Hi!!! I am

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Hi!!! I am...

Hi!!! I am Leafpool and my clan was dying so I made it over again here. I really need members that will post often so this one doesn`t die, too. I am the medicine cat of his clan and my former leader never posted, so I need a new leader. I have already asked someone, on my old dead, clan thread, so I need to see what she thinks about being leader. If she says no, I will chose another leader. Now for the tour of my clan!!! *Points tail at a small cave, with moss hanging down in front of it for the enterance* That is the the leaders den. The leader sleeps there and lives in it. *Smiles* It looks nice, doesn`t it? *Walks to a large bramble bush with an opening at the front* This is the queens den. She-cats with kits or expecting kits live there. *Flicks ears and points tail at another small cave with moss hanging over it for the eterance* That is the medicine cats den. The medicine cat stores herbs there and sleeps and lives there. the medicine cat apprentice sleeps there, too. Sick and badly hurt cats also sleep there. There is a small pool there for the medicine cat and his or her apprentice to drink out of and soak moss for the sick and hurt cats who are to weak to get their own. *Looks over at a den made of dirt* That is the apprentices den. It may not look strong, but it is very srong. The warriors-in-training sleep there. *Walks over to a large bramble den* This is the warriors den. The warriors and deputy sleep there. *Looks at another bramble den* That is the elders den. All the retired warriors and medicine cats sleep there. *Flicks tail toward a large pile of meat* That is the fresh-kill pile. All the food goes there. Looks appatizing, doesn`t it? You can have some after I show you the rest. *Walks over to a small, clear pond* This is were all the cats drink from. * Flicks ears and looks toward a huge, tall, rock* That is the Highrock. It is were we have all the clan meetings at. The leader stands on top of the rock and addresses to the whole clan. Like if a cat is having their warrior ceramony or somthing. Well, thats about everything. We need a leader, a deputy, warriors, apprentices, a medicine cat apprentice for me to train, queens, elders, and kits. Please join!!! Here is my description:

Name: Leafpool

Fur: Light brown tabby

Age: 14 moons

Gender: She-cat

Eyes: Light, sparkling green

Personality: Kind, friendly, caring, helpful, and brave

Place in clan: Medicine cat


Please join!!! Tell me what you want to be and your description, please. You look hungry. Why don`t you get some fresh kill now? Then I will show you to your den. May StarClan light your path and thank you very much!!!* Purrs*

submitted by Leafpool, age 14 moons, Crystalclan cam
(January 7, 2010 - 7:00 pm)

"Ugh, ah ahhhhh!!! It's here! The big one is here!" Out came a strong, tabby tom. "Wow, he's strong!" The kit swiped at the air, and kicked Stormberry as she nipped his sack. "There all so beautiful!" (Here are the descriptions)

Name: Tigerkit

Fur: Huge black and brown tabby

Age: 3 heartbeats

Gender: Tom

Eyes: Fierce amber

Personality: Strong, cranky, ambitious

Place in Clan: Kit


Name: Goldenkit

Fur: Golden

Gender: Tom

Eyes: Green

Personality: Sweet and caring, the one to go to if your having a problem

Place in Clan: Kit


Name: Wingkit

Fur: Yellow, looks like a yellow birds wing

Gender: She-cat

Eyes: Sky Blue

Personality: Wise, quite, shy

Place in Clan: Kit


(Are those names okay, Lionslash?) 

submitted by Hayfur
(May 20, 2010 - 9:49 pm)

B: Hey, Rufflepaw, the kitting's done-Hayfur's alright!

R: I knew they would! how about we go to the training hollow?

B: okay!

submitted by Brighttalon/Ruflepaw, age 19 moons, Camp
(May 21, 2010 - 4:24 pm)

You did great, Hayfur! Congratulations! *Purrs* The kits are beautiful!

submitted by Leafpool
(May 21, 2010 - 7:12 pm)

(Those names are fine with me. Could I perhaps be one of the kits? I don't care which one, but I prefer Goldenkit.)

submitted by Lionslash
(May 21, 2010 - 9:17 pm)

(Sure Lionslash, you can be Goldenkit!)

I breathed heavily as my new kits suckled at my stomach. "Welcome to CrystalClan, my kits. Your new home." Tigerkit nipped my stomach, and I yelped. "Mew." He said. I giggled and tucked him in closer to block him from the cold night air. Wingkit soon fell asleep, and Tigerkit followed. With Stormberry in the nursery, I dashed out and grabbed a vole from the fresh-kill pile. I returned a heartbeat later.

(Just so you know, Tigerkit is supposed to be evil, just like Tigerstar.) 

submitted by Hayfur, Wingkit, Tigerkit
(May 22, 2010 - 11:08 am)

(Tigerkit is going to be evil? Okay. It will be more exciting in this RP!) Leafpool turned to Orangeleaf. "Thank you so much for helping," she meowed. "You helped Hayfur the most. You deserve some fresh-kill. Go pick something out."

submitted by Leafpool
(May 22, 2010 - 3:22 pm)

(I had a funny feeling that he was supposed to be evil...;))


Stormberry breathed a sigh of relief. Hayfur and her kits were all okay. There was something about that Tigerkit that she didn't like, but she ignored it. It was probably just her.


Her three kits got up and tumbled around the nursery. She smiled. Thunderkit was far ahead of his littermates.


Again she thought about the flash of starlight in Thunderkit's eyes. She knew he would grow up to be special.


She gently rescued Wingkit from getting trampled by Stormkit and hustled her kit away.


