Greetings. I am
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Greetings. I am Goldberry, and I was once a BrookClan cat. I have noticed that the Clans have no way to gather in peace at full moon as they used to, in the way it was declared by StarClan many moons ago, when the age of warrior Clans first begun (for further details, read Secrets Of The Clans).
This is not the will of your ancestors.
From this day onward, this thread shall be used for Gatherings. You shall meet every full moon here, but as no comment appears the moment it is posted, and many cats are far too busy to come often enough to see and reply to every post they wish within a single day or night, the day before full moon and the day after it may also be used to gather peacefully. However, just as it is not permitted to fight when the full moon is in the sky, the truce must be followed throughout all 3 days. Even in sunhigh, when there is no moon for clouds to cover, I can guarantee that if a battle breaks out during the appointed days of Gathering, StarClan shall show their disapproval.
Many cats don't know when full moon occurs. Do not worry. I do. During each Gathering, I shall send a cat to tell you the date of the next 1. The next full moon is on the 30th day of this month. By the time anyone sees this, it shall already be the 30th. The Gathering, therefore, is but 2 days long.
By the way, there's something important I have to tell you about that particular day. It is what is called a blue moon. It is the 2nd full moon in the Twoleg month. It is also a sacred night to StarClan, and fitting for the first Gathering in such a very long time. You shall receive visions and prophecies of the future, if you are willing to come to the Moonpool and listen and watch, even if you are not a medicine cat.
And also: I am aware that some news is much too urgent to wait until a Gathering. In those cases, post on this thread regardless of the day. Bring it to the top if it's not already there. I guarantee someone shall notice. And in case they don't, I am asking everyone to try to make sure that they check this thread regularly. Comment whenever you like, and you can even extend a Gathering if you need to.
If you have a question for someone in another Clan, you can ask it here. That way, they'll be likely to see it, but you won't have to trespass on their territory.
I have nothing left to say. Goodbye.
(December 29, 2009 - 11:44 pm)
Cats of the clan posted as Moonclan, if you are out there, you must go back. Your leader is waiting for you. I know you are kind cats, especially your medicine cat. Go back!
(January 5, 2010 - 8:47 am)
She stepped forward. "I have recieved my nine lives and I am the leader of CrystalClan, with Leafpool as my medicine cat," she mewed. "Also, LionClan is attacking EmberClan and if you wish to help LionClan, go over to the thread that "Weakheart" (Silverheart) is leader of. CrystalClan is strong and that is all that I have to report."
(January 15, 2010 - 7:49 pm)
I am sorry. I told you that I would post the dates of the full moons so that you could Gather at the right time. However, I had forgotten.
I suggest that you meet one the 1st, & 2nd, and last day of each Twoleg month. This way, we meet as often as we would if we met at the true full moon (and the day before it, and the day after it, for time), but no one has to remember to tell the others when to meet.
(February 6, 2010 - 10:17 pm)
"Sorry for posting late, but CrystalClan has 4 new warriors: Lionslash, Frostcloud, Silk____, and Soot___. The last two haven't chosen their names yet, so that's why there is a blank space. Dapplefern has just adopted one of our orphaned kits, Haykit, and a few kits are ready to become apprentices as soon as they post."
(March 4, 2010 - 6:22 pm)