Ok. i was

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Ok. i was...

Ok. i was just thinking that on this thread we could list all the warrior cats we are and what twolegger plays them, just so we wouldn't get confused.  If you decided to do this, please tell your entire clan about it.  Example:

Name of cat: Moonshine

Clan: Caveclan

Twolegger: Thalia

Name of cat: Swiftstream

Clan: Lavaclan

Twolegger: Thalia 

submitted by Moonshine
(January 29, 2010 - 10:19 am)

What if you're in a Clan that no one posts on anymore, and you don't even know how to find it? Do you still have to tell your Clan?

submitted by Ima
(January 29, 2010 - 10:52 am)

Oh, and what about cats that are dead? If you still play them (in StarClan, or another afterlife), do you post them, too? And do you just say that they're from StarClan (or wherever their afterlife is), or post the Clan they lived in as well? Do you just tell the rest of StarClan (or wherever their spirit is) about it, or the Clan you lived in, too?

submitted by Ima
(January 29, 2010 - 10:59 am)

Yes to both of those questions, and if your clan is dead, you are welcome to come to Caveclan. We are in need of more cats.

submitted by Moonshine
(January 29, 2010 - 6:59 pm)

But... Well, let me rephrase one of my questions. I'm in a few Clans that technically still exist, but no one posts anymore, so they've  gone to pages where  no one looks, and I don't know how to find them. If I told them about it, they wouldn't notice. There's a lot of Clans like that. But everyonce in a while, someone will bring them to the front page again, so I don't think I'd technically call it dead enough to join a new Clan. What if someone brings it/them back? It hasn't happened before, but it could.

Anyway, I want to post the cats I play that are in some of those Clans, but I can't just spend 30 minutes looking for the threads to tell them when no one will see anyway. As long as I tell my whole Clans that people do post on, it should be fine, right? Please?

submitted by Ima
(January 30, 2010 - 1:28 pm)

Uhh, i didn't get half of what you just said, but sure! :) But Caveclan really needs more cats.  :) 

submitted by Moonshine
(January 30, 2010 - 9:40 pm)

Erm, sorry.

I mean... Well, you know how when you post on a thread, and it goes to the top of the front page, so that pushes others towards the back? And if no one posts on those threads, they sort of disappear? If you decided to look at every single thread in Blab About Books,  you find them, but it takes so long, no one really ever bothers. They're pretty much lost. People call them 'dead threads' even though the people on them are (usuallyWink) still alive. That happened to a lot of the Clans I'm in. But every once in a while, someone gets bored decides to go looking around through old threads, and they find them, and keep posting until someone notices.

However I don't have time to look through every thread in BAB until I find all the Clans I'm in, and you had said to tell your entire Clan about this thread. That's what I was asking. To not tell the Clans I can't find.

So I'll just tell the Clans I'm in that I can find! There are plenty!

Maybe I'll create a cat and have him join CaveClan!

submitted by Ima
(January 30, 2010 - 10:28 pm)

Oh, I understand now.  Thanks. 

submitted by Moonshine
(January 31, 2010 - 1:37 pm)

I play a lot of cats, mostly warriors and medicine cats!!!!

Name of cat: Ottersplash

Clan: LakeClan

Rank: warrior

Gender: tom


Name: Hollyblossom

Clan: LakeClan

Rank: queen/warrior

Gender: she-cat


Name: Robinwing

Clan: LakeClan

Rank: warrior

Gender: she-cat



Clan: LakeClan

Rank: apprentice

Gender: she-cat


Name: Lakepaw

Clan: LakeClan

Rank: apprentice

Gender: she-cat


Name: Blizzardpaw

Clan: LakeClan

Rank: medicine cat apprentice

Gender: tom


Name: Autumnstar

Clan: CrystalClan

Rank: leader

Gender: she-cat


Name: Flamestreak

Clan: CrystalClan

rank: warrior

Gender: tom


Name: Dapplefern

Clan: CrystalClan

Rank: warrior

Gender: she-cat


Name: Lionpaw

Clan: CrystalClan

Rank: apprentice

Gender: tom


Name: Frostpaw

Clan: CrystalClan

Rank: apprentice

Gender: she-cat


Name: Swanflight

Clan: LavaClan

Rank: medicine cat

Gender: she-cat


Name: Owlflight

Clan: CaveClan

Rank: medicine cat

Gender: tom


Name: Poppypaw

Clan: CaveClan

Rank: medicine cat apprentice

Gender: she-cat


Name: Hawktalon

Clan: SunClan/StarClan

Rank: was a warrior, now deceased

Gender: tom


submitted by Nicole P.
(January 29, 2010 - 6:34 pm)

