So I have

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

50 books
So I have...

So I have challenged myself to read 50 books this year. It doesn't seem like much, but I have a really busy life (too busy :( )and not a lot of time to read. It's about a book a week, and so far it's going pretty well. It makes me read as much as I can. So I was wondering, what do you do when you find that you can't make time for reading? Do you have a book club? School? Do you just read in the car? What are your thoughts!.

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(February 19, 2010 - 7:55 pm)

I am a huge reader and even if you do have a busy life you still have school, right? I always have a book next to me and the second the teacher talks to a different kid or sits at his\her desk I count to 5 in my head, then read, read and most importantly READ!!!!

PS Just make sure the teacher doesn't see u cause if they see you at least 6 times, they take the book away, so basically read whenever you have time. Or you could tell your parents that your life is too busy.

submitted by Kk25, age 10, Fillmore, Calif
(February 20, 2010 - 9:19 pm)

Last year I read 2.5 books a month.


submitted by Hannah ☺☻, age 14, Georgia
(May 19, 2010 - 4:28 pm)