I am Silverheart,
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I am Silverheart,...
I am Silverheart, the previous leader of Emberclan. I have surrendered, but I will not live off the pity of other cats. I have founded a new clan, and it IS NOT EVIL. It is a refuge for cats who have lost everything, a place to go when you are injured or dying. The main den is dug out of a cave in a sandstone cliff, and there is a slope caused by an avalanch coming down from it. A small stream borders the slope, with stepping rocks in it. Then there are a few hollow trees to sleep in. I will do descriptions for my kit and I.
submitted by Silverheart, age Don't know, Caveclan
(January 23, 2010 - 8:41 am)
(January 23, 2010 - 8:41 am)
"So, I'm a medicine cat apprentice?" Spottedpaw asked Poppyflower. "Who will be our mentors?" asked Redpaw and Applepaw, "Since we're 'paws, do we sleep in the apprentices den or the nursery?"
(April 23, 2010 - 3:58 pm)
"OK, Spottedpaw, we should go to the moon-pool as soon as Sweetkit and Oatkit are apprentices. For now, we should go gather herbs," Mistyblossom mewed. "Of course!" Poppyflower meowed. "Let's go!"
(April 23, 2010 - 6:50 pm)
(Oops... sorry, Oatkit...)
(April 23, 2010 - 8:41 pm)
"YAY!!! Let's go now and get some herbs!! I smell yarrow, and catmint. Should we get the catmint, because it's almost leaf-bare, and there will be green-cough?"
(April 24, 2010 - 1:32 pm)
"Yes, we should get the catmint first, because the frost may kill it soon." Mistyblossom grabbed a mouthful and placed it under her chin. "That way we can carry more herbs," she explained. Poppyflower nodded and got some of the yarrow. "Spottedpaw, do you know what yarrow is used for? If you don't know, that's fine, but I want to know how much you know already."
(April 25, 2010 - 3:56 pm)
"Uhh, I think that it's used for," She thought about all the times she watched Poppyflower apply yarrow to cats, "It makes cats sick, so they throw up something bad that they ate." She looked hopefully at her mentors and waited for an answer.
CAPTCHA: tunz, I hope we can find tons of catmint
(April 25, 2010 - 9:01 pm)
(umm.... I wont be a appreintice for a LONG time unless we speed up my groth. ONE MOON. i came in as 'half-moon' and i just changed it from 'three-qaurter moon'. hmm. should we speed up my groth?)
(April 26, 2010 - 4:14 pm)
(I don't know. My other daughter, Sweetkit or Spiritkit or whatever it was hasn't had her apprentice ceremony yet.)
(April 26, 2010 - 7:48 pm)
(H'mm. I think it was Sweetkit. And X( I'm a boy. Ooh capcha sez xahr. :))
(April 28, 2010 - 8:39 pm)
Silverstar, where are you??
(April 28, 2010 - 9:26 pm)
yeah, where is Silverstar? (hey capcha sez zufn. unscrambe the letters and...funz! tunz funz!)
(April 30, 2010 - 5:37 pm)
(Yeah, Silverstar hasn't posted since April 22. It's March 1. I think that we should do something about the absence of our leader.)
(May 1, 2010 - 10:22 am)
I'm sorry! My controller was in a play.
(May 1, 2010 - 6:02 pm)
(I understand Silverstar, I have a play coming up too)
(May 1, 2010 - 10:21 pm)
Thanks for understanding! Do any of the new apprentices still need a mentor? I would be glad to mentor one of you. AND WHERE IS MOONSHINE?!?!?! IF YOU DO NOT POST, I WILL GET A NEW MATE!!!!
(May 2, 2010 - 2:54 pm)