


submitted by Spiritflight, Nightflower
(April 4, 2010 - 9:39 pm)

Sure Sockpaw i'll take you hunting, but then we need to do some training. I'll take you out now. Follow me. Now what do you smell?

submitted by Greenflame
(April 4, 2010 - 10:45 pm)

By the way, sorry I asked about Sockpaw after she was apprenticed. I posted the same day so it didn't show. Oops

submitted by Greenflame
(April 4, 2010 - 10:50 pm)

I am so sorry! I didn't realize this! Of course you may be medicine cat! And be mates! I just didn't realize it! *gives apologetic mice to each of them* All of you can stay, and play the roles that you wish! Sprirtflight, I will show you to your den. *leads toward den* If you need anything just call, alright.

submitted by Colorstar
(April 5, 2010 - 10:22 am)

Sockpaw smelled the air, and her ears instantly pricked up."I smell a mouse. It's over there! In that tangle of roots over here." She dropped into the hunting crouch, but when she was two tail-lengths away a bird called an alarm and the mouse ran away. "Mouse Dung!" She yowled. "Oh, I smell something else! A...a... BADGER!!!! By the smell of it, about 5! We have to get back to camp! We have to warn Colorstar! Let's go!!" She exclaimed. The raced back to camp and screamed, "Badgers!! Badgers by the Herb Clearing! Help!!"

submitted by Sockpaw
(April 5, 2010 - 1:52 pm)

Greenflame, Orangeflame, Sockpaw, Colorstar! Come on patrol with me, please. We'll go hunting.

*By the way, what happened to Rainmist? I thought he was our medicine cat! And could you please make the allegiances, Colorstar? I think it's ok if Spiritflight is our medicine cat because we trust him and I have faith in him. Besides, I think if the medicine cat is a girl it should'nt have a mate because it would be too busy with kits to care for the clan. But if a tom is a medicine cat, it wouldn't have kits to worry about if it had a mate. Just saying in Spiritflight's defense.*

submitted by Silkfeather
(April 5, 2010 - 7:12 pm)