(BTW, I was thinking that Thunderkit could grow up to be REALLY special, like Firestar, and maybe be like Tigerkit's worst enemy...if you want...)

submitted by Stormberry+kits, age 15 moons, The nursery
(May 22, 2010 - 3:52 pm)

Thank you Leafpool, but Rainsplash helped quite a bit too.  She should come with me.  *signals Rainsplash to come over here from across the clearing*  Come on Rainsplash, let's get some freshklll! ((about Tigerkit, when he is apprenticed Leafpool and I should get a prophecy when we visit the moonpool))  (Oh and Leafpool when is it going to be the half-moon again)

submitted by Orangeleaf
(May 23, 2010 - 7:19 am)

Rainsplash: *feels a kick in her stumach in the middle of the night* *wakes up Owlclaw who is sleeping next to her in the Warriors den*  It's time I join the nursery.

Owlclaw:  I knew it was about time. *licks Rainsplash's ear*  Don't worry, we'll soon have healthy kits!

Rainsplash: I know.  I'm going now, bye. *some of the senior warriors grumble as Rainsplash clumsily makes her way out*

*Rainsplash walks into the nursery with a troubled look on her face*

Stormberry: (sorry for playing you) What's wrong Rainsplash?  Are you going to join now?

Rainsplash:  Does it hurt when you have kits?

Stormberry: A little, but for what it's worth I'd do anything.  And it's not to bad if you have a good medicine cat like Orangeleaf.

*it was obvious that Rainsplash and Orangeleaf were friends although they had only recently met)

Rainsplash: Thanks. *smiles* *makes a warm be from moss and curls up to dream warmly of Owlclaw*

(Stormberry, I really hope you don't mind my playing you!)

submitted by Rainsplash+Owlclaw
(May 23, 2010 - 7:33 am)

(Yeah, that would be fun, Stormberry!)

Stormberry's kits jumped around in the nursery, and I gathered Wingkit and Tigerkit next to my stomach and backed them into the wall. In the time I was in the nursery, I realized that middle-aged kits can do a lot of damage. Their eyes were still closed, and I didn't want them to get hurt and not know what hurt them. I knew that Stormberry's kit wouldn't hurt any one on purpose, but you can never be too careful with day old kits. Then, all of a sudden, I saw a flash of blue across Wingkit's face. She had opened her eyes! "Mommy?" She whispered. "Yes, Wingkit. I am your mother." I told her. "Mommy! Oh, are you my mommy too?" She jumped up to Stormberry, and she laughed. "No, I'm not your mother. I am Stormberry, another queen in the nursery." "Ohh, Stormberry." She said the name in astonishment, and then raced out of the nursery at amazing speed. "Wingkit, no!" I raced after her, and then came back in to ask Stormberry to watch Tigerkit. She agreed and I raced back out.

Seeing the world for the first time was the most amazing thing in the world. I scented everything, but I never saw. Mother said that my small and skinny body was yellow, like hers. Tigerkit's was a dark tabby, and Goldenkit's was golden, like my father's, Lionslash. He visited the nursery from time to time, so I knew his scent. I followed it, and ran into a big den, with nest every where. Lots of older cats were sleeping in it, including Lionslash. I raced up to him and said hi. "Hi Lionslash! I'm Wingkit, well of course you probably already know that, 'cause I'm your kit and all." Then my mom came in, and she told me to leave the warriors alone. I followed her back out, and then Tigerkit pounced on me telling me to tell everything that I did.

submitted by Hayfur, Wingkit, Tigerkit
(May 23, 2010 - 11:04 am)

@Rainsplash: It's all right.

@Hayfur: Oh goodie...:)


Stormberry sent her kits outside to play, keeping an eye on them from the door of the nursery. "Go see if you can find Brighttalon," she told them. "He's your father."


"What does he look like?" asked Stormkit.

"Just like Brightkit, only bigger," answered Stormberry. "Go look for him."

Off they went to find their father.


(Brighttalon, do you want to play Brightkit? After all, he is the most like you...)


Andy P. C. says boct.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off. 

submitted by Stormberry, age 16 moons, The nursery
(May 23, 2010 - 3:30 pm)

Lionslash purred and nuzzled his kits gingerly. "Well, hello, there," he mewed. Goldenkit stared up at her father with huge blue eyes, with a slight flash of golden. It was obvious that her eye color would be the same as her father's. "Hi," she squeaked shyly before bounding after her mother. She turned around to gaze at Thunderkit, and almost winced at the power in his gaze. She felt some power in her, too, as she gazed at her golden tabby pelt and licked her shoulder, which had a marking shaped like a star. . .

submitted by Lionslash,Goldenkit
(May 24, 2010 - 6:04 pm)

(Okay, Orangeleaf. IDK when the next half-moon is.)

submitted by Leafpool
(May 23, 2010 - 7:06 pm)

(neither do I so we should have some system telling us when it is.  Maybe it should be the first of each month)

*Out of curiosity checks the herb supply*  Umm Leafpool we are low on borage, and Rainsplash might have her kits soon.  DO you want me to go gather some? *worries for her friend* 

submitted by Orangeleaf
(May 24, 2010 - 6:54 am)

(K ill be Brightkit)

Brightkit (Bk): Daa? whe daa?

B: Here I am.

Bk: daa. *snuggle*

R: Is that ur son?

B: yes.

Bk: oo. hoo tis?

B: this is my aprientice, Rufflepaw.

Bk: ap-rin-tis Fuflpaw.

B: *smiles at R*

R: *smiles back*

submitted by B+R+Bk, age 19 moons, Camp
(May 24, 2010 - 3:37 pm)