The Tortall series

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The Tortall series...

The Tortall series is actually 3 quartets and a book a it's sequel. Song of the Lioness is the first quartet, then The Immortals, Protector of the Small, and then Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen. Song of the Lioness is my favorite. I really like Alanna, and I love Faithful! He was a perfect addition to the story! What makes me mad however, is that Faithful just disappeared!! He isn't in The Immortals or Protector of the Small!!!!!! (hmph!) Anyway, really good series.  

submitted by MCB, age 11, Somewhere
(February 16, 2010 - 12:39 pm)

Ah...Tamora Pierce, right? I really ought to read those...

submitted by ZnZ
(February 16, 2010 - 8:18 pm)

I love these! They're awesome!

Sorry, but, well, Faithful probably would have died. Cats don't live that long, and Alanna grew up, but Tamora Pierce probably didn't menion the actual death so that readers wouldn't get too upset...

APC says emei! Like Evvumeimei! She's a character from the Circle books. They're by the same author, but they take place in a different world.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 17, 2010 - 7:35 pm)

SPOILER SONG OF THE LIONESS BOOK FOUR LIONESS RAMPANT SPOILER Didn't Faithful die in Lioness Rampant? Or have I misremembered?


I first read the Song Of th Lioness when I was about eight, so I recently reread it. I need to reread Protector Of the Small and the Immortals as soon as I finish Trickster's Choice.

submitted by Cara
(May 21, 2010 - 1:16 pm)