How do you keep track of all of those cats?! So our clans (Caveclan) has the same person for both medicine cats? That's...odd.

submitted by Moonshine
(January 30, 2010 - 12:57 pm)

Name of cat: Leafpool

Clan: CrystalClan

Twolegger: Olivia K.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name of cat: Jadefire

Clan: LakeClan

Twolegger: Olivia K.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There they are!

submitted by Olivia K.
(January 30, 2010 - 7:19 pm)

Name of cat: Silverstar

Clan: Caveclan


Name of cat: Goldenpaw

Clan: LakeClan


submitted by Ann
(January 31, 2010 - 9:37 am)

All right; I have an idea. I'll go ahead and post the names of my cats. Then, I'll tell the Clans that I can find, until Moonshine's answer shows up.

Oh, and I have another question. What if you play a kit in the Kit Adoption Center that doesn't have a Clan yet? Do you tell the Kit Adoption Center about this thread? Well, I guess the answer is probably yes. Maybe I only asked that because I want people to notice the Kit Adoption Center and adopt Lilykit...

Anyway, here are my cats.

Cat: Nightstar

Clan: LakeClan

Gender: She-cat

Position: Leader

Twolegger: My real name is Katie, but I go by Ima on the Chatterbox. I don't know why...

Cat: Willowtail

Clan: Yet unnamed

Gender: She-cat

Position: Medicine cat

Cat: Speckledfur

Clan: WindClan

Gender: She-cat

Position: Medicine cat

Twolegger: Ima

Cat: Rowanheart

Clan: ApprenticeClan

Gender: Tom

Position: Warrior

Twolegger: Me

Cat: Mossfire

Clan: ApprenticeClan

Gender: She-cat

Cat: Stonegaze

Clan: ApprenticeClan

Gender: Tom

Position: Warrior

Twolegger: Who do you think?!

Cat: Starlight

Clan: SkyClan

Gender: She-cat

Position: Queen. She had kits, 2 she-cats and a tom, but I can't remember their names, except for a she-cat named Kapokkit, so I'm not posting them here. Sorry...

Cat: Lilystar, but not the one who created the StarClan thread, the one who just posted, because she was mentioned in the books, and I'd always wanted to play her, and the StarClan thread seemed like the perfect opportunity, but there was, unfortunately, already a StarClan cat named Lilystar...

Former Clan: ShadowClan

Current Afterlife: StarClan

Gender: She-cat

Former Position: Leader

Special Note: Was the cat who suggested that an addition should be made to the warrior code so that prey would be killed only to be eaten, and to thank StarClan for its life

Twolegger: Ima, and I'm sorry, but I'm just not writing that again for the rest of these, becauase it's kind of obvious who the Twolegger is.

Cat: Goldberry

Former Clan: BrookClan

Current Afterlife: StarClan

Gender: She-cat

Former Position: Was a medicine cat, then retired to become an elder

Cat: Waterpaw

Clan: RiverClan

Gender: She-cat

Position: Medicine cat's apprentice

Cat: Lilykit

Clan: None yet, but would really like one!

Temporary Home: Kit Adoption Center

Gender: She-cat

Position: Kit waiting to be adopted

Cat: Oak Where Birds Nest

Tribe: Sorry, but I can't remember the name. It was led by Treesayer...

Gender: She-cat

Position: Cave-guard

Cat: Moonwind

Clan: Sorry, I don't remember. It was led by Fernstar...

Gender: She-cat

Position: Medicine cat

Cat: Rainpaw

Clan: Um... I think it may have been called FlowerClan?

Gender: She-cat

Position: Medicine cat's apprentice. Okay, that settles it. Almostall of these cats are female medicine cats! I desperately need to make a tom warrior, and soon.

Cat: Moonpaw

Clan: Um... What was it called again? I'm pathetic, I know. I can't even remember what Clans my cats are from! But I'm so many, and most of them live in Clans where no one ever posts, so it's really easy to forget.

Gender: She-cat

Position: *cannot remember if she was apprenticed to a medicine cat or a warrior*

Cat: Earthspeaker

Tribe: She was in the Tribe Of Blossoming Flowers, but there were no prey-hunters, and it's literally been moons, so I think she may have already starved and joinedthe Tribe Of Endless Hunting.

Gender: She-cat

Position: Healer

I think that's all! (Finally)!

submitted by Ima
(January 30, 2010 - 10:14 pm)

Um, never mind about Lilykit. Moonspirit (the founder of the Kit Adoption Center) adopted all the remaining kits and we're going to move into a Clan, together.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(January 31, 2010 - 7:25 pm)