Hey you people
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Hey you people that are proud to be people and do not wish to be a warrior cat. (no offense to those who do, just trying to be the new Ellen DeGeneres here)
Let's cut to the main cheese. There are too many Warriors threads. Am I right? But there are some people out there who don't want to join these RPs. Or become cats. So I will broach a new subject: Book threads
I know you can submit book reviews somewhere else, but it would be nice if there were some more book threads out there. I see some on the front page. But there are still, like what? Eighteen other Warriors threads out there? I don't feel like trolling on anybody but can we please cut down on the Warriors threads? That's all I'm asking. Nothing else. If you don't (or do) agree with me, speak up now or forever hold your peace. ;-)
So once more, can you guys cut down on the Warriors stuff? (by the way, I started a Warriors thread myself, but will close it down) Please?
(February 20, 2010 - 9:31 pm)
Hey! Unknown replied to this and now it says that no one replied to it! That's why this is at the back. Admin, can you resurface the comment or something? Please?
We don't know how, but I think when I post this comment it will move to the front again.
(February 21, 2010 - 7:07 pm)
Well, I'll repeat myself.
You do know, that by writing warriors and talking about how "BAD" warriors is, you are MAKING this a WARRIOR CAT thread.
(February 24, 2010 - 11:10 pm)
I agree! I am tired of getting on BaB and seeing nothing but Warriors RP's. It has been getting slightly better recently, but there are still too many. Right now there are 15 threads on the first page of BaB. Nine of those are Warriors. Wouldn't it be great if we could keep it down to five? Or even four? Please, if you want to Warriors RP, join an exsisting RP. I understand that you like the books, and want to talk about them with other people who like them, but please understand that not everybody likes them. Some people (like me) just aren't interested. We want to talk about other books. It's annoying to see only threads that we just ignore.
So, please, let's try to cut down on the RP's. It will make BaB more enjoyable for lots of people.
(February 25, 2010 - 7:59 am)
Oh no. It's worse than I thought.
I love the Warriors series, and I love the RPs, but I agree that there are too many threads, and I like discussing other books, too, but that's becoming rather difficult.
And now? You really do not want to know what happened.
Someone named 'Moonfur' has asked all warriors to keep trolling on non-warriors threads until you give up and stop making them! That's horrible!
None of you ever asked us to stop role-playing. So why on Earth shouldn't we be able to talk about other books?! I'm hoping that everyone will see sense, but I'm rather worried. There are a lot of warriors out there. I shudder to think of what they could accomplish if they banded together to stop us...
(February 28, 2010 - 2:02 pm)
Um, I think I regret making this. Unknown, thank you for talking some sense into me. And I read Moonfur's post and all the comments, and even though they (some anyway) want to troll on our threads, it's still wrong to troll on their threads. So, if I could, I would delete this thread. But I can't. (by the way, the Warriors thread I created is on the second page and none of the three? four? "members" are posting so no need to worry about that. I hope.) Oh yeah. This is an apology for those of you who don't notice my little embroidery. And to make this not Warriors, or not trolling on it. Or anything. Who saw the Olympic hockey game one the last day of the Olympics? If you did then...
GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!! GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!! GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell I'm a PROUD CANADIAN. And I know this website is also for Americans so,
Peace, love, glory to His name.
NOT REQUIRED (first time I've ever signed my name like that!)
This web site and the Chatterbox are for young people all over the world, especially those who love reading and writing and want to connect with other literature lovers, not just for Americans. We love hearing from readers in other countries about what their lives are like. Yes, I saw most of the hockey game. It was VERY exciting! Congratulations, Team Canada!
Old Cricket
(March 1, 2010 - 8:32 pm)
another canadian? really? are you a regular?
P.S. Team U.S.A. you have an AMAZING hockey team, just thought i'm let ya know. (the shot with 25 seconds left was really good!)
That shot was so exciting!! And so was Canada's winning shot!
(March 3, 2010 - 1:02 am)
Well, the Admins have, thankfully, put a ban on making new warriors threads, so it should get better. Oh, and about the hockey game, congrats, Canadians! I was watching it almost the whole time. It woulda been nice for the US to win, but Canada did do an awesome job!! Great job, guys! :)
(March 4, 2010 - 11:18 pm)
Thank You!!!!! Yes, peace love glory to His Name!!!!!
(September 24, 2010 - 3:14 pm)