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Love & Gelato
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Hi! I made this thread specifically for me and Amethyst to chat about Love and Gelato on, but if anyone else has read it and wants to talk about it, feel free to join in!

I think this book is so cool bc it has two romance stories, not just one: Lina's, and her mom's. The thing I love about romance novels is that they're kinda predictable, but in a good way. You kind of know what's going to happen and the way that the author leads you to the end is what makes it a good book. Pretty much from the start of the journal I had a feeling that X wasn't Howard.

Also, the characters!! They're just so well written, it feels like they're real people. There aren't any Mary Sue characters, but they're still lovable. (Well, except for Matteo, but I think that's on purpose XD) 

I was up so late last night finishing it, because once I get to the part in romance novels where everything kinda falls apart I literally can't bear it and have to get to the good part XD

Thanks for doing this! Bye!

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, She/Her
(June 12, 2024 - 9:54 am)

I return, to spill all my thoughts on Love & Gelato in general :)

I'm currently rereading it! It doesn't seem quite as good to me as it did the first time, probably because I already know what happens and so on, but the characters and settings still seem vivid. It seems to me like Jenna Evans Welch didn't quite manage to describe the characters perfectly, but she somehow manages to show you what she meant them to be like. I think Ren, Hadley, and Howard are my favorite characters (@Celine, I actually agree about Lina; she doesn't have much personality, on the one hand, and on the other hand she's sometimes kind of rude to Howard and Sonia, so...). Question: if you were making a movie of Love & Gelato, would you cast Sandra Bullock as Hadley??? I think she would be perfect for the role, except maybe she's a little too old by now? Ooh, or maybe Kristi Murdock?? She starred in A Furry Little Christmas, and she seems like kind of the right type...

Also the whole book is so idyllic (except for Lina having lost her mom, of course, that part is really sad) - I mean, eating gelato and driving around in Florence and going to parties and living in Italy... and this is just a small detail but Lina's bedroom is so beautiful! I love it when there are beautiful bedrooms in books :) (wooo that sentence came out really alliterative)

Another thing I like is that the story seems more original; a lot of romcoms are just the same old story (fake dating, enemies-to-lovers...) And I quite enjoy those now and again, but it's nice to have a more creative plot. Though actually, come to think of it, an enormous amount of books do seem to include something about discovering your parents' past, and it can be a little monotonous. It's a good technique, because it gets your readers' interest easily and all that, but it can be overused. Since Love & Gelato was one of the first YA romance novels I read, though, I didn't really notice it; it all felt very fresh and new. I like the glints of humor, too.

Oh, and I really like the title. And the cover :)

And gelato! Sorry for adding to your thorough and thoughtful review, Poinsettia, but I couldn't resist. I love Florence and the Italian countryside and gelato (and pasta), too.



submitted by Poinsettia
(July 6, 2024 - 1:10 pm)

YES GELATO!!! I've been really wanting to eat some ever since I read the book (maybe I partly didn't totally love it because I was reading it in the middle of the night and I was super hungry and all the food sounded SO GOOD XD) and a few days ago I FINALLY DID!!!!! It was soooo good... :DDD

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age :D, *happiness*
(July 6, 2024 - 3:13 pm)