*purrs* Hello, I

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

*purrs* Hello, I...

*purrs* Hello, I am Breezeleaf.  I am looking for a leader, Queens, elders, kits, apprentices, a deputy, and warriors.  I would be honored if you would join.  Here is my description.


Age: young

Gender: female

Pelt: Misty blue with greenish leaf patterns

Eyes: a piercing green

Position: medicine cat


Again, I would be honored for you to join.  We will be a peaceful clan in the vast forest.  That is all. 

submitted by Breezeleaf
(December 14, 2009 - 7:45 pm)

(Sorry, but I want my name to be Poppypaw, and I am a golden tabby she-cat with green eyes. I am not Blizzardpaw anymore.)

"Ok, I think I can remember those herbs. And what do we use Catmint for?" Poppypaw asked.

submitted by Poppypaw
(January 9, 2010 - 3:22 pm)

Catmint is for greencough.

submitted by Breezeleaf
(January 13, 2010 - 6:56 pm)

"Ok, Catmint for greencough, and is juniper good for belly ache, right?" Poppypaw meowed. "And we should warn Redstar about Silverheart and his evil Clan."

submitted by Poppypaw
(January 13, 2010 - 10:23 pm)

Yes, we should warn him.

submitted by Breezeleaf
(January 14, 2010 - 10:17 pm)

*A beautiful she-cat with glimmering fur and sparkling, mysterious eyes walks into camp. Sevaral cats turn to gaze at the beautiful she-cat.* Greetings, cats of Leafclan. I have come to join this clan. My name is Mistspirit. Here is my description:

Name: Mistspirit

Gender: She-cat

Age: 20 Moons

Pelt colour: A beautiful misty white. Her fur always sparkles as if she was a StarClan cat.

Eye colour: A beautiful misty-silvery colour. Her eyes sparkle with mystey.

Personality: Helpful, gentle, kind, joyful, great leadership skills, good at jumping and climbing, quiet, good listener, beautiful, and always seems mysterious. Every tom loves her and wants her to be their mate.

Special skills: Can float and fly but has never done this in front of anybody or has never told anyone. When she is doing it, it looks like she is walking on stars. She keeps this a secret to everybody.

History: Unknown to everybody but her. She will never to tell anyone about her history.


I would be happy to be a warrior in your clan. You don't have to let me join; its your choice. May StarClan light your path.

submitted by Mistspirit, age 20 Moons, LeafClan camp
(January 14, 2010 - 7:32 pm)


submitted by Breezeleaf
(February 6, 2010 - 2:25 pm)